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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Kelleysville, March 17th, 1863-Reports of Generals J. E. B. Stuart and Fitz. Lee. (search)
unded early in the day, he refused to leave the field. In the last charge he was the first to spring to the ground to open the fence. Then, dashing on at the head of the column, he was twice sabred over the head, his arm shattered by a bullet, captured and carried over the river, when he escaped and walked back 12 miles to his camp. Lieutenant-Colonel Payne, commanding, also mentions Privates Jos. Gilman, J. R. Gilman, Poindexter, Redd, Sydnor, Terry, and N. Priddy. In the Third, Captain Collins, Company H; Lieutenants Hill Carter and Jno. Lamb, of Company D; Lieutenant Stamper of Company F; Lieutenant R. T. Hubbard, Company G; and First Lieutenant Hall, of Company C, (was twice wounded before he desisted from the charge, and, when retiring, received a third and still more severe wound, and was unable to leave the field). Adjutant H. B. McClellan is also particularly commended for his bravery; Acting Sergeant-Major E. N. Price, Company K; Private Keech, Company I; and Bugler D
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General S. D. Lee's report of the siege of Vicksburg. (search)
; Waul's Texas legion, Col. T. N. Waul; Waddell's battery, Capt. J. F. Waddell; Drew's battery, Lieut. W. J. Duncan; the Hudson battery, Lieut. Trentham; Capt. Haynes' company, First Louisiana artillery, and a section of the Vaiden artillery, Lieut. Collins. On the morning of the 17th of May, our works on Big Black bridge having been carried by the enemy, our army was ordered to retire to our entrenchments around Vicksburg. My brigade was ordered to cover the retreat across the river afterieth Alabama, Arrington, Thirty-first Alabama; Timmons and ----, of Waul's Texas legion; Maj. Mattisin, Thirty-first Alabama; Capts. Francis, Thirtieth Alabama, and Brewer, Forty-sixth Alabama; Captains Waddell and Haynes, and Lieuts. Duncan and Collins, commanding batteries and sections of artillery, were gallant and vigilant. Major Jno. J. Reeve, Assistant Adjutant-General of the division, was with me on the lines on several occasions, and particularly attracted my attention by his daring an
cond Ohio Regiment, he was saluted by a discharge of stones, and, on the interposition of the officers, they were also pelted, until it amounted almost to a riot. He was finally released from his unpleasant position.--N. Y. Tribune, July 8. Very impressive and interesting services took place in the Church of the Messiah in New York this evening. The exercises were chosen with special reference to their fitness for the first Sunday after National Independence. The services began with Collins' Requiem of Heroes: How sleep the brave who sink to rest, By all their country's wishes blest! Then followed the xlviith Psalm, slightly modified, the minister reading a verse and the congregation responding with the alternate one. Dr. Osgood made the prayer, and afterward the choir sang the March of liberty. The beginning of this sacred song is: No battle-brand shall harm the free, Led on by Christ our Liberty! This was succeeded by Psalm CXLVII., read by the minister and
night by twenty militia, under Major Haywood. Proceeding on the march, and arriving at the enemy's outpost at daylight, he was found in line of battle, having already discovered the plan. Although numbering about four hundred, the Yankees were charged and driven from the field. They came up the second time with the same result. A third time they were reenforced, perceiving which, Colonel Bryson gave the order to fall back, which was done in good order. In a hand-to-hand encounter, Sergeant Collins rushed forward and sacrificed his life to save Colonel Bryson's. The enemy's loss was thirty killed and wounded. --thanksgiving day in all the loyal States. The Union army under the command of Major-General Meade, advanced, crossing the Rapidan at several points. General Lee, commanding the rebel forces, noticing the movement, issued the following general order: The enemy is again advancing upon our capital, and the country once more looks to this army for its protection. U
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 15: the Army of the Potomac on the Virginia Peninsula. (search)
acked at Middletown, two miles farther on. The news was instantly followed by a host of frightened fugitives, refugees, and wagons, which, says Banks, came tumbling to the rear in wretched confusion. The column was instantly reorganized, with the train in the rear, In view of a possible necessity for a return to Strasburg, Banks sent Captain Abert, of the Topographical Engineers, to prepare the Cedar Creek bridge for the flames. Abert and the accompanying troops (Zouaves d'afrique, Captain Collins) were cut off from the column, had a severe skirmish at Strasburg, and did not rejoin the army until it was at Williamsport, on the Potomac. and Colonel Donnelly, pushing on to Middletown, encountered a small Confederate force there, which was easily driven back on the Front Royal road by Knipe's Forty-sixth Pennsylvania, supported by Cochran's New York Battery and the Twenty-eighth New York, Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Brown. Broadhead's First Michigan cavalry now took the lead, and soon
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 16: career of the Anglo-Confederate pirates.--closing of the Port of Mobile — political affairs. (search)
the Port of Bahia, and then ran into that harbor. There Morris saw with alarm the United States steamer Wachusett, Captain Collins. As a precaution, he anchored the Florida in the midst of the Brazilian fleet, and under the guns of the most powered against the hospitality thus given to the pirate by the Brazilian authorities, to which no attention was paid. Captain Collins determined that the Florida should never put to sea again. He tried to draw her into battle outside of the harbor, er. He failed. She was damaged, but not crippled. There was a little musket firing on both sides, without injury, when Collins demanded the surrender of the Florida. her commander and half his crew were ashore, and the Lieutenant in charge, havingty laws and the rights of Brazil, and Consul Wilson, known to have been implicated in the capture, was recalled, and Captain Collins was suspended and ordered before a court-martial. At the same time, the assumption of the Brazilian Government was
bama the Florida seizure of the Chesapeake the Tallahassee the Olustee the Chickamauga Capt. Collins seizes the Florida in Bahia Harbor Gov. Seward on Rebel belligerency the Georgia fight ofptured and burnt the bark Mondamon off that port. Here she met the U. S. steamer Wachusett, Capt. Collins, and care to anchor, as a precaution, in the midst of the Brazilian fleet and directly under and here, after ascertaining that he could not provoke her to fight him outside the harbor, Capt. Collins bore down upon her, at 3 A. M., Oct. 7. while part of her crew were ashore; running at hele her. A few small-arm slots were fired on either side, but at random, and without effect. Capt. Collins now demanded her surrender, with which the lieutenant in command--(Capt. Morris, with half he by the Brazilian Minister, Gov. Seward, in behalf of President Lincoln, disavowed the acts of Collins and Wilson, dismissed the latter from office, suspended the former from command, and ordered hi
unded at Franklin, 683. Coffey, Gen., in Missouri, 36; at Lone Jack, 36. Coggin's Point, occupied by McClellan, 168. Cold Harbor, Grant's flank movement to, 579; battle and map of, 580; grand assault on, 581; officers killed at, 582. Collins, Capt., of the Wachusett, captures the Florida in a Brazilian harbor, 645; court-martialed, 646. colonization, President Lincoln's scheme, 257. colored Orphan Asylum, fired by rioters, 505. Colquitt, Brig.-Gen., at Antietam, 206. Col on, 313; besieged by Grant, and surrendered, 310-16. Vincent, Col., killed at Gettysburg, 388. Virginia, Pope's operations in, 172; Banks and McDowell assigned to Pope, 172; fight at Wytheville and Lewisburg, 403. W. Wachusett, Capt. Collins, captures the Florida in Bahia harbor, 645-6. Wadsworth, Gen. James S., Military Governor of Washington, 108; on strength of Rebel army at Manassas in Jan., 1862, 112; strength of his force for defense of Washington, 130; at Gettysburg, 37
remeditated and irritating pun I ever heard at school or elsewhere. One morning a classmate, who may not wish me to give his name, had a pretty severe tiff with the master in which both lost their tempers. Immediately afterwards the first class was called up to read in Pierpont's reader. The order of exercises was that each man, as we called ourselves, should read a paragraph and then give the definition of the principal words therein. To the classmate of whom I have spoken a portion of Collins' Ode to the Passions was given. It contained the phrase, Eyes with fine frenzy rolling. The teacher: Give the definition of frenzy. Pupil: Hopping mad, sir. No further definition was asked of that scholar. At the Lowell High School I finished my fitting for college, to which I went very unwillingly. Just before I was to enter, my mother asked the Hon. Caleb Cushing, then a member of Congress from Massachusetts, to give me an appointment at West Point, a thing of which I was very des
and consequently the parties at those points received no notice. By the good management of Captain Collins, however, (now Major Fifteenth Virginia cavalry,) the enemy was checked for some time at Gettacked in rear by General Early, reenforced by Generals Hays and Barksdale. I now directed Major Collins, Virginia cavalry, who was with me, with some forty or fifty men, to move over to the plank on the plank road. The enemy followed up the plank road, and halted when the skirmishers of Major Collins were seen by them. Having examined the ground near the toll-gate, I determined to make a shlaced in the road, and we waited the approach of the enemy. They were soon heard to fire on Major Collins's skirmishers, who retired after a short skirmish, and at length appeared in lines, preceded by skirmishers. Major Collins's men now retired to the rear, and skirmishers were deployed from two regiments to their front. Our artillery opened fire upon the enemy's advancing lines; this cause
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