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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Life of George Ticknor. (search)
Francis Hopkinson, of the Revolution, who wrote the Battle of the Kegs, and whose works have been published. Mr. Hopkinson was a prominent lawyer, and, later, was Judge of the United States District Court, for Pennsylvania. His house was one of the most agreeable in Philadelphia, for Mrs. Hopkinson was a lady of much cultivation and knowledge of the world. At their table I met one day a brilliant party of eleven or twelve gentlemen. Amongst them were Mr. Randolph, the Abbe Correa, Dr. Chapman, and Mr. Parish. It was an elegant dinner, and the conversation was no doubt worthy of such guests; but one incident has overshadowed the rest of the scene. The Abbe Correa——who was one of the most remarkable men of the time, for various learning, acuteness, and wit, and for elegant suave manners The Abbe Correa de Serra, Portuguese Minister to the United States, was member of three classes of the French Institute and founder of the Royal Academy of Lisbon.—had just returned from a v<
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), chapter 26 (search)
172. Carroll, Archbishop, 41. Carroll, Charles, 41. Carus, Dr., 459, 473, 475, 482. Cassel, visits, 121. Castel Branco, Baron. See Lacerda. Castro, Don Joao de, 246. Chalmers, Rev. Dr., 405. Chaloner, Mr., 443. Channing, Edward T., 9, 12, 26; letters to,. 30, 42, 83, 89, 96, 107, 118, 183. Channing, Dr., Walter, 148, 391; letters to, 94, 149. Channing, Mrs., Walter, letters to, 148, 188. Channing, Rev. William E., 17, 84, 96, 178, 316, 327, 382, 391, 405, 479. Chapman, Dr., 16. Charlottesville, visits, 34, 348. Chastellux, Count de, 109. Chateaubriand, Vte. de, 137-140, 146, 254, 255, 304; Mad. de, 355. Chauncey, Commodore, 373. Cheverus, Bishop, 18 note. Cheves, Langdon, 350, 351. Chirk Castle, 52. Cicognara, Count, 163, 164, 166. Cintra, 245-247; convention of, 246. Circourt, Count Adolphe de, 470 and note, 475 note, 482, 483, 485, 486. Circourt, Countess Anastasie Klustine de, 470 and note, 482, 483, 485, 486. Clare, Lord, 422.