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er, and march to Warrenton and Catlett's Station. artillery engagement. recrossing of the Rappahannock. fights at Waterloo Bridge. march to Salem and Bristow Station. capture of the large Federal supply-depots. fight at Manassas plains. fightrawing from the field without the knowledge of the enemy, proceeded in rapid trot eight miles higher up the river to Waterloo Bridge, where we crossed it, and continued our march to Warrenton. Late in the evening we entered this little town, and weuarters of General Robert E. Lee, about five miles distant, and ordered me to proceed with the Staff and couriers to Waterloo Bridge, six miles higher up the river, near which a portion of our cavalry was to encamp. This bridge was now the only onese and our flying artillery. Starting at daybreak, we forded the Rappahannock near Hinzen's Mill, eight miles above Waterloo Bridge, and proceeded with great caution all day through the extensive forests of the county of Faughire, taking by-paths i
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 12: (search)
return across the Mountains. we are cut off by the enemy. fight at Barber's cross-roads. retreat towards Orleans and across the Rappahannock. fights near Waterloo Bridge and Jefferson. Crossing of the Hazel river. bivouac in the snow. scout with General Stuart. headquarters near Culpepper Court-house. reconnaissance in foblow with the butt of his musket, under which she fell senseless into the arms of her daughters. Throughout the afternoon we continued our retreat towards Waterloo Bridge, which we crossed at night, and in the vicinity of which our troops bivouacked. The General and Staff proceeded a mile farther on, and established their head 6th and 7th November. The morning of the following day, to our great surprise, passed quietly, and we were enabled to take up our old line of defence at Waterloo Bridge, sending out scouts and patrols in the direction of the enemy. One of the latter was fortunate enough to capture and bring off a Yankee waggon, which gave us
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 10: operations on the Rappahannock. (search)
orce, the whole of our troops on the north of the river must be captured, and suggesting the propriety of my attempting to extricate them by moving up towards Waterloo bridge, several miles above. Before this note could be delivered, I received a verbal message from General Jackson, which had been given across the river at the ns conveyed by his message, and directing me in addition, in the event of the enemy's appearance in too heavy force for me to contend with, to move up towards Waterloo bridge, keeping close to the river; and stating that he would follow along the opposite bank with his whole force, to cover my movement. I at once moved towards he creek. Some time during the morning, General Jackson sent over an officer familiar with the country, to pilot one of the staff officers over the route to Waterloo bridge, which it might be necessary to pass over in case of emergency, and Major Hale was sent with him to ascertain the road. In the meantime, the creek began t
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 11: capture of Manassas Junction. (search)
nd General Jackson to the enemy's rear, to cut the railroad, so as to destroy his communications and bring on a general engagement before the whole of the approaching reinforcements could arrive. Jackson's wing of the army was put in motion early on the morning of the 25th, with no wagons but the ordnance and medical wagons, and with three days rations in haversacks, for a cavalry raid with infantry. Moving with Ewell's division in front, we crossed the river at Hinson's Mill above Waterloo bridge, and marched by a small place called Orleans to Salem, near which place we bivouacked after a very long day's march. On the morning of the 26th, we moved, with Ewell's division still in front, past White Plains, through Thoroughfare Gap in Bull Mountain to Gainesville on the Warrenton Pike, and there turned off to the right towards Bristow Station on the Orange & Alexandria Railroad. At Haymarket, before reaching Gainesville, we halted two or three hours to wait for Stuart to come up
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
Warrenton, 31, 109-10, 165, 285, 304, 307, 479 Warrenton Junction, 114, 115, 116, 307 Warrenton Pike, 5. 25, 26, 31-32-33, 37, 114-15, 119, 120-22-23 Warrenton Springs, 106-110 Warwick Court-House, 61 Warwick River, 58, 59, 60, 61, 65 Washington Artillery, 5, 6, 7. 8, 204 Washington College, 380 Washington, D. C., 2, 34, 40-46, 48, 51, 54, 75, 89, 104, 105, 131, 135, 157, 160-61, 253, 263, 344, 358, 360, 371, 383, 385, 386, 389, 390- 394, 398, 401, 416-17, 455, 475 Waterloo Bridge, 108, 109, 110, 114 Watkins, Colonel, 114 Watson, 198 Waynesboro, Pa., 254, 281, 370-71- 372, 381, 434-35, 460, 468 Waynesboro, Va., 366, 369, 464-66, 474 Weiglestown, 259, 263 Weisiger, General D. A., 356 Welbourn, Captain, 212, 460 Wellford's Mill, 106 Wells, Colonel (U. S. A.), 326, 437 Westover, 88 Western Virginia, 75 Wharton, General G. C., 188, 253, 375, 399, 414-15, 423-27, 429-30, 434, 441-443, 445-47, 449, 452, 457-58, 460, 462-64 Wheat's Batt
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 8: commands the army defending Richmond, and seven days battles. (search)
ving detached a regiment under Munford to operate on the left of the army, Stuart crossed the Rapidan on the 20th with Fitz Lee's brigade and the remainder of Robertson's, and proceeded at once to drive the Federal cavalry from out of the section between the Rapidan and Rappahannock Rivers, across the latter stream. Lee now began to extend his left, and on the 22d and 23d Jackson moved up the Rappahannock River to the Warrenton Springs ford. Stuart started on his mission, crossing at Waterloo Bridge, a point above Warrenton Springs, and, moving by way of Warrenton, reached the vicinity of Catlett's Station, twelve miles in Pope's rear, after dark. The rain fell in such torrents and the night was so dark that it was not possible for him to damage the road to any great extent. At that point was encamped the whole reserve, baggage, and ammunition train of Pope's army as well as his headquarters tent and personal effects. Stuart captured a number of officers and men, a large sum of
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 9: Second battle of Manassas. (search)
cupy Pope's attention with thirty thousand troops under the immediate command of Longstreet, while he rapidly transferred Jackson by a circuitous march of fifty-six miles to a point twentyfour miles exactly in rear of Pope's line of battle. On August 25th Jackson, with three divisions of infantry, under Ewell, A. P. Hill, and W. B. Taliaferro, preceded by Munford's Second Virginia Cavalry, crossed the upper Rappahannock, there called the Hedgman River, at Hinson Mills, four miles above Waterloo Bridge, where the left and right of the two opposing armies respectively rested. The Foot cavalry were in light marching order, and were accompanied only by a limited ordnance train and a few ambulances. Three days cooked rations were issued and duly deposited in haversacks, much of which was thrown away in the first few hours' march, the men preferring green corn, seasoned by rubbing the meat rations upon the ears, and the turnips and apples found contiguous to their route. After the sun s
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
227. Warren, General Gouverneur K., at Gettysburg, 283; mentioned, 316- 339. Washington Artillery, 214, 227, 230, 233; at Gettysburg, 290. Washington, Augustine, mentioned, 1. Washington, Colonel John A., 116, 117, 121, 122. Washington College, 403, 406, 407. Washington, General, George, mentioned, 1, 6, II, 169, 415. Washington, Lawrence, 1, 10, 11, 13, 26, 71, 80, 137. Washington and Lee University, 281, 413. Washington, Mrs., Mary, 26. Waterloo, battle of, 13. Waterloo Bridge, 182, 184, 186. Wellington, Duke of, mentioned, 171, 228, 247, 278; at Waterloo, 343, 420. Webb's brigade at Gettysburg, 295. Webster, Daniel, McClellan's horse, 211. Weed, General, killed at Gettysburg, 302. Weiseger, General, at Petersburg, 360. Weitzel, General, commands Eighteenth Corps, 365. Western armies, success of, 347. Westmoreland County, 146. Westover estate, Virginia, 164. West Point graduates, 24. Whisky Insurrection, 10. White House, 164, 167. W
of the State, who should enlist in the volunteer service of the United States, should be organized by the appointment of proper officers, and accepted, paid, equipped, armed and rationed as other volunteer troops of the United States, subject to the approval of the President. The battle between the Union army under General Pope, and that part of the rebel forces under Gen. Lee, which crossed the Rappahannock yesterday, was this morning resumed in the vicinity of Sulphur Springs and Waterloo Bridge. Cannonading was kept up all day, but without doing much damage to either side.--(Doc. 104.) Quantrel's and Hays's bands of guerrillas, overtook six companies of the Second and three companies of the Sixth Kansas regiments near Lamar, Kansas, when the attack was commenced by the Sixth under the command of Major Campbell and Capt. Grund. The fight continued two hours, during which time the Nationals lost two killed and twenty-one wounded. The Second Kansas regiment took no part in
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 8.58 (search)
t and beyond Manassas Junction, was ordered to move forward to Waterloo Bridge, where the turnpike from Warrenton to Sperryville crosses the tle Washington, and Ricketts's division of McDowell's corps at Waterloo Bridge. I assumed the command in person July 29th, 1862. As this s at Sulphur (or Warrenton) Springs; 24th and 25th, actions at Waterloo Bridge; 25th, skirmish at Sulphur Springs; 26th, skirmishes at Bristos morning has pushed a considerable infantry force up opposite Waterloo Bridge, and is planting batteries, and long lines of his infantry are front of me, from railroad crossing of Rappahannock around to Waterloo Bridge, their main body being opposite Sulphur Springs. John Pope, M the meantime heavy forces of the enemy still confronted us at Waterloo Bridge, On the afternoon of August 26th, Longstreet's corps moved , leaving R. H. Anderson's division (about 6000 effectives) at Waterloo Bridge.--Editors. while his main body continued its march toward our
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