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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Hampton's report of the battle of Trevylian's depot and subsequent operations. (search)
rcement with ample supplies, and after resting a day he moved down the river, thence across the country to the Forge bridges, where he crossed the Chickahominy. Chambliss' brigade, which had joined me two days previous, attacked him at this point and drove him some distance. Fearing that he might pass up the James river, through nce's shop. The enemy had in the meantime thrown up strong works along his whole line and his position was a strong one. As soon as Gary had engaged the enemy, Chambliss was thrown forward, and, by a movement handsomely executed, connected with him, and the two brigades were thrown on the flank of the enemy. At the same moment t their duties admirably. The same may be said of Colonel Dulaney, who succeeded to the command of Rosser's brigade after General Rosser was wounded. Brigadier-General Chambliss with his brigade rendered most efficient service, as did Brigadier-General Gary, both of these commands contributing largely to the success at Samaria c
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Engagement at Sappony church-report of General Wade Hampton. (search)
ved rapidly in the direction indicated with my division — Chambliss' brigade having been sent forward the evening previous. . the next day I reached Stony Creek depot, where I found Chambliss. From this point scouts were sent out to find the positinding, and in the meantime my command was put in motion. Chambliss, who was ahead, was ordered to push on to the church and ounted men, and he succeeded in checking the charge. General Chambliss dismounted his men and took up aline near the church,the roads leading into the Halifax road. I moved up with Chambliss' brigade, following Butler, and soon after crossing Rowan enemy who had struck the Halifax road between Butler and Chambliss. These were charged and scattered, when another party wed, eighteen wounded and two missing. The reports from General Chambliss and Colonel Crawley have not been sent to me. I regreices rendered to me by this officer and his command. General Chambliss, by his gallantry, his zeal and his knowledge of the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Gettysburg campaign. (search)
railroad and thence south till we discovered the enemy. I took position on the left of Colonel Chambliss, and threw out sharpshooters to check an advance the enemy were attempting. Soon after, Ghe movement had disclosed its position to the enemy. A short time after this, an officer from Chambliss reported to me that. he had been sent to ask support from General Lee, but he had replied my brigade was nearest and should support Chambliss' brigade. Seeing that support was essential, I sent to Colonel Baker, ordering him to send two regiments to protect Colonel Chambliss, who had made aColonel Chambliss, who had made a charge — I know not by whose orders — and whoa was falling back before a large force of the enemy. The First North Carolina and the Jeff. Davis legion were sent by Colonel Baker, and these two regant-General, who supposed that it was intended to take the whole brigade to the support of Colonel Chambliss--a mistake which was very naturally brought about by the appearance of affairs on the fiel
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Gettysburg campaign--full report of General J. E. B. Stuart. (search)
ed a standard and seventy (70) prisoners. Chambliss' brigade, approaching from that direction, ced for want of adequate shoeing facilities — Chambliss commanding Lee's brigade upon the left, and hich was promptly met by a gallant charge by Chambliss' leading regiment, which not only repulsed tl Fitz. Lee, and the remainder (Jenkins' and Chambliss'), under my immediate command, was directed Jenkins' brigade, taking the left route, and Chambliss' brigade, which I accompanied, the other. Bcovering the eastern front of Hagerstown. Chambliss' brigade proceeded direct from Leitersburg te town aided by the cavalry of Robertson and Chambliss. Our operations were here much embarrassed s gallantly executed by the leading brigade (Chambliss'), now numbering only a few hundred men — th the National road, just west of Hagerstown, Chambliss' brigade was sent to that flank and General that General Fitz. Lee had, with his own and Chambliss' brigades, driven the enemy steadily to with[8 more...]<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 12.89 (search)
rom there around to Lee's rear. On the 14th they appeared and made a dash at Kelley's ford; but, in the words of W. H. F. Lee's report, dashed back again from the fire of the picket of one hundred and fifty men, under Captain Bolling, Company G, Ninth Virginia cavalry. On the same day they succeeded in crossing at Rappahannock station, but on the appearance of reinforcements, recrossed. On the 15th they crossed at Beverley's and Welford's fords, but were driven back by W. H. F. Lee with Chambliss' Thirteenth Virginia cavalry. At 10.15 P. M. that night, Mr. Lincoln telegraphed to Hooker: The rain and mud of course were to be calculated upon. General Stoneman is not moving rapidly enough to make the expedition come to anything. He has now been out three days, two of which were unusually fair weather, and all free from hindrance from the enemy, and yet he is not twenty-five miles from where he started. To reach his point, he has still sixty to go. By arithmetic, how many d