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The Daily Dispatch: December 25, 1865., [Electronic resource] 26 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
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of the ridge, except their rifle-pits at the foot; and thirty thousand men of the Union army were in line of battle, a full mile in advance of the outposts which at noon that day were occupied by the enemy. A grand artillery duel, in which Fort Wood vied with the rebel cannon upon Missionary Ridge, continued until nightfall, when all the tumult ceased, and we had time to count our losses and gains. One hundred men of the Union army had been killed and wounded. Among the former was Major Wm. Burch, of the Ninety-third Ohio, who is spoken of by those who knew him best as an efficient officer and gallant gentleman. Captain W. W. Munn, of the Forty-first Ohio, was also numbered amongst our dead. These two regiments, with the Fifth Kentucky, whose colonel was slightly wounded, suffered more than any others. The rebels had, perhaps, lost as many as we in killed and wounded, and, besides these, a hundred and fifty prisoners, among whom eight commissioned officers were left in our
The Daily Dispatch: December 25, 1865., [Electronic resource], Charge of felony — a man resisting arrest — he is shot by the police. (search)
llars by an Irishman, who gave his name as William Burch. A policeman was at once sent to arrest him, and on reaching the door of the house, saw Burch, and told him he must go along. To this BurchBurch consented; but on getting outside of the door knocked the policeman against a lamp-post, and turniusetts regiment, also gave him a severe blow. Burch then went into the house and closed the door. dy. Clarke himself going with them. They saw Burch, and when the policeman presented the warrant, power to arrest a man who was so ferocious as Burch. Captain Betts then sent a very resolute polirned. Harper went and searched the house, but Burch could not be found. Harper returned to the sthus reinforced, they made a demonstration upon Burch, who left the bridge and got into a boat. Ser and a struggle ensued, in the course of which Burch attacked the officer with the butt of the gun y in the flesh, and not considered dangerous. Burch was subsequently taken to the city jail, where[2 more...]
ison, a negro; for stealing shoes from Wise & Harrison. At the upper station-house the following arrests were recorded: William Green, a negro, for stealing shoes from Morris & Green; E. S. Wooldridge, for stealing a horse from B. A. Cocke. [In this case the accused was admitted to bail by Justice Binford. He alleges that he can prove he bought the horse, and was not within twenty miles of Richmond on the day the robbery is charged to have been committed.] William Lightfoot, alias William Burch, charged with felony and resisting and attempting to kill an officer in the discharge of his duty; Samuel Pleasants, a negro, for stealing a lot of groceries from Marshall F. Burton; Isaiah White, a negro, for fighting in the house of Mary Brown and cutting about him with a knife; and George N. Brown for fighting in the same place; Robert Randolph, a negro, for having been drunk and disorderly and resisting a policeman; and John Wyley, a Washington City negro, for stealing six chairs, va