Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 30, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Burnside or search for Burnside in all documents.

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is fight. The same train brought 22 Yankee prisoners, who were captured near Hanover Junction. They represent that they were on picket at the time; were left in that exposed situation by their comrades when Grant's army recrossed the North Anna, and soon found themselves surrounded by "rebels. " The larger portion of the Yankee army is this side of the Pamunkey, the main force apparently making for the Peninsula, by way of Potatotamoy creek. Of this, however, there is no certainly. Burnside's corps is reported to be within three or four miles of Hanover Court House — between that place and the Pamunkey. About 11 o'clock on Saturday morning one regiment of Lomax's cavalry brigade had a skirmish with the enemy's cavalry near Hanover C. H., with no important result. It is supposed that this force of the enemy was sent out to cover some movement in their rear. The Yankees are plundering the inhabitants on the line of their route, taking negroes, horses, and articles of
re charged by every corps in Grant's army. He holds the entrenchments that were captured and afterwards abandoned by Hancock, and also the positions attacked by Burnside, Wright, and Warren Positions of his whole line were in our possession at one time, but we could not hold them. His present position is evidently one of his str charge on these positions often being exposed to a destructive enfilading fire of grapeshot and cannister. In this way they were mowed down by thousands. When Burnside attempted to carry the enemy's works on Thursday, his men were exposed to this most destructive of all fires, until they rested, staggered, and fell in heaps. Tonable man could have ever looked forward to anything like a rout of Gen Lee's army any more than to that of our own. When such veteran corps as Longstreet's and Burnside's meet, as they have done on many a bloody field, there is no thought on either side of a rout or a fight as a thing which could possibly happen. It is so with