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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
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rth, with four hundred and fifty prisoners, among them the renegade, Hankins, and most of his regiment; about two hundred horses, and five hundred small-arms. I also took possession of Hickman, the enemy having passed it. I moved north with Buford's division, marching direct fiom Jackson to Paducah in fifty hours; attacked it on the evening of the twenty-sixth, drove the enemy to their gunboats and forts, held the town for ten hours, and could have held it longer, but found the small-pox renty-seven killed, and from seventy to eighty wounded, besides capturing. sixty-four prisoners; your own loss being ten killed and forty wounded. The General Commanding feels proud of the division, and relies upon your courage, your fortitude, and your discipline, to hold this portion of the State of Kentucky, aided as you will be by your friends now flocking to your ranks. C. A. Buford, Brigadier-General, P. A., C. S. Official: Thomas M. Crowder, Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General.