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ize a connection between the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad and the Petersburg Railroad in Petersburg." Considerable discussion took place respecting the provisions of the said bill, chiefly between Messrs. Collier of Petersburg, and Robertson of Richmond. The bill was informally laid over. Resolutions adopted. Mr. Douglas offered a resolution that the Committee on Roads and Internal Navigation be instructed to inquire into the expediency of authorizing the Covington and Ohio Railroad Company to exchange the bonds of this Commonwealth for Confederate States bonds, for the purpose of carrying on the construction of said road. By Mr. Finney: To instruct the Committee on Finance and Claims to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill ordering a reissuing of coupon bonds in favor of Dr. Peter F. Brown, of Accomac, which bonds were taken by, and are now in possession of, the enemy. On motion of Mr. Christian, of Augusta, at three o'clock the Senate adjourned.
mittee on General Laws, reported a bill to amend section 2d of chapter 175 of the Code, so as to provide for the temporary appointment of Commissioners in Chancery; also a bill amending section 9 of chapter 212 of the Code; and a bill to repeal sections 23 and 24 of chapter 108 of the Code of 1860, and to amend and re-enact section 26 of the same chapter. Mr. Brannon, from the Committee on Finance, reported a bill to authorize the issue of registered certificates of State stock to Dr. Peter F. Brown, in lieu of two lost bonds; also, a bill compensating Joseph J. White for the responsibility of registering, clipping and disbursing Treasury notes; and a bill to refund to Mrs. Cora Anderson the amount paid into the Treasury on a forfeited recognizance by her as administratrix of her husband, Frederick Anderson. Mr. Carson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported House bill to amend and re-enact an ordinance to provide for the enrollment and employment of free negroes in
Senate. Mr. Haynes, of Tenn, moved to amend the bill by striking out, in the 4th and 5th lines, the words "with the privilege of discussing any measures appertaining to his department. " The amendment was agreed to as follows: Yeas--Messrs Brown, Caperton, Clark, Davis, Dortch, Haynes, Henry, Johnston of Ark, Mitchell, Oldnam, Peyton, Simms, Sparrow, and Yancey--14. Nays--Messrs. Barnwell, Burnett, Clay, Hill, Hunter, Maxwell, Orr, Phelan, Semmes, and Wigfad--10. On motion o any and all such reporters or papers, as in his judgment the public interest, or the peace and dignity of the Senate may require; and for such withdrawal he shall not be required to assign reasons. Pending the consideration of a motion by Mr. Brown, of Miss., to lay the resolutions on the table, the Senate went into secret session. House of Representatives--The House met at 12 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Jeter. The Chair laid before the House a communication
Extensive fire --Great Destruction of Government and State Property.--About half past 12 o'clock on Tuesday night that part of the Public Warehouse known at Brown's Addition, fronting 20 feet on Canal street, opposite the packet landing, and 130 feet on 8th street, was discovered to us on fire in the upper stories, occupied for past for storage purposes by the Confederate Government. Owing to the combustible nature of the contents of the upper story the flames soon enveloped the whole bons of the Fire Brigade, with the steam engine and other help, which was vigorously applied on the occasion, preventing the spread of the fire to the other property adjoining and on the opposite side of the street. By the failing of the wells of Brown's addition to the Public Warehouses, some of the sheds under which tobacco was stored in hog heads several tiers deep, they were set on fire, but luckily at this point a surplus of water prevented the damage that seemed likely to ensue. A number
Alderman's Hustings Court,Wednesday, March 11th. --Present, James K. Caskie, Recorder; R. D. Sanxay, Senator Alderman; James Bray. M. C. Lipscomb, Wm. W.Timberlake, John F. Regnault and John W. Beveridge, Aldermen. Twenty six jurymen were ordered to be summoned to appear to-morrow for the trial of the misdemeanor cases on the docet of this Court. Rules were awarded against Peter F. Brown and John Knox, Commonwealth's witnesses, for falling to attend against Martha, a slave, charged with felony A colle prosequi was entered in the case of Thos. D. Budgins charged with grand larceny. Charles E Kent was fined ten dollars and costs for permitting his slave, Mary Ann, to go at large and hire herself out contrary to law. David Preston and Philip W. Reynolds were examined for effecting on the 19th of February a burglarious einto the storehouse of David Epstin and Harris Brill, corner of Main street and Locust alley, and stealing several pairs of shoes, sundry re
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1863., [Electronic resource], Acts passed by the Virginia Legislature. (search)
nment, passed March 28th, 1863. An act to amend and re-enact the 3d section of an act to incorporate the James River Canal Packet Company, passed March 16th, 1860. An act to authorize the Governor to call out forces for the public defence. An act amending and re-enacting section 8, chapter 160, of the Code of Virginia, edition of 1860. An act to repeal the act passed March 5th, 1862, entitled an act to authorize the issue of registered certificates of State stock to Dr. Peter F. Brown, in lien of two lost bonds. An act to supply deficiencies in the appropriation for the support of the Central Lunatic Asylum. An act to amend and re-enact section 4 of an act entitled an act to provide for trial of persons charged with offences committed in counties in the possession of the enemy, or threatened with immediate invasion, passed March 27, 1862. An act to amend and re-enact the 4th, 5th and 56th sections of the 87th chapter of the Code of Virginia. An a