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Latest from the North. Norfolk, April 4th. --Northern dates is Tuesday last have been received here. The Herald says that a dispatch to the Navy Department, from Commander Dupont, reports that Lieuts. Budd and Mather, and six seamen were killed in an expediton to Mesquite Inlet, Florida. The captured steamer Magnolia arrived a New Fork on Monday, with 1,050 bales cotton. It is reported from Nashville that there will be concentrated in Tennessee a rebel force of 200,000, and that the impending battle will be the most important one of the war. The Herald says that Virginia will be conquered without much bloodshed. The New York stocks are languishing.--Cotton has slightly declined, sales at 28 cents. Gen. Curtis, in Arkansas, has issued a special order emancipating three slaves, on account of their being employed in the rebel service. The Baltimore American of Wednesday says that next month will end the active fighting. Afterwards there will be n