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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 125.-Southern Bank Convention. (search)
h Bank of Tennessee, Memphis, Jos. Lenow; Branch Bank of Tennessee, Knoxville, J. G. M. Ramsey. Virginia.--Farmers' Bank of Virginia, W. H. McFarland; Bank of Virginia, James Caskie, Alfred T. Harris, and John L. Bacon; Exchange Bank, L. W. Glazebrook and W. P. Strother; Bank of the Commonwealth, L. Nunnally, J. B. Norton, and James Alfred Jones; Merchants' Bank of Virginia, C. R. Slaughter; Danville Bank, W. T. Sutherlin; Bank of Richmond, Alexander Warwick; Traders' Bank of Richmond, Hector Davis, E. Denton, and Andrew Johnson. On motion of R. R. Cuyler, Esq., the Secretary read the resolutions adopted by the Convention at Atlanta, Georgia, June 3, 1861, as follows: Resolved, That this Convention do recommend to all the Banks in the Southern Confederacy to receive in payment of all dues to them the Treasury notes of the Government, to be issued under the Act of Congress of May 16, 1861, and also to receive the same on deposit, and pay them out again to customers. Resolved
and spirited, and many of them really graceful and elegant in their movements. A trip to the Camp is simply compensated for in the view of this large collection of fine animals. The Chesterfield Company and the Powhatan Troop, attended by Col. Davis, were dispatched to the city as an escort to Col. Hardee, of the U. S. army, who was waited upon at the Governor's mansion. He soon afterward arrived at the Camp, where he was received by Col. McRae, and conducted to the parade ground. The trtant Surgeon. Edmund Fontaine, Sergeant Major. Walter K. Martin, Paymaster. Miles C. Selden, Assistant Commissary. Companies. Hanover Troop--Capt. Wms. C. Wickham, Lieut. Wm. B. Newton, Lieut. B. H. Bowles. Henrico Troop--Col. J. L Davis, Lieut. Comm'g B. W. Green, Jr., Lieut. John E. Friend. Governor's Guard, Richmond City--Capt. J. G. Cabell, Lieut. O. A. Crenshaw, Lieut. R. B. Kennon. Chesterfield Troop A--Capt. Henry W. Cox, Lieut. Jos. T. Mason, Lieut. Geo. C. Gregory.
st of the Watering Committee. Mr. Grattan made a motion that the Council proceed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. F. W. Roddey, and the motion being carried, Robert R. Howisof, Esq., was nominated, and unanimously elected a member from Madison Ward. Mr. Denton stated that the Council had been called to consider the propriety of constructing a new reservoir, and briefly stated that the committee had adopted the plan prepared by Mr. W. Gill, the City Engineer, and Mr. Davis, the Superintendent of the Water Works. From Mr. Gill's report on the subject, we make the following extract: "It is proposed to build the new reservoir on the east side of the present one, and to raise the water line of the present reservoir three feet higher, and to build the new reservoir to the same height. "The new reservoir will be 500 feet long by 450 feet wide at the surface of the water, and will be divided into two equal parts by a division embankment extending through
$20 reward. --Escaped from Mr. Benjamin Davis' Jail, Monday morning, between the hours of five and six o'clock, a Negro Man and Woman, and may be together. The man, Ned, is black, about 30 years of age, no grey hairs, slightly how legged, about 5 feet 4 inches high, good many of his upper teeth out on one side, a soar on his cheek. He had a bundle of clothes with him, a drab overcoat, grey pants and black pea Jacket among them. The woman, Polly, is a bright mulatto, about 22 years of age, upper front teeth very bad, one eye cocked, about five feet four inches high, good head of hair. She has with her several articles of clothing, among them one plaid and one dark merino dress. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of both, or $10 each. Pulliam & Co., no 20--ts Hector Davis.
erefore," 'Resolved, that this Bank suspend specie payments until the further order of the Board' The Directors of the Bank of Richmond met yesterday morning, and after duty considering the question of suspension, adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, That the other Banks of this city having suspended specie payments this Bank deems it due to itself and to the community to do so likewise." At a meeting of the Traders' Bank of Richmond, held on the 21st inst., Hector Davis, President; John B. Davis, Jos. Brummel, Geo. W. Smith, Franklin Stearns, J. Thompson Brown, C. E. Whitlock and Thos. Jones being present, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the President and Directors of the Traders' Bank, influenced alone by a desire to do justice alike to the stockholders and to the commercial community, determine to suspend, for the present specie payment. Resolved, That they will pursue such a policy as to enable them at the
$20 reward. --Escaped from Mr. Benjamin Davis' Jail Monday morning, between the hours of five and six o'clock, a Negro man and Woman, and may be together. The man Ned. is black about 30 years of age, no grey hairs, slightly bow legged about 5 feet 4 inches high, good many of his upper teeth out on one side, a scar on his cheek. He had a bundle of clothes with him, a drab over coat, grey pants and black pea jacket among them. The woman, Polly, is a bright mulatto, about 22 years of age, upper front teeth very bad, one eye cocked, about five feet four inches high, good head of hair. She has with her several articles of clothing, among them one plaid and one dark merino dress. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of both, or $10 each. Pulliam & Co. no 20--ts Hector Davis.
Carroll mrs Electa Carter mrs C M Chappell mrs E B Cook mrs John Chandler mrs Maria V Childrey mrs Eliza Coleman Mollie (col'd) Clark mis Catherine Cobb mrs Mary F Coutts mrs Sophia Carr mrs Jno Crutch field mrs Mary Catter miss Josephine S Chalkley miss A J Clause miss Louisa M Cruns miss Mary Crenshaw miss Helen Collier miss Mary A Crosstick mrs Mary K Cox miss Susan Collier miss Mary E Don mrs Mary 2 Doswell mrs Margaret Dunn miss Catherine Davis miss Octavia M Ellis mrs Martha Elliss miss Bettie Ellyson miss Bettie H Ellen (serv't of D Hunt) Frary mrs Caroline G Fleming mrs Ellen Fisher mrs Mary G Farrar mrs M E M Farrar miss Mollie H Ford miss Octavia V Fisher miss Sarah J Fourqurean Mollie E Gary mrs M E Gooch mrs Eliza Goodson mrs M D Grover mrs E J Gisch wind miss E Hughes mrs E Hourelton mrs Cath Houdager mrs E Himman mrs Fannie Hall mrs Martha E Hayley mrs Hancock mrs E P Hansb
$20 reward. --Escaped from Mr. Benjamin Davis' Jail, Monday morning. between the hours of five and six o'clock, a Negro Man and Woman, and may be together. The man, Ned,is black, about 30 years of age, no grey hairs, slightly bow legged about 5 feet 4 inches high, good many of his upper teeth out on one side, a scar on his cheek. He had a bundle of clothes with him, a drab overcoat, grey pants and black pea jacket among them. The woman, Polly,is a bright mulatto, about 22 years of age, upper front teeth very bad. one eye cocked, about five feet four inches high, good head of hair. She has with her several articles of clothing, among them one plaid and one dark merino dress. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of both, or $10 each. Pulliam &Co., no 20--ts Hector Davis.
$20 reward. --Escaped from Mr. Benjamin Davis Jail. Monday morning, between the hours of five and six o'clock, a Negro man and woman, and may be together. The man, Ned, is black, about 20 years of age, no grey hairs, slightly bow legged, about 5 feet 4 inches high, good many of his upper teeth out on one side, a scar on his cheek. He had a bundle of clothes with him, a drab overcoat, grey pants and black pen jacket among them. The woman, Polly, is a bright mulatto, about 22 years of age, upper front teeth very bad, one eye cocked, about five feet four inches high, good head of hair. She has with her several articles of clothing, among them one plaid and one dark merino dress. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of both, or $10 each. Pulliam & Co., no 20--ts Hector Davis.
Lincoln's Cabinet. --The following is the latest "composition" of Lincoln's Cabinet. It is appended to a letter from Chicago, where Lincoln and Hamlin have been in a conference for some days: Secretary of State--Edward Bates, of Missouri. Secretary of War-- Geo. Ashmun, of Massachusetts. Secretary of the Navy--John M. Botts, of Virginia. Secretary of the Interior--Robert C. Schenck, of Ohio. Secretary of the Treasury--Wm. B. Ogden, of Illinois. Postmaster General--Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana. Attorney General--Henry Winter Davis, of Maryland.
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