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The Daily Dispatch: October 30, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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sits your camp under the protection of a white flag. You will please receive him in the special character with which he is clothed, and after the completion or his mission give him safe conduct from your camp. I have the honor to be yours, &c., John A. McClernand, Brig-Gen. Commanding. Headq'rs 1st division Western Dep't. Columbus, Ky., Oct., 24, 1861. Brigadier-General John A. McClernand, Commanding. Cairo, Ill. Sir: I have received your note of this date, horne by Col. N. H. Buford, of the 27th Illinois regiment, responding to the overture made by me to General Grant, some days since, on the subject of an exchange of prisoners, and although your mode of accomplishing it waives the recognition of our claim as belligerents, I am not disposed to insist upon unimportant technicalities. The interests of humanity are at stake. I accept the release of the three prisoners you have tendered me; being, as your notes implies, all of the Confederate army in your posses