Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. You can also browse the collection for Anthony Burns or search for Anthony Burns in all documents.

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i. The era of Slave-hunting. Fugitive Slave law John Van Buren Judge Grier R. R. Sloane Margaret Garner Anthony Burns--the flaunting lie National party Platforms of 1852 Gen. Scott election of Pierce and King. but, whatever theo, was rescued and escaped. In other cases, however, and conspicuously in those of Thomas Sims April 12, 1851. and Anthony Burns, May 27, 1854. the State and City authorities, the Judiciary, the Military, the merchants, and probably a decided eof at least $20,000 was shamefully squandered or embezzled, as $2,000 would have amply sufficed. The surrender of Anthony Burns probably excited more feeling than that of any other alleged fugitive, in that it attained unusual publicity, and toosouri compact having recently been consummated in the passage and Presidential approval of the Kansas-Nebraska bill — Anthony Burns having been adjudged a fugitive at Boston, President Pierce ordered the U. S. cutter Morris to take him from that cit
52-3; 618. Burnett, Henry C., of Ky., 304; 496; 555; becomes a member of the Rebel Congress and a Senator on the same day, 617. Burnett, L. W., of N. J., letter from Gov. Price to, 439. Burnett, Thos. L., of Ky., Rebel Congress, 617. Burns, Anthony, the case of, 215; 220. Burns, Wm., makes a speech at Baltimore, 462. Burnside, Col., at Bull Run, 541. burrow, B., of Ark., in Dem. Convention, 315. Burt, Col., (Rebel,) killed at Ball's Bluff, 624. Burt, Gen. Armistead, Burns, Wm., makes a speech at Baltimore, 462. Burnside, Col., at Bull Run, 541. burrow, B., of Ark., in Dem. Convention, 315. Burt, Col., (Rebel,) killed at Ball's Bluff, 624. Burt, Gen. Armistead, Of S. C., 196; 378. Burton, Gov. Wm., of Del., Message, 350; 460-61. Butler, Andrew P., of S. C., denounces Clay's Compromise measures, 205; 299. Butler, Pierce, of S. C., remarks on the adoption of the Constitution, 45, 47. Butler, Gen. Benjamin F., in the Charleston Convention, 311; 318; arrives in Maryland with the 8th Mass., 468; at Annapolis, 469-70: takes possession of Baltimore, 471; born in Liberia, 508; 528; seizes Geo. P. Kane, 529; commands the Hatteras expedition, 599; 6