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The Daily Dispatch: June 24, 1863., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
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The Daily Dispatch: June 24, 1863., [Electronic resource], Capture of Yankee recruiting officers. (search)
ce, one of whom belonged to the command which captured the renegade. On the 15th of May last Wm F. Corbin and T. J. McGraw, two Confederate soldiers, members of the 4th Kentucky cavalry, were shot de fate of the two Confederates may assist the reader in coming to a correct conclusion: When Corbin and McGraw were prisoners Miss Corbin, the sister of Corbin, called upon Gen. Burnside and appeaMiss Corbin, the sister of Corbin, called upon Gen. Burnside and appealed to him to refrain from executing his order, and the General replied "that he had quit handling this rebellion with gloves." Miss Corbin then went to the city of Washington and requested an intervCorbin, called upon Gen. Burnside and appealed to him to refrain from executing his order, and the General replied "that he had quit handling this rebellion with gloves." Miss Corbin then went to the city of Washington and requested an interview with the President, which was declined. These men were shot for no other offence than the charge of recruiting in Kentucky. Miss Corbin then went to the city of Washington and requested an interview with the President, which was declined. These men were shot for no other offence than the charge of recruiting in Kentucky.