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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 48 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Book and heart: essays on literature and life 6 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 3 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 17, 1862., [Electronic resource] 3 1 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. 2 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 16, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Anderson, Robert, -1871 (search)
was commissioned major of artillery, and in October, 1860, Secretary Floyd removed Colonel Gardiner from the command of the defences of Charleston Harbor, because he attempted to increase his supply of ammunition. and Major Anderson was appointed to succeed him. He arrived there on the 20th, and was satisfied, by the tone of conversation and feeling in Charleston, and by the military drills going on, that a revolution was to be inaugurated there. He communicated his suspicions to Adjutant-General Cooper. In that letter Anderson announced Robert Anderson. to the government the weakness of the forts in Charleston Harbor, and urged the necessity of immediately strengthening them. He told the Secretary of War that Fort Moultrie, his Headquarters, was so weak as to invite attack. Fort Sumter and Castle Pinckney, he said, must be garrisoned immediately, if the government determines to keep command this harbor. Fort Sumter, he said, had 40,000 lb. of cannon powder and other ammuniti
this line was at Yorktown, and the right on the Warwick River, that falls into the James. In front of this line McClellan's continually augmenting army remained a month, engaged in the tedious operations of a regular siege, under the direction of Gen. Fitz-John Porter, skirmishing frequently, and, on one occasion, making a reconnaissance in force that was disastrous to the Nationals. On May 3, Magruder, who had resorted to all sorts of tricks to deceive and mislead the Nationals, wrote to Cooper. of the Confederate War Department: Thus, with 5,000 men, exclusive of the garrison, we stopped and held in check over 100,000 of the enemy. McClellan now began those approaches towards Richmond which resulted in the Seven Days battles near that city. When the battle of Fredericksburg (q. v.) had ended. there was much feeling against General Burnside on the part of the officers of the Army of the Potomac who had participated in it. An order received by Burnside, just as he was preparin
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Atlantic Telegraph. (search)
elegraph Company. They obtained from the legislature of Newfoundland a charter guaranteeing an exclusive right, for fifty years, to establish a telegraph from the American continent to that island. and thence to Europe. These gentlemen were Peter Cooper, Moses Taylor, Marshall O. Roberts. Chandler White, and Cyrus W. Field. Twenty-five years afterwards. all but one (Mr. White) were living, and again met in the same room, and around the same table whereon that association was signed, with the same attorney of the association then engaged, David Dudley Field. Mr. Cooper was chosen president of the company. Mr. Field procured a cable in England to span the waters between Cape Ray and Cape Breton Island. It was sent out in 1855. and was lost in an attempt to lay it. It was recovered, and was suceessfully laid in 1856. The same year Mr. Field organized in London the Atlantic Telegraph Company to carry the line across the ocean. Mr. Field subscribed for one-fourth of the stock o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cooper, miles 1735-1785 (search)
Cooper, miles 1735-1785 Clergyman; born in England in 1735; graduated at Oxford University in 1761, and came to America the next year, sent by Archbishop Seeker as an assistant to Dr. Samuel Johnson, president of King's College. He succeeded Johnson as president in 1763. He was an active Tory when the Revolution broke out, and was reputed one of the authors, if not the author, of a tract entitled A friendly address to all reasonable Americans. Alexander Hamilton was then a pupil in the college, and he answered the pamphlet with ability. Cooper became very obnoxious to the Whigs, and a public letter, signed Three millions, warned him and his friends that their lives were in danger. On the night of May 10 a mob, led by Sons of Liberty, after destroying or carrying guns on the Battery, proceeded to drive him from the college. He succeeded in escaping to a British vessel, and sailed for England. He commemorated this stirring event by a poem printed in the Gentleman's magazine
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cooper, Peter 1791- (search)
Cooper, Peter 1791- Philanthropist; born in New York City, Feb. 12, 1791. His life was one of remarkable activity and enterprise. First, after leaving his father, who was a hatter, he engaged in learning coach-making, then cabinet-making, thes for fire-proof buildings. He became an alderman in the city of New York about 1840. Prospering greatly in business, Mr. Cooper conceived the idea of establishing in New York a free institute, something after the Polytechnic Institute in Paris. Hthe spring of 1854 he was one of the five gentlemen who met in the house of Cyrus W. Field and formed the New York, Peter Cooper Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Company (see Atlantic Telegraph), and the first cable was laid partly under Mr. CoMr. Cooper's supervision. He did everything in his power to aid the Union cause in the Civil War. An outspoken advocate of paper currency to be issued by the national government, he was urged in 1876 to become a candidate for the Presidency by friends of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Field, Cyrus West 1819-1892 (search)
manufacture and sale of paper on his own account, and in fifteen years became so prosperous that he was able to partially retire. About this time he became interested in ocean telegraphy, and for some time pondered the question whether a cable could not be stretched across the Atlantic. In 1854 he obtained from the Newfoundland legislature the exclusive right for fifty years to land cables on that island to be continued to the United States. He next formed a corporation consisting of Peter Cooper, Moses Taylor, Marshall O. Roberts, and Chandler White, and known as the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Company, to procure and lay a cable. After many failures and disappointments a cable was successfully laid across the Atlantic in 1866 (see Atlantic Telegraph). For his achievement he received a medal from Congress and the thanks of the nation. In 1867 the Paris Exposition bestowed upon him the grand medal, its highest honor. He also was the recipient of many other meda
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Greenback party, (search)
nation, exchangeable on demand for bonds bearing interest at 3.65 per cent.; and 3. That coin should only be paid for interest on the present national debt, and for that portion of the principal for which coin had been specifically promised. For a time the progress of the Greenback party was hindered by the adoption of these three propositions in the Democratic State conventions, but in 1876 the party was again revived. A national convention was held in Indianapolis, May 17, 1876, and Peter Cooper, of New York, was nominated for President, with Samuel F. Cory, of Ohio, for Vice-President. The election returns showed a popular vote of 81,737 for these candidates. On Feb. 22, 1878, the Labor-reform and Greenback parties were united in a national convention held in Toledo, O., and a few new resolutions in favor of legislative reduction of working-men's hours of labor and against the contract system of using inmates of prisons were added to the Greenback platform. This fusion of the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hall of fame, (search)
ctober, 1900, a jury of 100 persons was appointed to invite and pass upon nominations for the first fifty names. The number of names submitted reached 252, of which twenty-nine received fifty-one (the minimum) or more votes. These were, therefore, declared eligible The following are the names, with the number of votes, which were accepted. The remaining twenty-one are to be selected in 1902: George Washington, 97; Abraham Lincoln, 96; Daniel Webster, 96; Benjamin Franklin, 94; Ulysses S. Grant, 92; John Marshall, 91; Thomas Jefferson, 90; Ralph Waldo Emerson, 87; Henry W. Longfellow, 85; Robert Fulton, 85; Washington Irving, 83; Jonathan Edwards, 81; Samuel F. B. Morse, 80; David G. Farragut, 79; Henry Clay, 74; Nathaniel Hawthorne, 73; George Peabody, 72; Robert E. Lee, 69; Peter Cooper, 69; Eli Whit ney, 67; John J. Audubon, 67; Horace Mann, 66; Henry Ward Beecher, 66; James Kent, 65; Joseph Story, 64; John Adams, 61; William E. Channing, 58; Gilbert Stuart, 52; Asa Gray, 51.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hewitt, Abram Stevens 1822- (search)
Hewitt, Abram Stevens 1822- Manufacturer; born in Haverstraw, N. Y., July 31, 1822; graduated at Columbia College in 1842; admitted to the bar in 1845. Shortly after beginning the practice of law he was forced to abandon it, owing to poor eyesight; became a partner of Peter Cooper, his father-in-law, in the iron business; was active in the plan of the Cooper Union, and as secretary of its board of trustees has managed its financial and educational details; became a member of Congress, and, with the exception of one term, held a seat in the House of Representatives in 1874-86; was mayor of New York City in 1887-89. He published an address on A century of mining and metallurgy in the United States.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Political parties in the United States. (search)
nated James Black from Pennsylvania for President, 1872; Green Clay Smith, 1876; Neal Dow, 1880; John P. St. John, 1884; C. B. Fisk, 1888; John Bidwell, 1892; Joshua Levering, 1896; John G. Woolley, 1900. Greenback party, 1874 Became National Greenback Party, 1878; became Union Labor Party, 1887.—Unlimited coinage of gold and silver; substitution of greenbacks for national bank notes; suffrage without regard to sex; legislation in the interest of the laboring classes, etc. Nominated Peter Cooper for President, 1876; James B. Weaver, 1880; Benjamin F. Butler, 1884; Alson J. Streeter, 1888. These various elements, uniting with the Farmers' Alliance, form the People's or Populists' party party, 1891 A meeting was held at St. Louis, December. 1889, of the Farmers and laborers' Union of America, for the purpose of consolidating the various bodies of organized farmers in the United States, which had at different times and places formed since 1867, and known under the general ter