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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 27 (search)
th side of the Rappahannock by this time, it is probable they will reach Richmond in a few days without arms, and on foot. Gens. Hood's and Pickett's divisions (Longstreet's corps) are now passing through the city-perhaps 15,000 of the best fighting men in the South. Oh, what wisdom and foresight were evinced by Gen. Lee, when, some ten days ago, he telegraphed the President to send him Longstreet's corps, via Gordonsville! It was referred to the Secretary of War, who consulted with Gen. Cooper --and of course it was not done. This corps was not in the battle. If it had been on the field, Hooker's destruction would have been speedy and complete; and his routed regiments would have been followed to the very gates of the Federal capital. As it was, Lee lost a day in driving Sedgwick back-and then Hooker escaped, as Lee expresses it. I do not understand the Assistant Secretary of War's official correspondence. He sent in the other day a letter addressed to him two years ago
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXVII. June, 1863 (search)
on the Rappahannock yesterday, above Fredericksburg, the enemy having crossed again. They were driven back. There are also reports from Vicksburg, which still holds out. Accounts say that Grant has lost 40,000 men so far. Where Johnston is, we have no knowledge; but in one of his recent letters he intimated that the fall of Vicksburg was a matter of time. June 11 It appears that the enemy design to attack us. The following is Lee's dispatch: Culpepper, June 9th, 1863. To General S. Cooper. The enemy crossed the Rappahannock this morning at five o'clock A. M., at the various fords from Beverly to Kelly's, with a large force of cavalry, accompanied by infantry and artillery. After a severe contest till five P. M., Gen. Stuart drove them across the river. R. E. Lee. We have not received the details of this combat, further than that it was a surprise, not creditable to our officers in command, by which a portion of ten regiments and 600 horses were taken by the en
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 29 (search)
fice at half-past 2 P. M. to-day, and said nothing had been received from his father yet-but he did not deny that such accounts might be substantially true. The President still keeps his eye on Gen. Beauregard. A paper from the general to Gen. Cooper, and, of course, referred to the President, in relation to the means of defense in his department, and a call for more guns, was sent back to-day, indorsed by the President, that by an examination of the report of Gen. Huger, he thought some dto be returned to our lines, the officers retaining their side-arms and personal baggage. This intelligence was brought by an officer who left the place on Sunday, the 5th. J. E. Johnston, General. We get nothing from Lee himself. Gen. Cooper, the Secretary of War, and Gen. Hill went to the President's office about one o'clock. They seemed in haste, and excited. The President, too, is sick, and ought not to attend to business. It will kill him, perhaps. There is serious anxie
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXIX. August, 1863 (search)
ver, even though aspiring. But it is incredible there should be no more Treasury notes in circulation-and no more indebtedness. August 20 A few weeks ago Gen. Cooper wrote to Bragg, suggesting that he advance into Middle Tennessee, reinforced by Gen. Johnston, and attack Rosecrans; Gen. Bragg replied (8th inst.) that with alsastrously. He said, moreover, that the enemy could starve him out, if he were to advance to the place designated, and thus destroy his army without a battle. Gen. Cooper sent this response to the President, asking if Bragg should not be ordered to fight under such circumstances. But the President paused, in following the guidane south face have been silenced by the land batteries of the enemy on Morris Island; and this account is two days old. What has taken place since, none here but Gen. Cooper and the President know. But our battery, Wagner, dismounted one of the enemy's Parrott guns and blew up two magazines. It is rumored to-day that Sumter has be
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXX. September, 1863 (search)
What does this mean? The Governor says the State has urgent use for it. Gen. Cooper visited the President twice to-day, the Secretary not once. The Enquirer, yeno loss. This is substantially the purport of a dispatch from Beauregard to Gen. Cooper,. which, however, was published very awkwardly-without any of the niceties oneral until his name became famous by this ignominious surrender. Where did Gen. Cooper find him? September 20 We have nothing to-day from any of the seats ofch yesterday, and was for three hours closeted with the Secretary of War and Gen. Cooper. It appears that the enemy were occupying Bristol, on the line between Virg It is said Gen. Breckinridge commanded only 1600 men, losing 1300 of them! Gen. Cooper and the Secretary of War have not been permitted to fill up his division; thm off from his supplies. The President sent for the Secretary of War and Gen. Cooper just before 3 P. M. to-day, having, it is supposed, some recent intelligence
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 32 (search)
tates if that government should modify its policy. He says we have but 32,500 in Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas-all told-and the enemy twice that number. Gen. D. H. Hill has been relieved in the West, and ordered to report in this city to Gen. Cooper. It was necessary perhaps to have a scape-goat. Bragg will probably be sustained by the President-but then what will become of----, who is so inimical to Bragg? The President has published, in the West, ah eloquent address to the soldierhat Meade's army is more numerous than his. It is not known what our losses have been, but the following dispatch from Lee gives an accurate account of the enemy's loss in prisoners. headquarters army of Northern Virginia, October 23d, 1863. Gen. S. Cooper, A. and I. General. Gen. Imboden, on the 18th, attacked the garrison at Charlestown, Shenandoah Valley, captured 434 prisoners, with their arms, transportation, and stores. To these, add prisoners already forwarded, makes 2462. (Signe
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXII. November, 1863 (search)
enemy's raiding parties were on this side. He says if he had a little more infantry, he could soon clear East Tennessee of the foe; and asks that an order from Gen. Cooper (A. and I. G.), calling for two of his best regiments of cavalry, be revoked. In Gen. Lee's recent campaign beyond the Rappahannock, our losses in killed, aces of the croakers! The following dispatches have been received: [battle at Lookout Mountain.](official dispatch.) mission ridge, Nov. 24th, 1868. To Gen. S. Cooper. We have had a prolonged struggle for Lookout Mountain today, and sustained considerable loss in one division. Elsewhere the enemy has only manoeuvred for position. [Signed] Braxton Bragg, General. The Latest-Official. Chickamauga, Nov. 25th, 1868. Gen. S. Cooper, A. And I. General. After several unsuccessful assaults on our lines to-day, the enemy carried the left center about four o'clock. The whole left soon gave way in considerable disorder. The right maintained its gr
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 35 (search)
seen in the streets. What another month will develope, I know not; the fortitude of the people, so far, is wonderful. Major-Gen. Sam. Jones, Dublin, Va., is at loggerheads with Lieut.-Gen. Longstreet about some regiments the latter keeps in East Tennessee. Gen. J. says Averill is preparing to make another raid on the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, the saltworks, the mines, etc.; and if he is charged with the defense, he must have at least all his regiments. He gets his orders from Gen. Cooper, A. and I. G., who will probably give him what he wants. January 26 Gen. Lee recommends the formation of several more brigades of cavalry, mostly from regiments and companies in South Carolina, and to this he anticipates objections on the part of the generals and governors along the Southern seaboard; but he deems it necessary, as the enemy facing him has a vastly superior cavalry force. The prisoners on Belle Isle (8000) have had no meat for eleven days. The Secretary says the
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXV. February, 1864 (search)
Northern born generals, while Southern born ones are without trusts, etc. Interesting from Florida: official dispatch. Charleston, February 11th, 1864. To Gen. S. Cooper. Gen Finnegan has repulsed the enemy's force at Lake Citydetails not known. (Signed) G. T. Beauregard. Second dispatch. Charleston, February 11th-11 A. M. To Gen. S. Cooper. Gen. Finnegan's success yesterday was very creditable-the enemy's force being much superior to his own. His reinforcements had not reached here, owing to delays on the road. Losses not yet reported. (Signed) G. T. Beauregard. Repulse of the enemy near Charleston: official dispatch. Charleston,ide of his collar. The retreat of Sherman seems to be confirmed. Gen. Beauregard sends the following dispatch: Charleston, February 23d-2.15 P. M. To Gen. S. Cooper. The latest reports from Gen. Finnegan give no particulars of the victory at Occum Pond, except that he has taken all of the enemy's artillery, some 500 or
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 37 (search)
is $60. March 6 My birthday-55. Bright and frosty; subsequently warm and pleasant; No news. But some indignation in the streets at the Adjutant-General's (Cooper) order, removing the clerks and putting them in the army, just when they had, by their valor, saved the capital from flames and the throats of the President and h. C. B. Duffield, for a lieutenant-colonelcy, recommended by Col. Preston, came back from the President to-day. It was favorably indorsed by the Secretary, but Gen. Cooper marked it adversely, saying the Assistant Adjutant-General should not execute the Conscription act, and finally, the President simply said, The whole organizati, pleasant day. The city is full of generals-Lee and his son (the one just returned from captivity), Longstreet, Whiting, Wise, Hoke, Morgan (he was ordered by Gen. Cooper to desist from his enterprise in the West), Evans, and many others. Some fourteen attended St. Paul's (Episcopal) Church yesterday, where the President worship
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