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ng, near Wilson, North Carolina, on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, by Arthur B. Davis, of the Second Georgia Regiment. The main particulars of the affair, as whe Captain replied that being drunk was no excuse for stealing. During the day Davis again approached the Captain, and declared that he was sorry for what he had dok. --They appeared afterwards to be friendly for some hours. In the afternoon, Davis being again under the influence of liquor, was making a rather careless exhibitod humor, and apparently remonstrating, held him for a moment. Being released, Davis withdrew for a moment to another car; but soon returned, with pistol in hand, dat he was the person alluded to, stepped forward, and was shot in the breast by Davis when very near him. Capt. A. died instantly. Davis was arrested. Capt. ADavis was arrested. Capt. Axson was the commander of Company "M, " First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, which returned home a few weeks since. He was returning with his company again to
Removal of prisoners to New York. --From the Baltimore Exchange, of Tuesday last, we learn that Messrs. Howard, Gatchell and Davis, three of the Police Commissioners of Baltimore, together with seven other persons, most of whom are citizens of Maryland, were placed on board the steamer Joseph Whitney, at Baltimore, on Monday, and carried, as is supposed, to New York, there to be imprisoned at the pleasure of Mr. Lincoln. All of them were formerly confined in Fort McHenry.
e? Immediately after the glorious battle of Manassas the stream began to flow in this direction, and ever since they have come in day by day, in steadily increasing numbers. It seems that when the first offers were made by Professors Cabell and Davis to erect a hospital here, only a limited number of patients was expected, and for these ample accommodations and excellent medical attendance were within reach. The two outer ranges of dormitories of the University proper were quickly put in order and furnished for the reception of patients. Messrs. Cabell and Davis were duly commissioned surgeons of the C. S. Army. Owing, however, to the sudden pressure upon the other hospitals at Manassas and Culpeper, hundreds were of a sudden sent to follow the others. With culpable negligence, no notice was given of this number or the time of their arrival, and it was a sad and painful sight indeed to see on Monday last hundreds of wounded men lying in a pelting rain at our station. There was
Improving. --Arthur B. Davis, the member of the Second Georgia Regiment, who was badly wounded by some unknown parties by shooting and stabbing last Wednesday, in Manchester, was in an improving condition yesterday. His wounds, though severe, are not necessarily mortal. Strong hopes are indulged of his ultimate recovery.
Slowly improving. --Arthur B. Davis, the member of the 2d Regiment of Georgia Volunteers, who was wounded in Manchester this day week by some unknown parties, is slowly improving, though the character of the wounds inflicted render his condition critical. He is still at the residence of Dr. Lackett.
been over run by bands of rebels." Scott is a liar, as well as a traitor. The New York Journal of Commerce, anxious for peace, proposes an armistice for three months, and a Convention of all the States, to arrange matters. We don't think it can be done. The Grand Army marched toward Manassas with colors flying. On its return to Washington, instead of colors, the army was flying. Changing turn. "Forward to Richmond, let us fly" The Yankees shout, while blundering on, But Davis changed their battle cry To " Backward, boys, to Washington." In the recent retreat of the Federals at Manassas the means of conveyance was limited; paving passengers had no chance, there being such an immense number of dead-heads. The anxiety in regard to cotton in Liverpool is increasing. It is believed that there is, or soon will be, a strong pressure by the Government to unite with the French Emperor in a formal offer of arbitration, not with the expectation that the F
er arriving at Wilmington, Capt. Axson went to Davis and politely asked him if he was the man who cas considerably intoxicated. I saw no more of Davis until we were on the way from Wilmington to Weldon. There Davis again approached Capt. Axson, (now sober,) and told him that he would make any a asked him, further, to take a drink with him. Davis said he would not do so unless Axson would forfterwards arose, during which Capt. Axson held Davis to the floor, choking him, and "on being relea in a friendly manner; and as to Axson choking Davis, that is literally false, as Davis only laid hDavis only laid his head on Axson, who was lying down, and Axson stroked it gently, at the same time begging him to toward him, having not the remotest idea that Davis would shoot, in my opinion, as his actions dida smile on his countenance, no doubt believing Davis was only bullying, as usual. Some one, I knowd some incoherent sentences and went on toward Davis. When in about three feet of Axson, Davis lev[13 more...]
Hanging recommended. --A late number of the Philadelphia Bulletin, which has by accident fallen into our hands, alludes sneeringly to the message sent by President Davis to Abraham Lincoln relative to the crew of the privateer Savannah. The Bulletin urges the hanging of the Captain, as well as officers in arms, spies, and persons of prominent position who may be caught, and then says: "If Mr. Davis wishes to retaliate, let him." A perusal of this paragraph may cause a little nervous agitation among a good many persons of "prominent position" who are now in the military prisons of Richmond. Lincoln knows very well that President Davis is a man of his prisons of Richmond. Lincoln knows very well that President Davis is a man of his word; he knows that if hemp is used upon any Southern man or men now imprisoned at Washington or elsewhere at the North, the retaliation will be fearful. If Lincoln thinks proper to follow the suggestions of his newspaper advisers, let him do so.