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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 4: campaign of the Army of the Cumberland from Murfreesboro'to Chattanooga. (search)
He withdrew to Franklin, and did not again attempt to capture Fort Donelson. While Wheeler was upon the Cumberland, General J. C. Davis, with two brigades of cavalry under Colonel Minty, and a division of infantry, was operating in his rear. Davis went westward from Murfreesboroa, Jan. 31, 1863. and in the course of thirteen days his force swept over a considerable space, in detachments, and returned to camp without having engaged in any serious encounter. The fruit of the expedition wasessfully executed. McCook moved early in the morning June 24. toward Shelbyville, with Sheridan's division in advance, preceded by one half of the Thirtieth Indiana mounted infantry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Jones. The divisions of Johnson and Davis followed Sheridan a few miles, and then turned off to the left toward Liberty Gap, eastward of the railway, which was fortified. At the same time Colonel Wilder's mounted infantry were moving toward Manchester, followed by General Reynolds and t
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
stenaula. General J. C. Davis's division, of Thomas's army, moved down the Oostenaula, to Rome, where they gave the Confederates a severe blow by destroying important mills and founderies there, and capturing nearly a dozen of their heavy guns. Davis left a garrison to hold the place. In the mean time, Sherman pressed on. He met slight opposition near Adairsville, the location of the Georgia State Arsenal, which he destroyed. But Johnston made only a brief stand; he quickly moved on, closel, says that he lost about 10,000 in killed and wounded, and 4,700 from all other causes. Experts say that he had managed the campaign with the greatest skill, and for the best interests of the Confederacy; but this fact the reckless and conceited Davis, and his incompetent lieutenant, Bragg, could not comprehend or would not acknowledge, and Johnston was ordered to surrender the command of the army to the more dashing, but less skillful soldier, General Hood. This was done at the time we are c
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
s, commanded by Generals J. Mower, M. D. Leggett, and Giles A. Smith. The Fourteenth Corps, General Davis, consisted of three divisions, commanded by Generals W. P. Carlin, J. D. Morgan, and A. Baironfederate Congress sent an earnest appeal to the people to fly to arms, assuring them that President Davis and the Secretary of War would do every thing in their power to help them in the pressing ered to imprisonment, for only that number accepted the Governor's offer. All confidence in President Davis and the Confederate Government had vanished. The great mass of the people were satisfied t this, Kilpatrick was met by Hunter's brigade of Baird's division of the Fourteenth Corps, which Davis had sent out to his relief. The peril was over. Wheeler was keeping at a respectful distance, the Twentieth (Williams), marched in the middle road, by way of Springfield, and the Fourteenth (Davis), along the Savannah River road. The latter was closely followed by Wheeler, but Kilpatrick and
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 18: capture of Fort Fisher, Wilmington, and Goldsboroa.--Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--Stoneman's last raid. (search)
n the old war for Independence. There he waited for Davis's (Fourteenth) corps to come up, it having been detae breaking of the pontoon bridge by the flood. When Davis arrived, the left wing was all put in motion for Chen Ward's right, and two divisions of the Fourteenth (Davis's) Corps were placed on his left, well toward the Cad Yankees. had been brought to Generals Slocum and Davis, while they were in consultation, and in an excited s in reserve. It was now the crisis of battle. General Davis, who had thus far conducted his troops with greaht in the direction of that heaviest firing, shouted Davis to Fearing, as he gave him the order to move, and at impetuous charge, under the immediate directions of Davis. That charge was a magnificent display of courage, ity for re-forming the disordered left and center of Davis's line. It was drawn back and formed in open fields 890. It seemed more than men could bear. Twice General Davis turned to me and said, If Morgan's troops can st