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ifference between one week and the next. 2. (Music.) An instrument to indicate musical time. A metronome. Chro-nom′e-ter-es-cape′ment. The chronometer-escapement was invented by Berthoud, and improved by Harrison, Arnold, Earnshaw, and Dent. It is the most perfect, delicate, and satisfactory in its operation, of all the escapements. It is also kept more carefully, at least in marine chronometers, as the gimbal-joint hanging enables it to maintain a constant position relatively to t. Creeping-sheet.Gin. Cotton Crisper.Glossing. Crofting.Grounding-in. Cross-shearing machine.Habeck. Cut.Hackle. Cutting-engine.Hackling-machine. Damping-machine.Hair-rope picker. Dash-wheel.Hand-spinning machine. Decoloring-style.Hank. Dent.Harle. Devil.Harp. Discharger.Hatchel. Discharge-style.Hawser. Distaff.Hawser-laid. Doffer.Heck-box. Doffing-cylinder.Heckle. Doffing-knife.Heckling-machine. Doubler.Heddle. Doubling.Hemp. Doubling and twisting machine.Hemp-brake. Hook-
e stop-cocks are now closed, and the globe once more detached and weighed. The absolute specific gravity of the powder is obtained by multiplying the weight of the powder contained in the globe by the known specific gravity of mercury, and dividing the product by the product resulting from multiplying the difference between the weight of the globe when filled with mercury alone, and its weight when filled with mercury and powder, into the weight of the powder employed in the experiment. Dent. 1. (Weaving.) One of the splits of the reed, which is fixed in the swinging lathe, and whose office it is to beat the weft-thread up to the web. 2. A tooth of a gear-wheel. 3. (Carding.) The wire staple that forms the tooth of a card. See card. 4. A salient knob or tooth in the works of a lock. Den′tal Appa-ra′tus and Ap-pli′an-ces. See under the following heads: — Alveolar forceps.Burnisher. Amalgam manipulator.Cow-horn forceps. Anaesthetic refrigerator.Creosot