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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 38 (search)
e anniversary of the first gun of the war, fired at Fort Sumter. It is still said and believed that Gen. Lee will take the initiative, and attack Grant. The following shows that we have had another success: Mobile, April 11th, 1864. To Gen. S. Cooper, A. & I. General. The following report was received at Baton Rouge, on the 3d inst., from the Surgeon-General of Banks's army: We met the enemy near Shreveport. Union force repulsed with great loss. How many can you accommodate in hospitthan apprehension of the city being taken by the enemy. April 20 A clear morning, but a cold, cloudy day. The following dispatch from Gen. Forrest shows that the bloody work has commenced in earnest: Demopolis, Ala., April 19th. to Gen. S. Cooper. The following dispatch has just been received from Gen. Forrest, dated Jackson, Tenn., April 15th. L. Polk, Lieut.-General. I attacked Fort Pillow on the morning of the 12th inst., with a part of Bell's and McCulloch's brigades, nu
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 39 (search)
Lee defeats Grant, the city will certainly be saved. All the local troops are out. Gen. Beauregard is expected to-day, but it is reported he is sick at Weldon. On the 3d inst. the following dispatch was received from him: Kinston, N. C. Gen. Cooper. Orders should be given for the immediate re-establishment of fisheries at Plymouth and Washington, also to get large supplies of pork in Hyde County and vicinity. G. T. Beauregard, General. On this the Commissary-General indorsed tepared for him, and timbers, etc. for bridges; and that he would serve with pleasure under the immediate command of Gen. Lee, aiding him to crush our enemies, and to achieve the independence of our country. Gen. Bragg, May 2d, sent this to Gen. Cooper, who referred it to the Secretary of War. Gen. Bragg indorsed on it that several of the Federal generals named had arrived at Fortress Monroe. The Secretary sent it to the President on the 7th of May. To-day the President sent it back
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 40 (search)
peace, and must have independence at all events. But there is discontent, in the Army of the West, with Gen. Johnston, and in the East with Bragg, and among the croakers with the President. New potatoes sold to-day for $5 per quart, $160 per bushel! Mr. Rhodes, Commissioner of Patents, told me to-day that Gen. Forrest, at last accounts, was at Tupelo, Miss., doing nothing,--Gen. Wheeler, his junior in years, superior in rank, to whom he is again subordinated by the potency of Gen. Cooper's red tape, having most of his men. Robert Tyler has been with the Departmental Battalion at Bottom's Bridge, doing service as a private, though the head of a bureau. This evening at 7 o'clock we heard artillery in the direction of Lee's army. June 12 Cold and cloudy. Some firing again this morning, supposed to be merely an artillery duel. Heard from Oustis, in pencil mark on the back of envelope; and he has applied for and obtained a transfer from ordnance duty in
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XL. July, 1864 (search)
. Lee advises that all government stores be taken from Wilmington, as a London newspaper correspondent has given a glowing account (republished in the New York Herald) of the commerce of that place, and the vast amount of government property there. Gen. Lee advises that the stores be deposited along the line of railroad between Columbia and Danville, and be in readiness to move either way, as the roads are liable to be cut at any moment. Will the government act in time to save them? Gen. Cooper went to the President to-day in high dudgeon, because papers were referred to him from the QuartermasterGen-eral's and Ordnance offices signed by subordinates, instead of the heads of the bureaus. The President wrote an elaborate decision in favor of the general, and ordered the Secretary to make a note of it. Thus, important affairs wait upon red tape. I saw Secretaries Benjamin and Mallory, and some lesser lights, riding down the river in an ambulance-wagon, supposed to be going a
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 44 (search)
as tyrannous as Lincoln's. No doubt many give valuable information to the enemy. The Superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription is at open war with the General of Reserves in Virginia, and confusion is likely to be worse confounded. Gen. Cooper, A. and I. General (Pennsylvanian), suggests to the President the appointment of Gen. Lovell to the command of all the prisons containing Federal captives. Gen. Lovell, too, is a Northern man. October 26 Clear and frosty. Quiet below. at 30,000 of the enemy crossed to this side of the river last night, and that fighting has-began at 10 A. M.; but I hear nothing save an occasional report of cannon. It is said brisk skirmishing is now (12 M.) going on along the lines. Gen. Cooper and Mr. Secretary Seddon wants Brig.-Gen. R. (Charleston) relieved, for insulting a lady in one of his fits of drunkenness. The President is reluctant to consent. We have intelligence to-day of gun-boats and transports ascending the Rappa
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 45 (search)
. Gen. B. doubts not he will soon be able to announce good tidings, etc. etc. This letter to Gen. Cooper is submitted to the Secretary of War, by whom it is submitted for the information of the Presssee, as the appended dispatch from Gen. Beauregard shows, Tuscumbia, Ala., Nov. 8th, 1864. Gen. S. Cooper, A. And I. General. Gen. Forrest reports on the 5th instant that he was then engaged fighn house, when Mrs. F. interposed and beat Mr. S. away. Gen. Winder has been appointed, by Gen. Cooper, commander of all prisons east of the Mississippi. Gen. Winder has been made Commissary-G prisoners of war. The Bureau of Conscription is yet sustained in power. All this is done by Gen. Cooper,--unwise, probably fatal measures! November 24 Clear and frosty. Ice half an inch thicepartments, and the State they were appointed from. Virginia has more than half of them. Gen. Cooper, the Adjutant-General, Northern by birth, turned out twenty of his eighty clerks yesterday, t
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 46 (search)
and cloudy. Quiet below. The President was reported better, yesterday, to my wife, who called. It is said Gen. Cooper, R. Ould, etc. etc. have never taken their compensation in Confederate States Treasury notes, hoping at a future day December 20 A brighter morning, cool and clear. The President was at work yesterday. He and the Secretary and Gen. Cooper put their heads together to make up a regiment for Col. Miller in Mississippi, and designate the two field officers tout whether they were retreating to East Tennessee or not, he had not ascertained. Charleston, December 22d, 1864. To Gen. S. Cooper. On the 16th inst., the enemy, 800 strong, occupied Pollard. After burning the government and railroad buildings,gement of the Bureau of Conscription-really the Bureau of Exemption. I saw to-day a letter from Gen. Beauregard to Gen. Cooper, wherein it was indicated that Gen. Hood's plan of penetrating Tennessee was adopted before he (Gen. B.) was ordered t
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 47 (search)
at $35 for $1. But that is not the market price. It is believed (by some credulous people) that Gen. J. E. Johnston will command the army in Virginia, and that Lee will reside here and be commander-in-chief. I doubt. The clamor for Gen. J. seems to be the result of a political combination. Mr. Hunter came to the department to-day almost in a run. He is excited. Lieut.-Gen. Hardee, of Charleston, 26th (yesterday), dispatches to the Secretary that he has received an order from Gen. Cooper (Adjutant-General) for the return of the 15th Regiment and 10th Battalion North Carolina troops to North Carolina. He says these are nearly the only regular troops he has to defend the line of the Combahee — the rest being reserves, disaffected at being detained out of their States. The withdrawal may cause the loss of the State line, and great disaster, etc. etc. Official statement of Gen. Hood's losses shows 66 guns, 13,000 small arms, etc. The report says the army was saved by s
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 48 (search)
f Plug Uglies around him, and Cashmeyer, their sutler. headquarters army of Northern Virginia, February 6th, 1865. General S. Cooper. The enemy moved in strong force yesterday to Hatcher's Run. Part of his infantry, with Gregg's cavalry, crosserdered the nomination of ex-Gov. Bon-ham as brigadier-general of a brigade of South Carolina cavalry, in opposition to Gen. Cooper's opinion: a rare occurrence, showing that Mr. Davis can be flexible when necessity urges. Gen. Hampton recommended . Pillow proposes to gather troops west of that point, and Gen. B. approves it. The President hesitates, and refers to Gen. Cooper, etc. Eleven o'clock A. M. Raining again; wind east. Mr. Hunter looks rather cadaverous to-day; he does not ca to second Beauregard's desire that Gen. Pillow-although not a red tapist --should rouse the people to the rescue; but Gen. Cooper must be consulted to throw obstacles in the way! This will be a terrible blow; and its consequences may be calamitous
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XLIX. April, 1865 (search)
ith militia, can only indicate an emergency of alarming importance. A decisive struggle is probably at hand-and may possibly be in progress while I write. Or there may be nothing in it — more than a precautionary concentration to preserve our communications. Mrs. Davis sold nearly all her movables-including presentsbefore leaving the city. She sent them to different stores. An intense excitement prevails, at 2 P. M. It pervaded the churches. Dr. Hoge intermitted his services. Gen. Cooper and the President left their respective churches, St. James's and St. Paul's. Dr. Minnegerode, before dismissing his congregation, gave notice that Gen. Ewell desired the local forces to assemble at 3 P. M.-and afternoon services will not be held. The excited women in this neighborhood say they have learned the city is to be evacuated to-night. No doubt our army sustained a serious blow yesterday; and Gen. Lee may not have troops sufficient to defend both the city and the Danville Ro