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ir proposed short stay. There was not the slightest indication of sectional animosity or ill-feeling, and Northern and Southern men passed down the avenue after the adjournment arm in arm, discussing the exciting question of the day with calmness and moderation. A Washington letter to the Baltimore Exchange says: The tedious operation of selecting seats was gone through with, and it was noticeable that the Americans generally took seats upon the Republican side of the House. Mr. Winter Davis is upon that side, and Mr. Etheridge, of Tennessee, located himself with Mr. Burlingame, of Massachusetts. Mr. Washburn, of Maine, having been elected Governor of Maine, his position upon the Committee of Ways and Means will have to be filled by another. When the name of Mr. Bocock, of Virginia, was called to-day, for the purpose of selecting his seat, Mr. Houston, of Alabama, arose and said that in Mr. Bocock's absence he would make the selection, and would choose the seat o
seceded States, who will not vote, nearly the unanimous vote of the remaining States--to make it a part of the law of the land. So that there is a great deal yet to be done after the Peace Congress makes a beginning, should it do so; and the result is anything but certain. Relative to the disposition of Congress, little has transpired during the week. From the Northern side the voice of coercion has been strong, and two Southern Representatives--Senator Johnson, of Tennessee, and Mr. Winter Davis, of Maryland,--have, like traitors as they are, re-echoed it in the most decided manner. The former has been skinned alive by Mr. Wigfall, of Texas, for his treachery. The papers afford but a poor idea of the dreadful and well-merited punishment he received. Yet, a very remarkable speech of the week was that of Mr. Kellogg, of Illinois, who represents Mr. Lincoln's district. It was highly conservative, and was, perhaps, unexceptionable, as we hear, save for the deduction of ulti
ng to call a Convention, and thinks the only way to settle the question is by a Convention of all the States. Winter Davis's speech drew a crowded and boisterous house. A youth who stood behind me in the gallery said that three car-loads of Baltimoreans came down to hear Davis. He laid all the blame at the door of the South, and praised Virginia's present position in the highest terms. Some members of our Legislature were on the floor of the House at the time, and it is to be hoped they enjoyed the eulogy of their State. When Davis said that Maryland would not, could not, should not desert "this glorious Union," no matter what Virginia did, his colleague, Kunkel, rose in great excitement and told him to speak for his own districfor the whole State. Cries of"order! order!" burst from the Republican side. Great noise and confusion. Kunkel wanted Davis to begin the coercion policy then and there; but Winter seemed indisposed to any such rashness. Wigfall's excoriatio
e Congress at Washington over the election of Speaker. It seems that Etheridge, the traitor, don't pull in the right direction, and that he has nearly sided with the Copperheads. From some Washington telegrams, dated Sunday, and published in the Tribune, we get some idea of the boiling of this kettle of fifth in the Yankee Capitol: Over ninety Republican Union members of the House of Representatives, including two from Kentucky, Messrs. Smith and Anderson; three from Maryland, Messrs. Winter Davis, Creswell, and Thomas--all three from West Virginia, and one from Virginia, Joseph Segar, met in caucus last night. The Hon. Justin P. Morrill presided, and Messrs. Rollins, of New Hampshire, and Soyd, of Missouri, acted as Secretaries. The Hon. G. S. Orth, of Indiana, nominated the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, of the State, for Speaker. The Hon. H M. Dawes, of Mass., nominated the Hon. Elihu. B. Washburne, of Illinois. Mr. Washburne declined the nomination, saying that the present situat
engagements. He was soon honored with the rank of Major, next Lieut. Colonel, and then Colonel. He commanded a battery on the Potomac for some time; was in the battle of Seven Pines and the seven days fight around Richmond; was next assigned to duty as Colonel of the 4th Virginia cavalry, and subsequently to a battery of artillery that gained distinction in the second battle of Manassas and at Sharpsburg. When a commander was needed for the defences of Vicksburg in the fall of 1862, President Davis sent him to defend the stronghold of Mississippi, having conferred upon him the rank of Brigadier General. he commanded at the battle of Chickasaw Bayou, above Vicksburg, where, in December, 1862, he whipped Sherman and Morgan Smith, who brought a large force against his heroic little band. At the battle of Baker's Creek he commanded a brigade of Georgians, and during the siege of Vicksburg held that portion of Stevenson's line so furiously assaulted on the 19th and 22d of May. Short
promotion gives an idea of the great exhilaration of the Yankees over the fate of the Alabama: The Secretary of the Navy has recommended to the President that Capt. Winslow, of the Kearsage, he promoted to the grade of Commodore. Secretary Seward was struck by a rocket on the 4th instant, just above the eye. The escape was narrow, but Satan loved his own. Mr. Fessenden took the oath of office as Secretary of the Treasury on the 5th. The Herald says: The bill of Mr. Winter Davis for the restoration of the rebellions States has failed to receive the President's endorsement, probably because it required a majority vote of the people of any rebellious State to bring it back into the Union as a free State, while old Abe's plan fixes the business with one-tenth of the popular vote. With the experience, however, that he has had in this tinkering system of reconstruction, we do not suppose that many more such experiments will be made in the interval to December next.