Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 9, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for George K. Crutchfield or search for George K. Crutchfield in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: September 9, 1862., [Electronic resource], Our army in Maryland--particulars of the passage of the Potomac. (search)
City Council. --The regular monthly meeting of the City Council was held at 4 o'clock yesterday evening. Present Messrs. Saunders, Burr, Grattan, Crutchfield, Epps, Haskins, Denoon, Scott, and Wynne. The report of the Commissioners of Stock was presented and ordered to be printed. The Committee to procure salt reported that they had contracted with Messrs. Stuart, Buchanan & Co, for 12,000 bushels, to be delivered in monthly instalments of 1,000 bushels, at $1 per bushel, and hCouncil for license, and on failing to do so that they will incur a penalty of $20 per day. The Keeper of Oakwood Cemetery reported to the Council that 4,882 soldiers had been buried there from 1st September, 1861, to 1st September, 1862. The following members were appointed proxies on the part of the city, to attend a meeting of the Directors of the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Company, at Lynchburg, on Wednesday next — viz D. J. Saunders, Thos. C. Epps, and Geo. K. Crutchfield.