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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Clinton, Sir Henry 1738-1795 (search)
facilitate your operations. In answer to your letter of the 28th September by C. C., I shall only say I cannot presume to order, or even advise, for reasons obvious. I heartily wish you success. Faithfully yours, H. Clinton. This despatch was enclosed in an elliptical silver bullet, made so as to separate at the centre, and of a size (as delineated in the engraving) small enough to be swallowed by a man, if necessary. He intrusted it to a messenger who made his way north on the west side of the river, and, being suspected when in the camp of George Clinton back of New Windsor, was arrested. When brought before General Clinton, he was seen to cast something into his mouth. An emetic was administered to him, which brought the silver bullet from his stomach. The despatch was found in it, and the prisoner was executed as a spy at Hurley, a few miles from Kingston, while that village was in flames lighted by the British marauders. Sir Henry died in Gibraltar, Spain, Dec. 23, 1795.
iven orders for the prosecution of the war, and on a different plan, Most secret instructions of Lord George Germain to Sir H. Clinton, Whitehall, 8 March, 1778. such as a consciousness of weakness might inspire in a cruel and revengeful mind. Clinton was ordered to abandon Philadelphia; to hold New York and Rhode Island; to curtail the boundaries of the thirteen states on the north-east and on the south; to lay waste Virginia by means of ships of war; and to attack Providence, Boston, and ale hounded on to spread Chap. IV.} 1778. dismay and to murder. No active operations at the north were expected, except the devastation of towns on the sea, and raids of the allied savages on the border. The king, under his sign-manual, ordered Clinton to detach five thousand men for the conquest of the French island, St. Lucia. Secret instructions from the king to Sir H. Clinton, 21 March, 1778. As the commissioners stepped on shore to receive June. the submission of the colonies,
divisions, he sent Greene to command the one, and Lafayette the other. Young Laurens served d'estaing as aid and interpreter. On the twenty-ninth of July, while Clinton was reporting to Germain that he would probably be under the necessity of evacuating New York and retiring to Halifax, Sir H. Clinton to Lord George Germain, 2y men; the Americans, forty-nine less. On the night following the thirtieth, the army of Sullivan, evading 30. its sluggish pursuers, withdrew from the island. Clinton, with a re-enforcement of four thousand men, landed the day after the escape. 31. The British general returned to New York, having Sept. accomplished nothing,dependence, when in truth independence was become the only way to peace. The menaces of the proclamation were a confession of weakness. The British army under Clinton could hold no part of the country, and only ravage and destroy by sudden expeditions. Towards the end of Sept. September Cornwallis led a foray into New Jersey;