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Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 18: the turning of a long lane. (search)
gorously in Boston under the direction of the Vigilance Committee. The Crafts escaped the clutches of the slave-hunters, so did Shadrach escape them, but Sims and Burns fell into them and were returned to bondage. From this time on Wendell Phillips became in Boston and in the North more distinctly the leader of the Abolition setution of the United States. Before doing so however, he consigned to the flames a copy of the Fugitive-Slave Law, next the decision of Judge Loring remanding Anthony Burns to slavery, also the charge of Judge Benjamin R. Curtis to the Grand Jury touching the assault upon the court-house for the rescue of Burns. Then holding up tBurns. Then holding up the United States Constitution, he branded it as the source and parent of all the other atrocities — a covenant with death and an agreement with hell-and consumed it to ashes on the spot, exclaiming, So perish all compromises with tyranny! And let all the people say, Amen! This dramatic act and the tremendous shout which went up t
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 19: face to face. (search)
ital and supreme to the two enemies. Back of the Southern demand for More slave soil stood a solid South, back of the Northern position, No more slave soil was rallying a fast uniting North. The political revolution, produced by the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, advanced apace through the free States from Maine to Michigan. A flood-tide of Northern resistance had suddenly risen against the slave-power. Higher than anywhere else rose this flood-tide in Massachusetts. The judge who remanded Anthony Burns to slavery was removed from office, and a Personal Liberty Law, with provisions as bold as they were thorough, enacted for the protection of fugitive slaves. Mr. Garrison sat beside the President of the State Senate when that body voted to remove Judge Loring from his office. Such was Massachusetts's answer to the abrogation of the Missouri Compromise, and a triumphant slave-power. Its instant effect was to accelerate in the South the action of the disunion working forces there, to h
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Index. (search)
ck, 300, 344. Dred Scott Case, 364. Duncan, Rev. James, 008-109. Emancipator, The, 283, 285, 286, 328. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 281. Evening Post, New York, 208. Everett, Edward, 30, 31, 243, 244. Farnham, Martha, 16. Fessenden, Samuel, 141, 148. Follen, Prof. Charles, 201, 203, 247. Forten, James, 144. Foster, Stephen S., 310, 375. Foster, William E., 390. Fremont, John C., 361. Free Press, 27, 34. Fugitive Slave Law, effect of, 345-347. Fugitive Slaves, The Crafts, Shadrach, Sims, Burns, 349. Fuller, John E., 219. Furness, Rev. W. H., 344. Garrison, Abijah, 12-15, 18. Garrison, Charles Follen, 331-332. Garrison, Francis Jackson, 330. Garrison, George Thompson, 381. Garrison, Helen Eliza, 194-196, 219, 297, 331, 385-386. Garrison, James, 19, 20, 302-303. Garrison, Joseph, II, 12. Garrison, Wendell Phillips, 297. Garrison, William Lloyd, Early years, 11-26; Publishes Free Press, 27-34; seeks work in Boston, 35; nominates Harrison Gray Otis for Congress, 35-36;