Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Cadwallader or search for Cadwallader in all documents.

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irteenth and Locust streets, was mobbed and threatened with destruction. A servant answered their call, and unfortunately slammed the door in their faces. The crowd became uproarious and violent, and made an attempt to force open the door. General Patterson finally appeared at the window, bearing the colors of the regiment. The crowd then moved away. It is understood that General Patterson, who is charged with secessionism, intends throwing up his commission. They then visited General Cadwallader, who made a Union speech and threw out a flag. Several prominent Southerners, with secession proclivities, including Robert Tyler, have received warnings from a so-called Vigilance Committee. The following is the speech that was made by Mayor Henry to the excited mob which threatened The Palmetto Flag building: Fellow-Citizens: By the grace of Almighty God, treason shall never rear its head or have a foothold in Philadelphia. [Immense cheering.] I call upon you as American cit
onicle, May 28. In the case of John Merryman, a secessionist arrested in Baltimore and detained a prisoner in Fort McHenry, a writ of habeas corpus was issued by Judge Taney, made returnable this day in the United States District Court. Gen. Cadwallader declined surrendering the prisoner till he heard from Washington, and an attachment was issued for Gen. Cadwallader.--N. Y. Times, May 28. The United States steamer Brooklyn arrived off the Pass L'Outre bar at the mouth of the MississipGen. Cadwallader.--N. Y. Times, May 28. The United States steamer Brooklyn arrived off the Pass L'Outre bar at the mouth of the Mississippi, and commenced the blockade of that river.--New Orleans Picayune, May 28. Brigadier-General McDowell, U. S. army, took command of the Union forces in Virginia, and relieved Major-General Sandford, N. Y. State Militia.--N. Y. Herald, May 28. George W. Thompson, one of the judges of the Circuit Court of the State of Virginia, issued a proclamation ordering the rebels in the western part of that State to disperse. Peculiar interest attaches to the document from the fact that one of Ju
Col. Waite, Major Sprague, and the other officers who were captured in Texas, and liberated on parole not to serve against the Confederate States, reached Washington, and reported to the War Department. Col. Lefferts, at Battalion Drill, took the sentiment of the Seventh N. Y. S. M., about remaining until ordered home by Government, their time having expired. Furloughs were offered to all who wished, but only five out of 1,225 asked for them.--N. Y. Times, May 29. In the case of Gen. Cadwallader, whose arrest for contempt of Court was ordered, the Marshal reported that, on going to Fort McHenry, he was refused admittance.--(Doc. 207.) The Chautauqua Volunteers, under the command of Capt. James M. Brown, left Jamestown, New York, for active service.--Chautauqua Democrat, May 29. In the English House of Commons, a debate on British relations with America took place, being opened by a communication from Lord John Russell concerning the blockade. Lord John stated that Lo
sentatives in Congress, with a request that they unite with the Governor in his efforts to obtain the authority indicated in the foregoing. The Third Regiment of Massachusetts Militia arrived at Boston this morning from Fortress Monroe, and encamped at Long Island.--N. Y. Evening Post, July 19. The general order of the War Department at Washington, transfering General N. P. Banks to the command of the National forces on the upper Potomac, was issued to-day.--(Doc. 106.) General Cadwallader of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was honorably discharged from the service of the United States.--General Order, War Department, No. 46. Brigadier-General John Pope, commanding the National troops in Northern Missouri, issued a proclamation to the people of that district, warning all persons taken in arms against the Federal authority, who attempt to commit depredations, or who molest peaceful citizens, that they will be dealt with, without awaiting civil process. --(Doc. 107.)