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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Western flotilla at Fort Donelson, Island number10, Fort Pillow and — Memphis. (search)
request to permit the families of officers captured at Fort Donelson to pass through the Union lines. The request was granted on the following day, but General George W. Cullum (General Halleck's chief of staff) and Flag-Officer Foote remonstrated with General Polk for the use made of the flag of truce.-editors. But at that time. The fact of the occupation was not known at the time of the gun-boat reconnoissance, which included a land force accompanied by General Sherman and by Brigadier-General Cullum. This detachment landed and took formal possession. In his report of the occupation, General Cullum speaks of Columbus as the Gibraltar of the West. SGeneral Cullum speaks of Columbus as the Gibraltar of the West. See also note, p. 367.-editors. On the 5th of March, while we were descending the Mississippi in a dense fog, the flag-steamer leading, the Confederate gun-boat Grampus, or Dare-devil Jack, the sauciest little vessel on the river, suddenly appeared across our track and close aboard. She stopped her engines and struck her colo
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.55 (search)
en called upon; but General Meigs seemed to desire that our full reports should be read, which I could not, of course, ask to be done, without seeming to attach too much importance to them. General Scott said at the conclusion, they were of singular ability, and he adopted every word of them; and General Totten told me there was not a criticism made. The meeting consisted of General Scott, General Totten, General Meigs, Colonel T. W. Sherman, Captain H. G. Wright, of the Engineers, and Colonel Cullum, aide-de-camp to the general. Memoirs dated August 9th, September 2d and 3d, follow, giving a discussion of the blockade on the west coast of Florida, and to the border of Mexico. A memoir dated September 12th discusses a proposition submitted from the department in relation to the taking of Fort Macon, which closes as follows: We beg leave to observe that here, and in all our previous reports and memoirs, we have confined ourselves to the treatment of cases, more or less special
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
t determined loyalty still prevailed. On the 9th of November, 1861, General Henry Wager Halleck, who had been called from California by the President to take an active part in the war, was appointed to the command of the new Department of Missouri. It included Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Arkansas, and that portion of Kentucky lying west of the Cumberland River. He had arrived in Washington on the 5th, Nov., 1861. and on the 19th took the command, with Brigadier-General George W. Cullum, an eminent engineer officer, as his chief of staff, and Brigadier-General Schuyler Hamilton as assistant chief. Both officers had been on the staff of General Scott. The Headquarters were at St. Louis. General Hunter, whom Halleck superseded, was assigned to the command of the Department of Kansas. This included the State of Kansas, the Indian Territory, west of Arkansas, and the Territories of Nebraska, Colorado, and Dakota. General Don Carlos Buell had superseded Gener
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 8: the siege and capture of Fort Donelson. (search)
ptured. Reports of Generals Grant, McClernand, Wallace, and subordinate officers; and of Floyd, Pillow, and Buckner, and their subordinates. Also written and oral statements to the author by participants in the action. The victory at Fort Donelson was of the greatest importance to the National cause, and the official announcement of it, Commander Walke, in the Carondelet, carried the first news of the victory to Cairo, from which it was telegraphed to General McClellan by General George W. Cullum, Halleck's Chief of Staff, then at Cairo, saying: The Union flag floats over Donelson. The Carondelet, Captain Walke, brings the glorious intelligence. The fort surrendered at nine o'clock yesterday (Sunday) morning. Generals Buckner, Bushrod R. Johnston, and 15,000 prisoners, and a large amount of materials of war, are the trophies of the victory. Loss heavy on both sides. Floyd, the thief, stole away during the night previous with 5,000 men, and is denounced by the rebels as
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
er of pieces of artillery comprising our armament, he continued, was one hundred and fifty. General Cullum's report contradicts that of Polk concerning the removal of nearly all that was valuable, focommanded by Brigadier-General W. T. Sherman (who was in command at Paducah), accompanied by General Cullum, of Halleck's staff. The flotilla left Cairo before daylight on the morning of the 4th, Matronghold. Report of Commodore Foote to the Secretary of the Navy, March 4, 1862; also of General Cullum to General McClellan. on the same day. General Polk, in his report, says, The enemy's calow, note 1, page 72. There was evidence of great haste in the evacuation, considering, says General Cullum, the quantities of ordnance and ordnance stores, and number of anchors, and the remnant of t. That of the Nationals was fifty-one killed and wounded. Report of General John Pope to General Cullum, March 14, 1862; and statements to the author by eye witnesses. Just before daylight on
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 17: Pope's campaign in Virginia. (search)
herto waged against armed forces into a campaign of robbery and murder against unarmed citizens and tillers of the soil. He ordered that Generals Pope and Steinwehr, and all commissioned officers under their respective commands, should not be considered as soldiers, but as out-laws; and in the event of their capture, to be held as hostages for the lives of bushwhackers or spies, one of each to be hung for every man executed under the orders above mentioned. General Pope's Report to General G. W. Cullum, January 27, 1863. Pope assumed the command of his army in the field in person on the 29th of July. The bulk of that army then lay between Fredericksburg, on the Rappahannock, and Culpepper Court-House, and preparations were made to drive Jackson from Gordonsville, which he had held since the 19th, preparatory to an advance toward the Rappahannock. Informed of Pope's strength, that daring officer was afraid to move forward without more troops. He called for re-enforcements, and
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 19: events in Kentucky and Northern Mississippi. (search)
h of September, and prepared to meet an expected attack upon the post by the combined armies of Price and Van Dorn. Ord, as we have seen, returned to Bolivar. Grant made his Headquarters at Jackson, in Mississippi. Sherman was holding Memphis, and Rosecrans, with about twenty thousand men, was left to hold Corinth Graves of the Eleventh Ohio battery-men. and the region around it. The earth-works constructed there by Beauregard and Halleck had been strengthened under the direction of General Cullum but they were modified, and new ones were constructed by Major F. E. Prime, Grant's Chief-Engineer, which were better adapted for the use of a smaller force than occupied them in May. The new line was made especially strong westward of Corinth, from which direction the foe was expected, and was much nearer the town than the old ones. Immediately after their junction at Ripley, a point about half way between Jacinto and Holly Springs, Price and Van Dorn prepared to march upon Corinth,
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 22: prisoners.-benevolent operations during the War.--readjustment of National affairs.--conclusion. (search)
d an order, appointing Henry W. Bellows, D. D., Professor A. D. Bache, Ll. D. (Chief of the Coast Survey), Professor Jeffries Wyman, M. D., Henry W. Bellows. W. H. Van Buren, M. D., R. C. Wood, Surgeon-General of the United States Army, G. W. Cullum, of General Scott's staff, and Alexander Shiras, of the United States Army, in conjunction with such others as they might associate with them, A Commission of Inquiry and Ad, vice, in respect of the Sanitary Interests of the United States Forcfor that officer was really the General Manager of the affairs of the Commission. Its first officers were Rev. Henry W. Bellows, D. D., President; Professor A. D. Bache, Ll.D., Vice-President; Elisha Harris, M. D. Corresponding Secretary; George W. Cullum, Alexander E. Shiras, Robert C. Wood M. D., Wolcott Gibbs, Cornelius R. Agnew, M. D., George T. Strong, Frederick Law Olmsted, Samuel G. Howe, M. D., and J. S. Newberry , M. D., Comsissioners. To these were subsequently added , Horace Binney
-morrow's news must outstrip, cease here, and let us examine the composition of the forces actually engaged with the Confederates. The head of the naval and military forces of the United States is the President, in theory and in the practice of appointments; but Lieut.-Gen. Winfield Scott is Commander-in-chief of the United States Army. His staff consists of Lieut.-Col. E. D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant-General, Chief of the Staff; Col. H. Van Renssellaer, A. D. C. (Volunteer;) Lieut.-Col. George W. Cullum, United States Engineer, A. D. C.; Lieut.-Col. Edward Wright, United States Cavalry, A. D. C.; Lieut.-Col. Schuyler Hamilton, Military Secretary. The subjoined general order gives the organization of the standard of the several divisions of the army under Brig.-Gen. McDowell, now advancing into Virginia from the lines opposite Washington. For this order, see page 1, ante. Some changes have been made since this order was published, and the corps has been strengthened by t
rsons in the employ of Government, respect and further the inquiries and objects of the commission to the utmost of their ability. Mr. Frederick Law Oimsted, of New York, consents to serve as its resident secretary and general agent at Washington. Donations and subscriptions in aid of its object are earnestly solicited. They should be addressed to its treasurer, George T. Strong, 68 Wall Street, New York. Office of Sanitary Commission, Treasury Building, June 21, 1861. Henry W. Bellows, President, New York. Prof. A. D. Bache, Vice-Pres., Washington. Elisha Harris, M. D. Cor. Secretary, N. Y. Geo. W. Cullum, U. S. A., Washington. Alexander E. Shiras, U. S. A., Washington. Robt. C. Wood, M. D., U. S. A., Washington. Wm. H. Van Buren, M. D., New York. Wolcott Gibbs, M. D., New York. Samuel G. Howe, M. D., Boston. Cornelius R. Agnew, M. D., New York. J. S. Newberry, M. D., Cleveland. Geo. T. Strong, New York. Frederick law Olmsted, New York.
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