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James D. Porter, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, Tennessee (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 8 2 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 1 1 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Perryville, Ky., October 8th, 1862. (search)
s: k, 68; w, 272; m, 7 = 347. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. A. P. Stewart: 4th Tenn., Col. O. F. Strahl; 5th Tenn., Col. C. D. Venable; 24th Tenn., Lieut.-Col. H. L. W. Bratton; 31st Tenn., Col. E. E. Tansil; 33d Tenn., Col. W. P. Jones; Miss. Battery, Capt. T. J. Stanford. Brigade loss: k, 62; w, 340; m, 26 = 428. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. George Maney: 41st Ga., Col. Charles A. McDaniel (w), Maj. John Knight; 1st Tenn., Col. H. R. Field; 6th Tenn., Col. George C. Porter; 9th Tenn., Lieut.-Col. John W. Buford (w), Major George W. Kelsoe; 27th Tenn., Lieut.-Col. W. Frierson (w), Major A. C. Allen; Miss. Battery, Lieut. William B. Turner. Brigade loss: k, 136; w, 517; m, 34 = 687. cavalry Brigade, Col. John A. Wharton: 1st Ky. (3 co's),----; The dash indicates that the name of the commanding officer has not been found in the Official Records.--editors. 4th Tenn.,----; 8th Tex.,----. Brigade loss (not separately reported). left wing, Maj.-Gen. William J. Hardee. Second division,
Jones. The Third brigade, Maney's, had one Georgia regiment in addition to the First Tennessee, Col. H. R. Feild; Sixth, Col. George C. Porter; Ninth, Lieut.-Col. John W. Buford; Twenty-seventh, Lieut.-Col. W. Frierson. The Fourth brigade, Gen. Preston Smith, was detached, but the Thirteenth Tennessee, Colonel Vaughan, appears hem in advance of the regiment across the field, where he too was killed. The Ninth Tennessee suffered a loss of 154. Among the wounded were the gallant Col. John W. Buford, Capts. J. W. Hubbard, C. B. Simonton, H. C. Irby, J. L. Hall and H. A. Rogers; and among the dead were Capt. J. M. McDonald, Lieuts. P. J. Fitzpatrick, W. T. Sanler, James I. Hall, J. M. Mathews and D. M. Bell. After the fall of Colonel Buford the command of the regiment devolved on Maj. George W. Kelsoe, who led it skillfully and courageously. The Twenty-seventh was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Frierson until disabled, when he was succeeded by Maj. A. C. Allen. The story of
of Lee's army, abandoned his position on the Rappahannock. As late as the 17th of June he telegraphed the generalin-chief at Washington: In your opinion is there any foundation for the report that the Confederates are at Chambersburg, Pa.? On the 27th he was relieved and Maj.-Gen. George C. Meade was assigned to the command of the army of the Potomac. The army was already in motion. When General Hill advanced on Gettysburg on the morning of the 1st of July, he found it in possession of Buford's Federal cavalry and the First, Third and Eleventh army corps under Major-General Reynolds. Major-General Heth, in advance, stated that his division was disposed as follows: Archer's Tennessee brigade on the right, with Davis' brigade on the left, both in line of battle, Pettigrew's and Brockenbrough's in reserve. On the right of the turnpike Archer encountered heavy masses in his front, and his gallant little brigade, after being almost surrounded by superior forces in front and on both f
r, Newsom, Barteau and Wilson. General Forrest in his account of the battle of Fort Pillow says: I cannot compliment too highly the conduct of Colonels Bell and McCulloch and the officers and men of their brigades which composed the forces of Brigadier-General Chalmers. They fought with courage and intrepidity, and without bayonets assaulted and carried one of the strongest fortifications in the country. In his report of the brilliant victory at Tishomingo creek, Forrest declares that General Buford had abundant reason to be proud of his brigade commanders, Colonels Lyon and Bell, who displayed great gallantry during the day. Forrest again speaks in a complimentary manner of Bell at the battle of Harrisburg, in the Tupelo campaign, a battle in which, though repulsed, Forrest gained the substantial fruits of victory by breaking up the strongest of all the Federal expeditions into north Mississippi during 1864. Still later, Forrest made an expedition along the Tennessee river in Oct