Browsing named entities in Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for J. N. Davis or search for J. N. Davis in all documents.

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mand he promulgated General Orders No.1, dated March 2, 1861, in which the following appointments and elections were announced to the division: Richard Griffith, brigadier-general, vice Van Dorn appointed major-general; Beverly Mathews, adjutant and inspector-general, vice Griffith appointed brigadier-general; William Barksdale, quartermaster-general; Samuel G. French, chief of ordnance. The following assistant adjutant-generals were appointed: P. F. Liddell, first; H. H. Miller, second; J. N. Davis, third; John Mc-Quirk, fourth; Melancthon Smith, fifth. The first call was for four regiments, and the enlistment was very rapid. After several regiments had been furnished to the Confederate States, the organization of Mississippi volunteers was continued until eighty companies had been formed and ordered into camp at the four brigade places of rendezvous—Iuka, Enterprise, Corinth and Grenada. On May 21, 1861, the following companies were ordered to proceed forthwith to Corinth an