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The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 160 (search)
k, following the Eighty-ninth Ohio and Eighty-second Indiana; crossed without loss and fortified during the night. On the 20th advanced to the crest of the hill, and on the 21st the regiment was ordered to ascertain the position and strength of the enemy. Companies K and G, under the command of Captains Wade and Stone (who, although acting as field officers, gallantly led their own companies), were ordered forward as skirmishers, and soon developed the enemy's position. Companies F, Lieutenant Carlile, and H, Captain Wilkin, were ordered forward in support. Several casualties occurred during this reconnaissance, and the regiment was relieved by the Twenty-third Missouri. On the 22d moved forward on Atlanta and formed in line opposite some heavy works in front of the city; fortified in the third line of the brigade. On the 24th was detached with Eighty-ninth Ohio, Colonel Carlton commanding, in support of General King's brigade, of Johnson's division; constructed works on the seco
d March 4. therefrom by Mr. II. Wilson; vehemently opposed by Messrs. Garret Davis, of Ky., Carlile, of Va., Saulsbury, of Del., and supported by Messrs. Wilson, of Mass., Howard, of Michigan, ShTen Eyck, Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson, Wilmot, and Wilson, of Mass.--29. Nays--Messrs. Bayard, Carlile, Davis, Henderson. Kennedy, Latham, McDougall, Nesmith, Powell, Saulsbury, Stark, Willey, Wilso], of N. J., and Willey, of Pa.); Nays--Messrs. Bayard and Saulsbury, of Del., Kennedy, of Md., Carlile, of Va., Powell, of Ky., Wilson, of Mo., Wright, of N. J., Latham, of Cal., Nesmith and Stark, s), as well as more unsparingly by Messrs. Garret Davis and Powell, of Ky., Saulsbury, of Del., Carlile, of Va., and others of the Opposition; while it was supported by Messrs. Trumbull, of 111., Wilprison without his written permission. Messrs. Powell, of Kentucky, Pearce, of Maryland, and Carlile, of Virginia, opposed the resolve; but it was warmly supported and passed: Jan. 14, 1862. Ye
descent, for the purpose of constructing intrenchments, or performing camp service, or any war service for which they may be found competent. This, and the whole project, were vehemently opposed by Messrs. Saulsbury, of Del., G. Davis, of Ky., Carlile, of Va., and others of the Opposition. Mr. G. Davis endeavored to strike out the words last above quoted; but failed: Yeas, 11; Nays, 27. After much debate, the Senate decided, by close votes, to free, as a reward for services in the Union armpart of the sums appropriated by this act shall be disbursed for the pay, subsistence, or any other supplies, of any negro, free or slave, in the armed military service of the United States. Which was rejected: Yeas 8; Nays 28: Yeas--Messrs. Carlile, G. Davis, Kennedy, Latham, Nesmith, Powell, Turpie, and Wall (all Democrats). At the next session — the Deficiency bill being before the House--Mr. Harding, of Ky., moved Dec. 21, 1863. to insert-- Provided, That no part of the mo
S. Lane. Illinois--Trumbull. Missouri--Brown. Henderson. Michigan--Chandler, Howard. Iowa — Grimes, Harlan. Wisconsin--Doolittle, Howe. Minnesota--Ramsey, Wilkinson. Kansas--J. H. Lane, Pomeroy. Oregon--Harding, Nesmith. California--Conness.--Total, 38. Nays--[All Democrats.] Delaware--Riddle, Saulsbury. Kentucky--Davis, Powell. Indiana--Hendricks. California--McDougall.--Total, 6. Not Voting.--Buckalew, Pa.; Wright, N. J.; Hicks, Md.; Bowden and Carlile, Va.; Richardson, Ill.--all Democrats. But it failed June 15. in the House: Yeas 95; Nays 66--substantially, though not absolutely, a party division. Mr. Ashley, of Ohio — changing his vote to enable him to do so — now moved a reconsideration; and the subject went over to await the issues of the War and of the pending election of President. Mr. Lincoln, in his Message already quoted, now urged the House to concur with the Senate in adopting the Amendment-saying: Without quest<
Doc. 131.-remarks of Messrs. Trumbull and Carlile on the bill to suppress insurrection, in the United States Senate, July 30. Mr. Trumbull said: The object of this bill is to confer certain powers on the military authorities in cases of insurrection and rebellion, and to regulate, as far as practicable, by law, the exercise of such powers; to provide for putting down this rebellion in a constitutional and legal manner. The rebellion having arisen during the recess of Congress, imposed onmay use its military power to put down an armed insurrection too strong to be controlled by the civil authority. The power is essential to the existence of every government, and essential to the preservation of order and free institutions. Mr. Carlile (Va.) moved to strike out the eighth section, which provides that the military commander cause suspected persons to be brought before him and administer the oath of allegiance, and on his refusal to take the oath he may detain him as a prisone
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 45: an antislavery policy.—the Trent case.—Theories of reconstruction.—confiscation.—the session of 1861-1862. (search)
ded States. Congressional Globe, Feb. 17, 1862, p. 843; July 7, Globe, p. 3139; Works, vol. VII. p. 162. These propositions occasioned much excitement in the Senate, and Republican leaders—Sherman, Fessenden, Dixon, and Doolittle—were prompt to disavow emphatically any responsibility of the Republican party for them. Sherman went so far as to say that they acknowledged the right of secession, and he could draw no distinction between them and the doctrines of Jefferson Davis. Willey and Carlile of Virginia, representing border State allegiance, imputed disloyalty to Sumner, and also likened him to Jefferson Davis. He encountered similar criticism outside of the Senate, as well from some supporters of the Administration as from its opponents. The New York Evening Post, March 13, 1862, wrote an elaborate leader against it. Joel Parker, professor at Cambridge, treated the offer of the resolutions as an act of treason, and more mischievous than open adhesion to slavery. (North Ame
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 48: Seward.—emancipation.—peace with France.—letters of marque and reprisal.—foreign mediation.—action on certain military appointments.—personal relations with foreigners at Washington.—letters to Bright, Cobden, and the Duchess of Argyll.—English opinion on the Civil War.—Earl Russell and Gladstone.—foreign relations.—1862-1863. (search)
on Lincoln, Works, vol. IX. pp. 403, 404. And finally, the United States, awaiting with well-assured trust the final suppression of the rebellion, . . . hereby announce as their unalterable purpose that the war will be vigorously prosecuted, according to the humane principles of Christian nations, until the rebellion is overcome; and they reverently invoke upon their cause the blessing of Almighty God. Sumner declined to debate the resolutions when objected to by Powell, Saulsbury, and Carlile, but contented himself with saying that though agreed upon by the committee without any suggestion from the Administration, they met the entire and cordial approval of Mr. Seward. They passed the House by a large majority, and were sent, as was required by the last resolution, to our ministers abroad to be communicated to foreign governments. Mr. Greeley had advocated in the New York Tribune the submission of the questions involved in the contest to a neutral power,—Switzerland, for ins
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
wellen, April 28, ‘63, ordered to report to S. H. Stout, April 29, ‘63, Rome, Ga., July 8, ‘63, ordered to report to General Forrest. April 30, ‘64, 2d Tennessee Regiment. Claiborne, Archibald J., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War Sept. 2, ‘63, to rank June 1, ‘63, to report to Medical Director. Passed Board at Shelbyville June 1, ‘63, to report to E. A. F., Medical-Director, June 3, ‘63. Ordered to report to General Polk. June 30, ‘63, Polk's escort and headquarters. Carlile, R. C., Assistant Surgeon, Sept. 30, ‘63 7th South Carolina Regiment. Carter, E. R., Assistant Surgeon, Sept. 30, ‘63, 21st Mississippi Regiment. Transferred to General Hospital, Richmond. Calhoun, J. C., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary War, May 29, ‘62, to rank Mar. 24, ‘62. Passed Board, Vicksburg, April 17, ‘63. Sept. 30, ‘63, Nov. 30, ‘63, Dec. 31, ‘63, Jan. 31, ‘64, Feb. 29, ‘64, Mar. 31, ‘64, 39th Georgia Regiment. Cain, J. R., Sur
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, Caleb Fleming (search)
led to attract the degree of permanent attention to which their intrinsic merit would entitle them. At this distance of time it is not easy to judge how far it was worth while to take so much notice of the productions of a man like Chubb. Much would, of course, depend on the extent of their circulation, and the sort of impression they appeared to be making at the time on the public mind. Perhaps our posterity may, in the same way, find it hard to believe that the lucubrations of Owen and Carlile were worth the trouble which is now bestowed on them; and, in general, the answerers of such men must be contented with the hope of being useful in their own day and generation, without seeking for the reward of lasting fame. About the year 1742, Mr. Fleming published a tract on Baptism, entitled, Plunging a subject of Bigotry when made essential to Baptism; which was soon followed by A Plea for Infants, or the Scripture Doctrine of Water-Baptism stated. These tracts presently excited
as are applicable to this body. Rejected. The Convention then proceeded to the election of First Doorkeeper. Mr. Mallory, of Brunswick, nominated C. Drumright, of Mecklenburg. Mr. Hall, of Lancaster, nominated Richard Rains, of Richmond city. Mr. French, of Mercer, nominated Benjamin R. Linkous, of Raleigh. Mr. Critcher, of Richmond county, nominated James R. Fisher, of Richmond city. Mr. Johnson, of Richmond, nominated Samuel H. Jeter, of that city. Mr. Carlile, of Harrison, nominated Chas. Lewis, of that county. Mr. Flournoy, of Halifax, nominated Chas. Kent, of Pittsylvania. Mr. Morton nominated Mr. Routt, of Greene. Mr. Scott, of Powhatan, nominated John F. Simpson, of that county. Mr. Bouldin nominated Wm. D. Wills, of Charlotte. Mr. Wickham nominated Francis P. Sutton, of Henrico. No other nominations being made, the vote was taken with the following result: Linkous, 45; Lewis, 29; Jeter, 26. All others 35.
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