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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 2 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Doc or search for Doc in all documents.

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Doc. 31.-the fight at Mossy Creek, Tenn. Knoxville, January 31, 1864. The following account of this fight is given by one who participated in it: We reached Mossy Creek on the twenty-eighth of December, and for the next two days our pickets were constantly skirmishing. On the twenty-ninth, the rebels attacked us, coming down rapidly with eight thousand cavalry and fifteen pieces of artillery. They were opposed by our brigade of infantry--First brigade, Second division, Twenty-third army corps--numbering about one thousand five hundred, with four regiments of cavalry, two batteries, with nine guns. We had the advantage in position, and the enemy in numbers. The guns were placed in position, and commenced firing at eleven o'clock A. M. At the same time, skirmishing commenced all along the line. The One Hundred and Eighteenth was still quietly in camp; but soon an aid dashed up with the order to fall in, without knapsacks or blankets, and in five minutes we were rapi
Doc. 32.-Amnesty proclamation. By the President of the United States of America. Proclamation. Washington, December 8, 1863. whereas, in and by the Constitution of the United States, it is provided that the President shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases for impeachment; and Whereas a rebellion now exists whereby the loyal State governments of several States have, for a long time, been subverted, and many persons have committed and are now guilty of treason against the United States; and Whereas, with reference to said rebellion and treason, laws have been enacted by Congress declaring forfeitures and confiscation of property, and liberation of slaves, all upon terms and conditions therein stated, and also declaring that the President was thereby authorized at any time thereafter, by proclamation, to extend to persons who may have participated in the existing rebellion, in any State or part thereof,
Doc. 33.-General Wild's expedition. A national account. Norfolk, Va., Monday, January 4. The success which crowned the late expedition of Colonel Draper, of the Second North-Carolina (colored) regiment, to Princess Anne County, resulting in the enlistment of a large number of recruits, the release from bondage of hundreds of slaves, the discomfiture of the guerrillas and the capture of their chief, induced General Wild, the commander of the colored troops in this department, with the approbation of Major-General Butler, to plan a raid of a similar character, but on a much more extensive scale, beyond our lines into North-Carolina. This plan was in one respect entirely original. The success of a raid is usually made to depend upon the secrecy with which it is undertaken, and the rapidity with which it is executed — a dash into the enemy's country, rest nowhere, and a hasty return. But General Wild resolved to be absent a month, to occupy and evacuate towns at his leisu
Doc. 34.-army of the Cumberland. Operations in Jan. And Feb. 1864. General Thomas's report. headquarters Department of the Cumberland, Chattanooga, March 10, 1864. Brigadier-General L. Thomas, Adjutant-General U. S. A., Washington, D. C.: General: I have the honor to report the operations of my command for the months of January and February, 1864, as follows: From the first until as late as the twentieth of January, no movements of any consequence took place. Small scouting-parties, of both cavalry and infantry, were sent out from time to time, to watch the movements of the enemy, but failed to find him in any considerable force in our immediate front. Information gained through scouts and deserters, placed Johnston's army at Dalton and vicinity, occupying the same position he had taken up after the rebel army had fallen back from Mission Ridge, November twenty-sixth, 1863, and showing no disposition as yet to assume the offensive. Desertions from the enemy still
Doc. 35.-siege of Cincinnati. Operations of the Black brigade. To His Excellency, John Brough, Governor of Ohio: I beg leave to present to you, for preservation in the archives of the State, the accompanying enrolment of the Black brigade of Cincinnati, serving in the defence of that city in September, 1862. This brigade was not formed under the authority of the State; but its labors were in the defence of her soil, and it seems but proper that some memory of it should be preserved in her records. The enrolment is not complete. It has seven hundred and six names, (706;) the brigade numbered about one thousand. Some three hundred of these, in the beginning of its service, and before an enrolment had been made, were assigned to various duties, in camp, on gunboats, and in the city, separate from the rest of the brigade; and their names were never obtained. But the enrolment is complete as to the body of the brigade, who for three weeks, as a separate and distinct fo
Doc. 36.-operations in East-Tennessee. Diary of the twenty-seventh Kentucky regiment. Presuming your readers would like to know what we have been doing during the recent eight months, we offer a few notes from our diary; and we think by the time they have read our short history they will say that we have been soldiering in earnest. Our notes may prove very uninteresting, as our opportunities have not been those of a regular correspondent, as we belong to the ranks and know nothing of the movements until we have them to perform, and then we know only what we do and see. September 18, 1863.--Our company was ordered from Cave City back to Munfordville to rejoin the regiment. We remained at Munfordville till the twenty-fourth of September. On the evening of the twenty-fourth we were mounted, and at four o'clock, with three cheers and hundreds of good-byes, we left the camp that had become almost as home, where we lived a cheerful soldier-life the recent ten months. Our
Doc. 37.-escape of John Morgan. General John Morgan was honored with an ovation on the seventh of January, 1864, on his arrival at Richmond. The following account of his escape from the Ohio Penitentiary, and subsequent adventures, was published in the Enquirer: Their bedsteads were small iron stools, fastened to the wall with hinges. They could be hooked up or allowed to stand on the floor; and to prevent any suspicion, for several days before any work was attempted, they made it a habit to let them down and sit at their doors and read. Captain Hines superintended the work, while General Morgan kept watch to divert the attention of the sentinel, whose duty it was to come round during the day and observe if any thing was going on. One day this fellow came in while Hokersmith was down under the floor boring away, and missing him said: Where is Hokersmith? The General replied, He is in my room, sick, and immediately pulled a document out of his pocket, and said to him: Here
Doc. 38.-the rebel commissariat. Official circular. office of Chief Commissary, Quincy, Fla., November 2, 1863. it has been a subject of anxious consideration how I could, without injury to our cause, expose to the people throughout the State the present perilous condition of our army. To do this through the public press would point out our source of danger to our enemies. To see each one in person, or even a sufficient number to effect the object contemplated, is impossible; yet the necessity of general and immediate action is imperative to save our army, and with it our cause, from disaster. The issues of this contest are now transferred to the people at home. If they fail to do their duty and sustain the army in its present position, it must fall back. If the enemy break through our present line, the wave of desolation may roll even to the shores of the Gulf and Atlantic. In discipline, valor, and the skill of its leaders, our army has proven more than a match f
Doc. 39.-the rebel Bird of art. To the Officers, Soldiers, and Citizens of the Confederate States: Since the year 1839 I have devoted much thought and labor to the invention of a machine for aerial locomotion by man. The proper form and external appendages of the body were early and readily devised; but its successful operation has been delayed by the want of a suitable power to give it practical effect. That difficulty has been overcome, however, by my recent invention of an engine for a new motive power, which is admirably adapted to, and deemed amply sufficient for this object. For obvious reasons, it would be improper to publish the plan by which the great and long-sought desideratum of aerial locomotion may be attained. Early in the year 1861, 1 sent a memorial to the Provisional Congress, then in session at Montgomery, asking assistance in behalf of my invention, with the view of employing it against our enemies in the existing war. At a subsequent period, a simi
Doc. 40.-restoration of Arkansas. Proceedings of a public meeting in Helena, January 2, 1864. in pursuance of public notice, a large and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of Phillips County was held at the Episcopal church, in the city of Helena, on the second instant, for the purpose of electing delegates to a convention to be held at Little Rock on the eighth instant, and also to take such steps as might be deemed advisable to restore the State of Arkansas to its former peace and prosperity in the Federal Union. Brigadier-General Buford, having been invited to attend and preside over its deliberations, appeared at twelve M, and called the meeting to order. General Buford, in stating the object of the assembly, spoke as follows: General Buford's speech. My Fellow-Citizens of the State of Arkansas: I have learned from your own words that the majority of your legal voters never authorized the act of secession, which has destroyed your civil rights and overwhel