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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 2 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Doc or search for Doc in all documents.

Your search returned 255 results in 216 document sections:

Doc. 31.-slavery in Virginia. Message of Governor Pierpoint. Executive Chamber, May 10, 1862. To the Senate and House of Delegates of Virginia: gentlemen: It becomes my duty to communicate to you the fact that two slaves have been condemned during the present year--one to be hung, the other to be transported; one in Kanawha County, the other in Accomac. The one in Kanawha County was to have been hung on the eighteenth of April last. I have postponed the day of his execution until the twentieth of June. The law, as it stands, gives the executive of the State power only to commute the punishment from death to transportation beyond the limits of the United States, requiring the sheriff to sell the convict to the highest bidder, who shall give bond and security that the convict shall not return to the State. I intend to commute his sentence to transportation. The one condemned in Accomac County fixes his sentence to transportation. The court, in each case, finds th
Doc. 32.-capture of the Maria Teresa. Commodore Du Pont's despatch. flag-ship Wabash, Port Royal Harbor, S. C., Tuesday, May 13, 1862. sir: I have the honor to report the capture, on the tenth, of the schooner Maria Teresa by the United States gunboat Unadilla. She was formerly pilot-boat No. Ten. Lieut. Commanding Collins sent her to New-York for adjudication. I send by United States steamer Massachusetts the master and crew of the schooner Flash, which vessel was captured by the Restless, and sent to New-York for adjudication. The crew had abandoned the schooner, and were escaping to the mainland with the papers, when taken by the boats of the Onward. I forward by the Massachusetts the papers, directing them to the United States Prize Commissioners, New-York. I also send by the same steamer five of the crew of the schooner Gen. C. C. Pinckney, captured by the Ottawa, on the sixth inst.; also five of the crew of the schooner Albert, captured by the Huron, togeth
Doc. 33.-seizure of specie at New-Orleans. On the tenth of May, 1862, M. Conturie, Consul of the Netherlands at New-Orleans, laid before General Butler a statement of facts concerning the seizure of eight hundred thousand dollars in specie at the office of the Hope Insurance Company in that city. General Butler having learned that a large amount of specie was secreted at the office of the Consul of the Netherlands, ordered Capt. Shipley, of the Thirtieth Massachusetts regiment, with a proper guard, to take possession of the office. M. Conturie claimed that the specie was under his charge as Consul, and his statement, given below, sets forth his version of the affair: Statement of facts. On this day, May tenth, 1862, and at the hour of five minutes to two o'clock in the afternoon, I being in my consular office, No. one hundred and nine Canal street, was called upon by an officer wearing the uniform and the arms of a captain of the United States army, accompanied by
Doc. 34.-Beauregard's orders. headquarters army of the Mississippi, Corinth, Miss., May 10, 1862. The following communication from the Commander of the forces is published for the information and guidance of this army. Let it respond to this emphatic command of Forward, and always forward, and the Northern horde now approaching us will fly as chaff before the wind. headquarters Western Department, Corinth, Miss., May 10. Immediately after any engagement with the enemy, you will require each regimental commander to forward to these headquarters, for publication in orders, the names of those officers and privates of his regiment who shall have most distinguished themselves; as well as those who have misbehaved or abandoned their colors on the field of battle. Regiments whose gallantry and bravery shall have been most conspicuous, will be allowed to inscribe on their banners the name of the battle-field on which they were engaged, but regiments misbehaving in action w
Doc. 35.-occupation of Rogersville, Ala. General Mitchel's report. headquarters Third division, Huntsville, Ala., camp Taylor, May 15. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: At six P. M. on the thirteenth instant, General Negley's expedition from Pulaski, supported by Col. Little's expedition from Athens, entered Rogersville, driving the enemy across the Tennessee and destroying a portion of the ferry-boats. Having learned of the approach of Col. Little's force, the enemy succeeded in removing their artillery, baggage and stores before the arrival of Gen. Negley. I expected an obstinate defence at the passage of the Elk River, and accompanied Col. Little in person, but without crossing. The enemy, as usual, fled at our approach. I ordered yesterday an expedition to move promptly from Rogersville to seize the bridge across Shad Creek, and the ferry below the mouth of the same stream. This duty has been promptly executed, and the ferry and bridge are ours. No more t
Doc. 36.-seizure of the Planter. Flag-officer Du Pont's report. flag-ship Wabash, Port Royal Harbor, S. C., May 14, 1862. sir: I enclose a copy of a report from Commander E. G. Parrott, brought here last night by the late rebel steam-tug Planter, in charge of an officer and crew from the Augusta. She was the armed despatch and transportation steamer attached to the Engineer Department at Charleston under Brig.--Gen. Ripley, whose barge a short time since was brought out to the blockading fleet by several contrabands. The bringing out this steamer, under all the circumstances, would have done credit to any one. At four in the morning, in the absence of the captain, who was on shore, she left her wharf, close to the government office and headquarters, with Palmetto and confederate flag flying — passed the successive forts, saluting, as usual, by blowing her steam-whistle. After getting beyond the range of the last gun she quietly hauled down the rebel flags and ho
Doc. 37.-the battle on James River, Va. Commander Rodgers's report. United States steamer Galena, off City point, James River, May 16, 1862. sir: I have the honor to report that this vessel, the Aroostook, the Monitor, and Port Royal, with the Naugatuck, moved up the river yesterday, getting aground several times, but meeting no artificial impediments until we arrived at Ward's Bluff, about eight miles from Richmond, where we encountered a heavy battery and two separate barriers formed of spiles and steamboats and sail vessels. The pilots both say that they saw the Jamestown and Yorktown among the number. The banks of the river we found lined with rifle-pits, from which sharpshooters annoyed the men at the guns. These would hinder all removal of obstructions unless driven away by a land force. The Galena ran within almost six hundred yards of the battery, as near the spiles as it was deemed proper to go, let go her anchor, and with a spring swung across the strea
Doc. 38.-General Butler's order no. 28. headquarters, Department of Gulf New-Orleans, May 15. As officers and soldiers of the United States have been subject to repeated insults from women calling themselves ladies, of New-Orleans, in return for the most scrupulous non-interference and courtesy on our part, it is ordered hereafter, when any female shall by mere gesture or movement insult, or show contempt for any officers or soldiers of the United States, she shall be regarded and held liable to be treated as a woman about town plying her avocation. By command of Major-Gen. Butler. Geo. C. Strong, A. A.G. This order fell into the hands of Gen. Beauregard, who issued the following: For the information of the army, general order No. Twenty-eight of the Federal officer, Major-Gen. Butler commanding at New-Orleans, will be read on dress-parade. Men of the South, shall our mothers, wives, daughters and sisters be thus outraged by the ruffianly soldiers of the Nort
Doc. 39.-fast-day in the rebel States. Proclamation by Jeff. Davis. To the People of the Confederate States of America: an enemy, waging war in a manner violative of the usage of civilized nations, has invaded our country. With presumptuous reliance on superior numbers, he has declared his purpose to reduce us to submission. We struggle to preserve our birthright of constitutional freedom. Our trust is in the justice of our cause and the protection of our God. Recent disaster has spread gloom over the land, and sorrow sits at the hearthstones of our countrymen; but a people conscious of rectitude and faithfully relying on their Father in heaven, may be cast down, but cannot be dismayed. They may mourn the loss of the martyrs whose lives have been sacrificed in their defence, but they receive this dispensation of Divine Providence with humble submission and reverent faith. And now that our hosts are. again going forth to battle, and loving hearts at home are fille
Doc. 40.-the destruction of cotton. The rights of neutrals. confederate States of America, Department of State, Richmond, Va., May 16, 1862. sir: In answer to your communication of this morning, I have the honor to state that the government has no desire to destroy any cotton belonging to neutrals; but, on the contrary, is willing to extend to it full protection while in its power, provided the like protection can be made effective when the cotton may fall into the possession of the enemy. The past conduct of the Government of the United States, and passive attitude of neutral nations whose rights have been violated by the United States, have satisfied us that, if cotton belonging to neutrals be allowed to fall into the hands of the enemy, it will be seized and appropriated by them regardless of neutral rights, and that neutral powers will fail to afford any protection to the rights of their subjects when thus violated. If, however, as you suggest, any official assu