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Doc. 21.-message of Jefferson Davis. Delivered December 7, 1863. To the Senate and House of Representatives of the Confederate States: The necessity for legislative action, arising out of the important events that have marked the interval since your adjournment, and my desire to have the aid of your counsel on other matters of grave public interest, render your presence at this time more than ordinarily welcome. Indeed, but for serious obstacles to convoking you in extraordinary session, and the necessity for my own temporary absence from the seat of government, I would have invited you to an earlier meeting than that fixed at the date of your adjournment. Grave reverses-befell our arms soon after your departure from Richmond. Early in July, our strongholds at Vicksburgh and Port Hudson, together with their entire garrisons, capitulated to the combined land and naval forces of the enemy. The important interior position of Jackson next fell into their temporary posses
Doc. 22.-negro troops at Fort Wagner. Report of Major T. B. Brooks. headquarters Department of the South, Engineer's office, Folly Island, S. C., Dec. 10, 1863. General: In accordance with your instructions, I have the honor to submit the following statement, relating to the amount and nature of the fatigue-duty performed by the colored troops of this command, as compared with the white, in those portions of our recent operations against the defences of Charleston harbor, which were under my direction, namely, the defensive line across Morris Island, the approaches against Fort Wagner, and part of the breaching batteries against Fort Sumter. In the engineering operations, thirty-three thousand five hundred days work, of seven hours each, were expended, of which five thousand five hundred were by engineer troops, and six thousand by infantry; nine thousand five hundred days work, being more than half of that performed by the infantry, and two fifths of the whole, were
Doc. 23.-naval operations in Florida. Rear-Admiral Bailey's reports. United States flag-ship San Jacinto, Key West, December 28, 1863. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy: sir: I have the gratification of reporting a very important service performed by the blockading force at St. Andrew's Sound, under command of Acting Master William R. Browne, in destroying a very extensive and valuable quality of salt-works, both at Lake Ocala and in St. Andrew's Bay. The circumstances are as follows: On the second of December, a boat was despatched from the bark Restless, then lying at St. Andrew's, bound to Lake Ocala, some twenty miles to the westward, where Acting Ensign James J. Russell landed with his men, and marched some five miles inland to Kent's Salt-Works, consisting of three different establishments, and utterly destroyed them. There were six steamboat boilers at this place, cut in half lengthwise, and seven kettles made expressly for the purpose, each holding t
Doc. 24.-Gen. Grant and rebel deserters. The oath he prescribed for their acceptance. headquarters military division of the Mississippi, in the field, Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 12, 1863. General orders, No. 10. To obtain uniformity in the disposition of deserters from the confederate armies coming with-in this military division, the following order is published: I. All deserters from the enemy coming within our lines will be conducted to the commander of division or detached brigade who shall be nearest the place of surrender. II. If such commander is satisfied that the deserters desire to quit the confederate service, he may permit them to go to their homes, if within our lines, on taking the following oath: The oath. I do solemnly swear in the presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Union of States there-under, and that I will, in like manner, abide by an
Doc. 25.-General Averill's expedition. Official report. Edray, Pocahontas Co., W. Va., Dec. 21, via Beverley, Dec. 22, 1868. To Major-General Halleck, General-in-Chief: I have the honor to report that I cut the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad at Salem on the sixteenth instant, and have arrived safely at this point with my command, consisting of the Second, Third, and Eighth Virginia mounted infantry, Fourteenth Pennsylvania, Dobson's battalion of cavalry, and Ewing's battery, at Salem. Three depots were destroyed, containing two thousand barrels of flour, ten thousand bushels of wheat, one hundred thousand bushels shelled corn, fifty thousand bushels oats, two thousand barrels meat, several cords of leather, one thousand sacks of salt, thirty-one boxes clothing, twenty bales of cotton, a large amount of harness, shoes, and saddles, equipments, tools, oil, tar, and various other stores, and one hundred wagons. The telegraph wire was cut, coiled, and burned for half
Doc. 26.-expedition to Charles City courthouse. Official despatches. Fortress Monroe, Va., Dec. 14. General Wistar, with my approbation, sent out an expedition to Charles City Court-House on the James River, to capture the enemy's force stationed there, and I have the pleasure to forward his report of its complete success. What adds to the brilliancy of its achievement is that it has been accomplished during a terrible storm. B. F. Butler, Major-General. Yorktown, Va., Dec. 14, 1863. Major-General Butler: I have the satisfaction to announce the complete success of the expedition sent out under Colonel West. All worked in successful combination. Our cavalry carried the enemy's camp at Charles City Court-House after sharp fighting — the enemy firing from their houses. We captured eight officers and eighty-two enlisted men, being the whole command of three companies, fifty-five horses and three mules, besides many shot, etc., left on the ground. The enemy's camp,
Doc. 27.-the efficiency of the blockade. Rear-Admiral Lee's report. flag-ship Minnesota, Newport news, Va., December 21, 1863. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy: sir: In reference to the excessive running of the blockade off Wilmington, as reported in the rebel journals, and copied in our own, I beg leave to call your attention to the following extracts from private letters recently found on the prize steamer Ceres, which plainly show that all such statements are fictions: Captain Maffit, in a letter to Mr. Lamar, dated Liverpool, October, says: The news from blockade-runners is decidedly bad. Six of the last boats have recently been caught, among them the Advance and Eugenie. Nothing has entered Wilmington for the last month. The firm of William P. Campbell, of Bermuda, says, in a letter to their correspondents in Charleston, dated December second, 1863: It is very dull here. The only boats that came in from Wilmington this moon were the Flora and Gibral
Doc. 28.-expedition through Page Valley, Virginia. headquarters, December 28, 1863. On Monday morning, December twenty-first, the First Maine cavalry, with the Second, Eighth, and Sixteenth Pennsylvania cavalry regiments, assembled at Bealton Station, on the line of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, preparatory to their departure for Page Valley, Perryville, and the cosy little town of Luray. It was the intention of Colonel Charles H. Smith, of the First Maine cavalry, who commanded the expedition, to start at daylight, but owing to two of the regiments having returned to camp from a tedious campaign of three days only the preceding evening, a delay of a few hours was necessary to replenish exhausted stores of forage, ammunition, and subsistence. At eleven o'clock A. M., every thing being in readiness, the four regiments took up their line of march for Sulphur Springs. After a short halt, the line was formed, and the bugle-notes echoed: Advance. A march of a few hou
Doc. 29.-fight in Stono River, S. C. The following extracts of a private letter from one of the engineers on the United States gunboat Marblehead, dated in Stono River, December twenty-fifth, 1863, give an account of the attack of the rebels on that vessel: We had expected for some days to go to Port Royal, and the rebels, probably hearing of it, determined to give us a parting blessing. I had the morning-watch to-day, from four to eight o'clock A. M., and was sitting in the engine-room, as usual, when one of the master's mates opened the engine-room door, and wished me Merry Christmas. This put me in mind of home; and while recurring in memory to the many pleasant Christmas-days spent at home, I little thought of what was at hand. It was not long before I was startled by the shriek of a rifle-shell close over my head, instantly followed by the loud summons of the officers of the deck: All hands to quarters! We are attacked! Instantly, all was confusion, as you may w
Doc. 30.-battle at Charlestown, Tenn. General Thomas's report. Chattanooga, December 28, 1863. To Major-General Halleck: Colonel long, of the Fourth Ohio cavalry, commanding the Second division of cavalry, reports from Cahoun, Tennessee, December twenty-eighth: The rebel General Wheeler, with one thousand two hundred or one thousand five hundred cavalry and mounted infantry, attacked Colonel Siebert, and captured a supply-train from Chattanooga, for Knoxville, about ten o'clock this morning, at Charlestown, on the south bank of the Hiawassee. The train escort had reached the encampment at Charlestown last night, and Colonel Siebert's skirmishers hotly engaged with the enemy this morning before Colonel Long was apprised of their approach. He immediately moved the small force for duty in his camp at the time--one hundred and fifty men — crossed to Colonel Siebert's support. The rebels shortly after gave way, Colonel Long pursuing them closely, discovering a porti