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Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe 126 0 Browse Search
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e away. To-day I am going with Lord Shaftesbury to St. Paul's to see the charity children, after which lunch with Dean Milman. May 31. We went to lunch with Miss R. at Oxford Terrace, where, among a number of distinguished guests, was Lady Byron, with whom I had a few moments of deeply interesting conversation. No engravings that ever have been circulated in America do any justice to her appearance. She is of slight figure, formed with exceeding delicacy, and her whole form, face, d Upon their return to Geneva they visited the Castle of Chillon, of which, in describing the dungeons, Mrs. Stowe writes:-- One of the pillars in this vault is covered with names. I think it is Bonnevard's Pillar. There are the names of Byron, Hunt, Schiller, and ever so many more celebrities. As we were going from the cell our conductress seemed to have a sudden light upon her mind. She asked a question or two of some of our party, and fell upon me vehemently to put my name also t
se at the queen. the Duke of Argyll and inverary. early correspondence with Lady Byron. Dunrobin Castle and its inmates. a visit to Stoke Park. Lord Dufferin. CAt Dunrobin Mrs. Stowe found awaiting her the following note from her friend, Lady Byron:-- London, September 10, 1856. Your book, dear Mrs. Stowe, is of the littnion with you. With kind regards to your family, Yours affectionately, A. T. Noel Byron. From this pleasant abiding-place Mrs. Stowe writes to her husband:--red Dreds. Upon reaching London Mrs. Stowe found the following note from Lady Byron awaiting her:-- Oxford House, October 15, 1856. Dear Mrs. Stowe,--The newe, with kind regards to your daughters, Your faithful and affectionate A. T. Noel Byron. To this note the following answer was promptly returned:-- Grove Terrace, Kentish Town, October 16, 1856. Dear Lady Byron,--How glad I was to see your handwriting once more! how more than glad I should be to see you! I do long to
aples and Vesuvius. Venice. Holy week in Rome. return to England. letter from Harriet Martineau on Dred. a word from Mr. Prescott on Dred. farewell to Lady Byron. After leaving Paris Mrs. Stowe and her sister, Mrs. Perkins, traveled leisurely through the South of France toward Italy, stopping at Amiens, Lyons, and Marescott. From Liverpool, on the eve of her departure for America, Mrs. Stowe wrote to her daughters in Paris:-- I spent the day before leaving London with Lady Byron. She is lovelier than ever, and inquired kindly about you both. I left London to go to Manchester, and reaching there found the Rev. Mr. Gaskell waiting to west be aboard the ship tomorrow at eight o'clock. So good-by, my dear girls, from your ever affectionate mother. Her last letter written before sailing was to Lady Byron, and serves to show how warm an intimacy had sprung up between them. It was as follows:-- June 5, 1857. Dear friend,--I left you with a strange sort of yea
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 14: the minister's wooing, 1857-1859. (search)
and. writes the minister's Wooing and the Pearl of Orr's Island. Mr. Whittier's comments. Mr. Lowell on the minister's Wooing. letter to Mrs. Stowe from Mr. Lowell. John Ruskin on the minister's Wooing. a year of sadness. letter to Lady Byron. letter to her daughter. departure for europe. Immediately after Mrs. Stowe's return from England in June, 1857, a crushing sorrow came upon her in the death of her oldest son, Henry Ellis, who was drowned while bathing in the Connecticut of sorrowful spirit, who, weary of life, would have been glad to lie down with her arms round the wayside cross, and sleep away into a brighter scene. Just before beginning the writing of The minister's Wooing she sent the following letter to Lady Byron:-- Andover, June 30, 1858. My Dear Friend,--I did long to hear from you at a time when few knew how to speak, because I knew that you did know everything that sorrow can teach, --you whose whole life has been a crucifixion, a long ordeal.
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 15: the third trip to Europe, 1859. (search)
Chapter 15: the third trip to Europe, 1859. Third visit to Europe. Lady Byron on the minister's Wooing. some foreign people and things as they appeared to Professor Stowe. a winter in Irs. Stowe's third and last trip to Europe was undertaken in the summer of 1859. In writing to Lady Byron in May of that year, she says: I am at present writing something that interests me greatnd to visit England this summer. The story thus referred to was The minister's Wooing, and Lady Byron's answer to the above, which is appended, leaves no room for doubt as to her appreciation of i, as it were, to the remembrance of you, though not to pass away like them. Ever yours, A. T. Noel Byron. The entire family, with the exception of the youngest son, was abroad at this time. sort of handling, which is worse for us women, who must never answer, and once when I wrote to Lady Byron, feeling just as you do about some very stupid and unkind things that had invaded my personali
r, of whom I think so often as one of God's noblest creatures, and one whom it comforts me to think is still in our world. So many, good and noble, have passed away whose friendship was such a pride, such a comfort to me! Your noble father, Lady Byron, Mrs. Browning,their spirits are as perfect as ever passed to the world of light. I grieve about your dear mother's eyes. I have thought about you all, many a sad, long, quiet hour, as I have lain on my bed and looked at the pictures on my wapress alone, and they whose cheap rhetoric has been for years pushing us into it now desert en masse. I thank my God I always loved and trusted most those who now do stand true,--your family, your duke, yourself, your noble mother. I have lost Lady Byron. Her great heart, her eloquent letters, would have been such a joy to me! And Mrs. Browning, oh such a heroic woman! None of her poems can express what she was,--so grand, so comprehending, so strong, with such inspired insight! She stood b
om I knew as a young man in society in Cincinnati, has gone, and Stanton has gone, and Seward has gone, and yet how lively the world races on! A few air-bubbles of praise or lamentation, and away sails the great ship of life, no matter over whose grave! Well, one cannot but feel it! To me, also, a whole generation of friends has gone from the other side of the water since I was there and broke kindly bread with them. The Duchess of Sutherland, the good old duke, Lansdowne, Ellesmere, Lady Byron, Lord and Lady Amberly, Charles Kingsley, the good Quaker, Joseph Sturge, all are with the shadowy train that has moved on. Among them were as dear and true friends as I ever had, and as pure and noble specimens of human beings as God ever made. They are living somewhere in intense vitality, I must believe, and you, dear doctor, must not doubt. I think about your writings a great deal, and one element in them always attracts me. It is their pitiful and sympathetic vein, the pity for p
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 19: the Byron controversy, 1869-1870. (search)
at Ham Common, near Richmond. At that time Lady Byron informed Mrs. Stowe that it was her earnest gland, a lady who for many years had enjoyed Lady Byron's friendship and confidence had, with her cond documents in proof of her story. Knowing Lady Byron's strength of mind, her clear-headedness, hetion, which she did. On giving me the paper, Lady Byron requested me to return it to her when it hadp in the final details of a charity in which Lady Byron had been engaged with me in assisting an unfn, to the boundaries of this mortal life. Lady Byron, as you must perceive, has all her life live. At that time there was a cheap edition of Byron's works in contemplation, meant to bring themrrency. Under these circumstances some of Lady Byron's friends had proposed the question to her wis from first to last an unsparing attack on Lady Byron's memory by Lord Byron's mistress. When y there are some anomalies hard to explain in Lady Byron's conduct. Could a young and guileless woma[21 more...]
women of England, 375; The true story of Lady Byron's life, 447, 453. B. Bailey, Gamaliel,Mifflin & Co., 500. Blackwood's attack on Lady Byron, 448. Blantyre, Lord, 230. Bogue, David,eorge Eliot on, 458; Dr. Holmes on, 455. Byron, Lady, 239; letters from, 274, 281; makes donatioces, 440; Mrs. Stowe's counsels to, 451. Byron, Lord, Mrs. Stowe on, 339; she suspects his insan Brothers reprint Guiccioli's Recollections of Byron, 446. Hartford, H. B. S. goes to school at,yron Controversy, 445; her love and faith in Lady Byron, 449; reads Byron letters, 450; counsels silByron letters, 450; counsels silence and patience to Lady Byron, 451; writes True story of Lady Byron's life, 447, 453; publishes LLady Byron, 451; writes True story of Lady Byron's life, 447, 453; publishes Lady Byron Vindicated, 454; History of the Byron Controversy, 455; her purity of motive in this painfLady Byron's life, 447, 453; publishes Lady Byron Vindicated, 454; History of the Byron Controversy, 455; her purity of motive in this painful matter, 455; George Eliot's sympathy with her in Byron matter, 458; her friendship, with George En seventieth birthday, 505. True story of Lady Byron's life, the, in Atlantic monthly, 447. Tu[1 more...]