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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Doc or search for Doc in all documents.

Your search returned 145 results in 143 document sections:

Doc. 140.-operations around Dalton, Ga. Colonel Grose's report. headquarters Third brigade, First division, Fourth army corps, Blue Springs, tens., February 29, 1864. Major W. H. Sinclair, A. A.G. First Division: sir: I have the honor to report the part taken by this brigade in the recent seven days before Dalton. I was ordered by the Division Commander, and marched to take part in the reconnaissance toward the enemy from this place, on the morning of the twenty-second of February, 1864, with the Eighty-fourth Illinois, Colonel Waters, Seventy-fifth Illinois, Colonel Bennett, Thirty-sixth Indiana, Lieutenant-Colonel Carey, Thirtieth Indiana, Lieutenant-Colonel Hind, Eightieth Illinois, Lieutenant-Colonel Kilgour, and Twenty-Fourth Ohio, Lieutenant-Colonel Cockerill, with battery H, Fourth U. S. artillery, Lieutenant Heilman; effective force, officers and men, including battery, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six. My brigade having the advance, and the Thirty
Doc. 141.-battle of Mission Ridge. see document 18, ante., Colonel Grose's report. headquarters Third brigade, First division, Fourth army corps, Whiteside, Tenn., December 4, 1863. Lieutenant J. A. Wright, A. A.A. G.: sir: In accordance with duty, I have the honor to report the part my brigade took in the recent battles before Chattanooga. On the twenty-third of November ultimo, under orders, and the command of Brigadier-General Cruft, I marched from this place with part of my command, Eighty-fourth Illinois, Colonel Waters; Ninth Indiana, Colonel Suman; Seventy-fifth Illinois, Colonel Bennett; Thirty-sixth Indiana, Major Trusler; Fifty-ninth Illinois, Major Hale; Twenty-fourth Ohio, Captain Bacon. Effective force, officers and men, one thousand six hundred and ninety-three. We marched that day to Lookout Valley and reported to Major-General Hooker, where we rested for the night, and were ready to move at daylight on the morning of the twenty-fourth, at which time
Doc. 142.-message of Jefferson Davis. Delivered may 2, 1864. To the Senate and House of Representatives of the Confederate States of America: You are assembled under circumstances of deep interest to your country; and it is fortunate that, coming as you do, newly elected by the people, and familiar with the condition of the various localities, you will be better able to devise measures adapted to meet the wants of the public service without imposing unnecessary burdens on the citizen. The brief period which has elapsed since the last adjournment of Congress has not afforded sufficient opportunity to test the efficacy of the most important laws then enacted, nor have the events occurring in the interval been such as materially to change the state of the country. The unjust war commenced against us, in violation of the rights of the States, and in usurpation of power not delegated to the government of the United States, is still characterized by the barbarism with which