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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, Mademoiselle's campaigns. (search)
n two hundred pamphlets rattled on the head of Conde alone, and the collection of Mazarinades, presr, or fighting the battle of Bleneau, of which Conde wrote her an official bulletin, as being generition she might very probably have held hers. Conde, being unable to marry her himself, on accountrth in person, rally the citizens, and relieve Conde. It was quite impossible; he was so exceedingssential point till the last, that the army of Conde shall be allowed free passage into the city. iffard, whom she pitied, though a Protestant. Conde might, at that moment, be sharing their fate; after it was over. I saw not one, but a dozen Conde, was the answer; he was in every place at once. But there was one danger more for Conde, on, opportunity more for Mademoiselle, that day. Clim over the fight at the Porte St. Antoine, with Conde and Mademoiselle; the Queen at the same time aaintly, dreaded the conjunction of herself and Conde; it is scarcely possible to doubt that it woul[19 more...]