Browsing named entities in Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Chapman or search for Chapman in all documents.

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tainly would have reached General Terry's intrenchments in bad plight, and admitting that line had been carried, the Confederates would not have been formidable after a march of two miles toward Fort Fisher on an open sandspit under the fire of gunboats. Shortly after ten o'clock resistance in Fort Fisher ceased, the Confederates retreating, as is stated by Colonel Lamb, without ammunition, to the innermost point, from whence such of them as had the means of transportation escaped. Lieutenant Chapman and others of the Confederate Navy are known to have done so, but the whole number that fled is not ascertainable. When the sound of fire-arms had ceased, and it was known the enemy had surrendered, the sky was illuminated by hundreds of rockets from the fleet, and the remote works for the defence of the entrances to Cape Fear River were thus incidentally apprised that their defenders had the alternative in prospect to surrender or to precipitately retreat. In the Appendix will be
24 (note), et seq. C. Campbell's plantation, 54 Canandaigua, the, U. S. vessel, 74, 131, 156 Canonicus, the, U. S. monitor, 156, 221, 229 Case, Commander, 178; at Roanoke Island, 182 Catskill the, 90 et seq., 96 et seq., 125 et seq., 131 et seq., 146 Cavendy of the Gemsbok, 194 Ceres, the, 177 et seq., 181, 183 et seq., 197, 202 et seq., 205, 209 Chadwick, Ensign, 143 Chaplin, Lieutenant-Commanding J. C., commands the Dai Ching, 155, 177, 189 Chapman, Lieutenant, 237 Charleston. S. C., blockade of, 11; stone fleet sunk in harbor, 41 et seq.; proclamation concerning blockade, 78 et seq.; attack on, 91 et seq.; failure in reducing, 104 et seq.; operations against, 121 et seq. Charleston, the, Confederate ram, 157 Chasseur, the, 179 Chester, Ensign, 237 Cheves, Mr., Langdon, 104 Chickamauga, the, Confederate privateer, 244 Chicora, the, Confederate vessel, 74, 157 Chippewa, the, U. S. gunboat, 128. 194, 218, 228, 243 Ch