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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 42 (search)
as the sole or permanent residence, has come up an enormous increase of those who are, so to speak, double residents of city and country — the one in the winter, the other in the summer. In the mild winters of England, where there is not a month in the year in which some flower does not bloom out-of-doors, and hardly one in which some bird does not build its nest, this distinction is less sharp; and Americans are always surprised to find their English cousins staying in the country till Christmas, and then in London till July. But in our Northern States the distinction of seasons is so very marked as to be destined to mould the permanent habit of our people, and a marked change has begun within forty years. Before that time almost every one lived either in city or country, and few had a home in each. Now, with the more well-to-do classes, the alternation is becoming universal; the sea — side, from Campobello to Chesapeake Bay, is becoming one long line of summer cottages or hotel
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 52 (search)
portant events of the pilgrimage were always shared by the doll. When we got to Nice, I was sick. The next morning the doctor came, and he said I had something that was very much like scarlet-fever. Then I had Annie [a sister] take care of baby [the doll], and keep her away, for I was afraid she would get the fever. She used to cry to come to me, but I knew it wouldn't be good for her. To a child thus imaginative and thus faithful this was an absolute rehearsal of motherhood. When Christmas came, it appears from the diary that baby hung up her stocking with the rest. She had a slate with a real pencil, a travelling shawl with a strap, and a cap with ruffles. I found baby with the cap on early in the morning, and she was so pleased that she almost jumped out of my arms. At the Colosseum, at St. Peter's, baby was of the party. I used to take her to hear the band, in the carriage, and she went everywhere I did. This tenderest of parents was, of course, a girl; yet boys take
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 53 (search)
one seems as yet to recognize that if Santa Claus is to continue in the field, he absolutely needs agents and auxiliaries. With the increasing wealth of the community and the growing complications of shopping, the mere ordinary preparation of Christmas presents is becoming a very arduous matter. For many well-to-do households, especially in the suburbs of large cities, it absorbs an alarming amount of time and strength, even endangering, in many cases, health itself. The Christmas trade, whr a million pounds sterling. All with her is to be a business transaction; the laborer is worth his hire, but a part of her stock in trade — the only inexhaustible part-is a genial good-nature. She simply undertakes to fit out the family with Christmas presents, as the upholsterer fits it out with window-curtains and portieres, on any scale that is desired. You sketch out for her what you want, naming your general standard as to plan and price; she tells you what can be done upon that scale,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 57 (search)
LVII. Christmas all the time. Papa, said a certain little girl of my acquaintance, on the 26th of last December, why can't it be Kismhen she asked where her birthday was gone. On the day succeeding Christmas this melancholy inquiry certainly seemed a very natural reflectioing that her life could be made, so far as possible, a continuous Christmas. Do not, gentle reader, come in at once with discreeter severi their breakfast or dinner last all day. But what made the joy of Christmas, after all Behind all the visible presents and special amusementstead of Run away, dear --and tills is surely a large part of what Christmas means to a child. So far as these things go, it is worth a littlards having a Christmas all the year round. But the presents! Christmas consists in the presents, we say, and we cannot be giving gifts anot money, but sympathy and ingenuity. By far the most enjoyable Christmas gift received by the aforesaid little three-year-old girl was a s
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, Index. (search)
Butler, Fanny Kenble, 154. Byron, Lord, 19, 160. C. Canadian judge, ruling of, 92. Carlyle, Thomas, quoted, 300. Also 149. Carnegie, Andrew, quoted, 168, 169. Carr, Lucien, 179. Cato, M. P., 97. chances, 65. Channing, W. E., quoted, 127. Chateaubriand, F. R., 76. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 278. Chevy Chace, quoted, 220. Child, L. M., 13, 179. Children, dressing of, for school, 241. Children on A farm, 197. Children, the humor of, 217. Choate, Rufus, 18. Christmas all the time, 291. Cicero, M. T., 276. Cincinnati, art schools in, 164. city and country living, 212. Clement of Alexandria, 2, 3, 4. Cleveland, Captain R. J., 247. Clytemnestra, 44. Coffin, Lucretia, 47. Cogan, Henry, 159. Cogswell, J. G., quoted, 110. Coleridge, S. T., 195, 302. College towns, life in, 48. Conway, M. D., 129. Cookery-books, 13. Co-operation in business, 148. Copley, J. S., 50. Corneille, Pierre, 87. Cornell University, 288. Coulanges,