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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces in the Chancellorsville campaign. (search)
Carman, Maj. John Grimes (w), Capt. George A. Beardsley; 107th N. Y., Col. Alexander S. Diven; 3d Wis., Col. William Hawley. Brigade loss: k, 81; w, 465; m, 68 = 614. Artillery, Capt. Robert H. Fitzhugh: K, 1st N. Y., Lieut. Edward L. Bailey; M, 1st N. Y., Lieut. Charles E. Winegar (c), Lieut. John D. Woodbury; F, 4th U. S., Lieut. Franklin B. Crosby (k), Lieut. Edward D. Muhlenberg. Artillery loss: k,7; w, 30; m, 9 = 46. Second division, Brig.-Gen. John W. Geary. First Brigade, Col. Charles Candy: 5th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Robert L. Kilpatrick (w), Maj. Henry E. Symmes; 7th Ohio, Col. William R. Creighton; 29th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Clark; 66th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Eugene Powell; 28th Pa., Maj. Lansford F. Chapman (k), Capt. Conrad U. Meyer; 147th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Ario Pardee, Jr. Brigade loss: k, 58; w, 314; m, 151 = 523. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Thomas L. Kane: 29th Pa., Lieut.-Col. William Rickards, Jr.; 109th Pa., Col. Henry J. Stainrook (k), Capt. John Young, Jr.; 111th Pa.,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The breastworks at Culp's Hill. (search)
took the responsibility of returning to the fight, and immediately countermarched; as he came near the position which had been occupied by the First Division, the enemy's pickets fired on him, and this being heard by me, I sent an officer to conduct Kane in by the safer route of the turnpike. He arrived about 10 o'clock P. M., just after the enemy had been repulsed on my right. His presence tended to render the enemy cautious, and they rested on their arms till morning. The First Brigade (Candy's) of the Second Division arrived at Gulp's Hill about 1 A. M., long after the fighting had ceased. General Williams, who commanded the Twelfth Corps, and General Slocum, who commanded the right wing, having been advised of the enemy's position, the artillery was placed in position before daylight, and after a heavy bombardment, the infantry, by a gallant and successful charge, drove the enemy from the position they had occupied in the night in the lines of the First Division. The attack
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st-3d, 1863. (search)
, Col. James Wallace; 150th N. Y., Col. John H. Ketcham. Brigade loss: k, 35; w, 121; mn, 18 = 174. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Thomas H. Ruger, Col. Silas Colgrove: 27th Ind., Col. Silas Colgrove, Lieut.-Col. John R. Fesler; 2d Mass., Lieut.-Col. Charles R. Mudge (k), Maj. Charles F. Morse; 13th N. J., Col. Ezra A. Carman; 107th N. Y., Col. Nirom M. Crane; 3d Wis., Col. William Hawley. Brigade loss: k, 49; w, 225; m, 5=279. Second division, Brig.-Gen. John W. Geary. First Brigade, Col. Charles Candy: 5th Ohio, Col. John H. Patrick; 7th Ohio, Col. William R. Creighton; 29th Ohio, Capt. Wilbur F. Stevens (w), Capt. Edward Hayes; 66th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Eugene Powell; 28th Pa., Capt. John Flynn; 147th Pa. (8 co's), Lieut.-Col. Ario Pardee, Jr. Brigade loss: k, 18; w, 117; mn, 3 = 138. Second Brigade, Col. George A. Cobham, Jr., Brig.-Gen. Thomas L. Kane, Col. George A. Cobham, Jr.: 29th Pa., Col. William Rickards, Jr.; 109th Pa., Capt. F. L. Gimber; 111th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Thomas M. Wa
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Opposing forces in the Chattanooga campaign. November 23d-27th, 1863. (search)
6th Wis., Capt. Frederick C. Winkler. Brigade loss: w, 3. Third Brigade, Col. Frederick Hecker: 80th Ill., Capt. James Neville; 82d Ill., Lieut.-Col. Edward S. Salomon; 68th N. Y., Maj. Albert von Steinhausen; 75th Pa., Maj. August Ledig. Brigade loss: k, 1; w, 9==10. Artillery, Maj. Thomas W. Osborn: I, 1st N. Y., Capt. Michael Wiedrich; 13th N. Y., Capt. W. Wheeler; K, 1st Ohio, Lieut. Nicholas Sahm. Twelfth Army Corps. Second division, Brig.-Gen. John W. Geary. First Brigade, Col. Charles Candy, Col. William R. Creighton (k), Col. Thomas J. Ahl: 5th Ohio, Col. John H. Patrick; 7th Ohio, Col. William R. Creighton, Lieut.-Col. Orrin J. Crane (k), Capt. Ernest J. Kreiger; 29th Ohio, Col. William F. Fitch; 66th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Eugene Powell, Capt. Thomas McConnell; 28th Pa., Col. Thomas J. Ahl, Capt. John Flynn; 147th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Ario Pardee, Jr. Brigade loss: k, 25; w, 117==142. Second Brigade, Col. George A. Cobham, Jr.: 29th Pa., Col. William Rickards, Jr.; 109th Pa., C