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The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 28 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier 24 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature 18 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 15 3 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 12 2 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 10 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 6 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 6 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 6 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 4 0 Browse Search
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to transmit the order in proper time. April, 29 Our large tents have been taken away, and shelter tents substituted. This evening, when the boys crawled into the latter, they gave utterance, good-humoredly, to every variety of howl, bark, snap, whine, and growl of which the dog is supposed to be capable. Colonel George Humphreys, Eighty-eighth Indiana, whom I supposed to be a full-blooded Hoosier, tells me he is a Scotchman, and was born in Ayrshire, in the same house in which Robert Burns had birth. His grandfather, James Humphreys, was the neighbor and companion of the poet. It was of him he wrote this epitaph, at an ale-house, in the way of pleasantry: Below these stanes lie Jamie's banes. O! Death, in my opinion, You ne'er took sic a blither'n bitch Into thy dark dominion. April, 30 This afternoon called on General Thomas; met General R. S. Granger; paid my respects to General Negley, and stopped for a moment at General Rousseau's. The latter was about to
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Union men of Maryland. (search)
s made that Maryland must go with Virginia, the Union men found it most difficult to answer in the negative with satisfaction to the people; in truth, while Virginia seemed to hesitate, Governor Hicks deemed it prudent to assent to the proposition, feeling hopeful that the Mother of States would preserve her allegiance. The complications in which our people were involved may be imagined; and a full appreciation of them would bring a favorable judgment both to the State and its Governor. Robert Burns aptly says: What's done we partly may compute, But know not what's resisted. Governor Hicks received a communication from prominent citizens, shortly after the election, in 1860, requesting him to call an extra session of the Legislature, in order to consider the condition of the country, and to determine what course Maryland should take. The members of the Legislature had been elected in the fall of 1859, mainly on State issues, and were not authorized to represent the people on
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), How Jefferson Davis was overtaken. (search)
rsonal knowledge of them. The first report of the capture was made to Major Robert Burns, Assistant Adjutant General of General R. H. G. Minty's staff. I drew thinson, Late Adjutant Fourth Michigan Cavalry. Through the kindness of Major Robert Burns, of Kalamazoo, Michigan, I am enabled also to quote the statements of Pris T. Hudson, all of the Fourth Michigan Cavalry, together with a letter from Major Burns himself, commenting upon these documents. It will be seen that there is a cen sufficiently humiliated. The letter of Corporal Munger, directed to Colonel Burns, is as follows: Schoolcraft, Michigan, October 29th, 1877. Dear Sir :--I could see it at the time. George Munger. The following letter from Colonel Burns explains itself: Kalamazoo, October 21st, 1877. My Dear General:--Incloimes of our great ride. It is very interesting. Yours, very truly, Robert Burns. Major General J. H. Wilson, St. Louis. After quoting the foregoing doc
en shillings (old tenor) for each offence. 1749.--Some idea of travelling expenses may be obtained from the acts of the town relative to their farm on the Piscataqua River. They wished to sell the farm for two thousand pounds (old tenor); and therefore chose Lieutenant Stephen Hall, jun., and Captain Samuel Brooks, to go to Portsmouth, N. H., and settle some claims pertaining to the land; and they voted forty pounds (old tenor) to be given them, to bear the expenses of the journey. Robert Burns is a name that frequently occurs in the Medford records about the middle of the eighteenth century. 1750.--The various spelling of proper names by the different town-clerks of Medford sometimes makes it difficult to determine how families spelled their own names. 1750.--A gallows and a whipping-post stood near Porter's tavern, in Cambridge; and this gave rise to the schoolboy strophe:--Cambridge is a famous town, Both for wit and knowledge: Some they whip, and some they hang, And so
tain of Engineers, E. H. Sage; Chaplain, W. H. Reynolds; Acting Chaplain, Alfred Stevens. The Company officers are:-- Company A--Captain Graham; 1st Lieut., Henry A. Maxwell; 2d Lieut., Julius Hart. Company B--Captain Reed; 1st Lieut., Thomas W. Baird; 2d Lieut., Richard Campbell. Company C--Captain Sted; 1st Lieut., John Bookhout; 2d Lieut.,------Robinson. Company D--Captain Kennedy; 1st Lieut., John Vaughan; 2d Lieut., not appointed. Company E--Captain Houston; 1st Lieut., Robert Burns; 2d Lieut., John Murray. Company F--Captain Brady; 1st Lieut., J. Hughes; 2d Lieut., Jas. Mullvehill. Company G--Captain Dowling; 1st Lieut., S. Meinbeir; 2d Lieut., Oscar Hoefar. Company H--Captain De Courcey; 1st Lieut., J. W. Dempsey; 2d Lieut., not appointed. Company I--Captain Delany; 1st Lieut., Thomas W. Davis; 2d Lieut., Frank Mott, (son of Dr. Mott of this city.) Company K--Captain Darrow; 1st Lieut., M. Vaughan; 2d Lieut., Wm. Demock. Howitzer corps--Capt. Thaddeus M
te for rare and curious books and autographs; and, in exhibiting his literary treasures to his friends, he would point with great delight to the Bible which John Bunyan had in Bedford Jail while writing his immortal Pilgrim's progress; to a copy of Pindar, once the property of John Milton; to one of Horace which Philip Melancthon used; to a Testament of the dramatic poet Jean Racine; to some corrected proof-sheets of Pope's famous Essay on man; and especially to the original manuscript of Robert Burns's celebrated battle-song, Scots wha hae wi‘ Wallace bled! On the opening of Congress in December, Mr. Sumner was in his seat, and again ready for action as a faithful friend and guardian of the colored race. By the Act of Emancipation, and the successive victories of the Union arms, the chains of servitude were gradually breaking; and the freedmen, until now denominated contrabands, were in need of personal protection, and the acknowledgment of political rights. First and foremost in
now under the command of General Franklin consisted of about sixty thousand men, as shown by the morning reports, and was composed as follows: Sixth corps24,000 men. First corps18,500 men. Third corps--two divisions10,000 men. Ninth corps--Burns' division4,000 men. Bayard's cavalry3,500 men. General Sumner had about twenty-seven thou sand men, comprising his own grand division except Burns' division of the Ninth corps. General Hooker's command was about twenty six thousand stronBurns' division of the Ninth corps. General Hooker's command was about twenty six thousand strong, two of General Stoneman's divisions having reported to General Franklin. Positive information had reached me that the enemy had built a new road in rear of the bridge or crest from near Hamilton's to the telegraph road, along which road they communicated from one part of their line to another. I decided, if possible, to seize a point on this road near Hamilton's which would not only divide the enemy's forces by breaking their line, but would place our forces in position to enable us to m
al. headquarters Fourth Michigan cavalry, Selma, Alabama, April 5, 1865. Major Robert Burns, A. A. A. G. Second Brigade, Second Division Cavalry Corps, M. D. M. slry. headquarters Fourth Michigan cavalry, near Macon, Ga., April 29, 1865. Major Burns, A. A. A. G. Second Brigade, Second Division, Cavalry Corps, M. D. M. sirirst to enter the works, and acted throughout with conspicuous gallantry. Major Burns, Fourth Michigan Cavalry, my A. A. A. G., and Major Greeno, Seventh Pennsylvservant, D. E. Livermore, Major Commanding Third Volunteer Ohio Cavalry. Major Robert Burns, A. A. A. G., Second Brigade, Second Division C. E., M. D. M. headquarteervant, W. W. Shoemaker, Captain Commanding Fourth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Major R. Burns, A. A. A. G., Second Brigade. headquarters Chicago board of Trade battery,on Captain 4th Ohio V. C. Earnestly recommended by Colonel Minty for Brevet.   Burns Major 4th Michigan Earnestly recommended by Colonel Minty for Brevet. A. A. A.
McCormick. commanding Seventh Pennsylvania, was severely wounded. Each officer and soldier performed his duty well and nobly, it is therefore difficult for me to make special mention of any. The gallant Corporal Booth, of the Fourth Ohio, was the first man in the enemy's works, but he fell in the moment of victory, shot through the head. Captains Moore and Richardson, of the Fourth Ohio, were amongst the first to enter the works, and acted throughout with conspicuous gallantry. Major Burns, Fourth Michigan Cavalry, my A. A. A. G., and Major Greeno, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, my A. A. I. G., were also amongst the first to enter the works, and acted in the most gallant manner throughout the entire action. I strongly and earnestly recommend the four above-mentioned officers for brevet. Enclosed herewith I hand you sub-reports of regimental commanders, together with report of casualties. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, Robert H. G. Minty, Colonel Fou
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 14: European travel. (1846-1847.) (search)
t it has to do anything with these matters, but because I happen to think of it here, that the tune of Scots wha hae is, according to tradition, the original one of Hey tutti Taiti, to which the Scots did actually march to the field of Bannockburn. Shoemaker amazed at the N. Y. [New York] shoes. Evening at Mrs. Crowe's. S. B. [Samuel Brown.] D. S. [David Scott.] Mr. De Quincey. Pleasant flow of talk, but the Opium Eater did not get into his gorgeous style. Good story told by S. B. about Burns. Write it out for Tribune and quote the pertinent verse. This story may be found in Memoirs, II. 177; and the Tribune letter in At Home and Abroad, p. 139. I was very sorry to leave Edina now; might have had such good times with the two friends. Her view of Mary Queen of Scots is put in too striking a manner to be omitted-- [September, 1846.] Holyrood. Prince Labanoff The world would not suffer that poor beautiful girl to have the least good time, and now cannot rest for champ
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