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lly yielded his assent. President Davis arrived at Fairfax Court-House on the 30th of September, and remained there two days, at General Beauregard's headquarters. In the conferences which followed between him and Generals Johnston, Beauregard, and Smith, he objected to the organization of the army into corps and divisions, and to the appointment of major-generals, as suggested; but yielded so far as to consent to the formation of divisions and the appointment of two division-generals (Van Dorn and Longstreet) to the Army of the Potomac, Designation of General Beauregard's forces, as per orders issued by him, on the 20th of June, 1861. and two others (G. W. Smith and Jackson) to the Army of the Shenandoah. Designation of General Johnston's forces, before and after his junction with General Beauregard. This matter, which we may call a compromise, being thus settled, the plan of invading Maryland was earnestly supported by the three senior generals. Mr. Davis, however, would n
Blue Ridge and the Alleghanies, was assigned to Major-General Jackson. All were brought into one department, under the command of the senior general—Joseph E. Johnston. The army of the Potomac was organized into four divisions, under Major-Generals Van Dorn, G. W. Smith, Longstreet, and E. K. Smith. But as General Johnston did not give the command of that army to General Beauregard, he, out of delicacy, would not move in the matter, but confined himself technically, as before, to a so-call See Chapter V., p. 51. As it was, however, the works held out longer than had been expected, and were the objects of praise even in the reports of the Federal commanders. On the 28th of November General Beauregard distributed to his troops (Van Dorn's and Longstreet's divisions) the new Confederate battle-flags which he had just received, and solemnized the act with imposing religious ceremonies. During the battle of Manassas he had observed the difficulty of distinguishing our own from
issippi, Alabama, and Tennessee; and also upon Generals Van Dorn, Bragg, and Lovell, for immediate assistance. espatch essential to success. I shall call on General Van Dorn to unite his forces with mine, and, leaving a dressed to General Lovell, at New Orleans; and General Van Dorn was requested to join him at once, with ten thpi. The following is the letter despatched to General Van Dorn. Its importance and historical value justify d sincerely, G. T. Beauregard, General C. S. A. Earl Van Dorn, Commanding, etc., Pocahontas, Arkansas. P. expressed it, at the time, that the usefulness of Van Dorn's command would be greater east of the Mississippi country in the Trans-Mississippi, was sent to General Van Dorn, the location of whose headquarters had not yeroops, and as to the movement he had requested General Van Dorn to make out of the limits of his department, iater, however, that any news could be had from General Van Dorn, he being then engaged in a movement which res
less, he had found in the district under General Polk, on the 17th of February. He hoped to be joined, before the end of March, by General Johnston's command, of about thirteen thousand men—exclusive of cavalry—then arriving at Decatur; and General Van Dorn, at Van Buren, Arkansas, had promised, at that time, his co-operation with an army of nearly twenty thousand. General Beauregard had sent Van Dorn all the water transportation he could collect on the Mississippi River, with which to effect Van Dorn all the water transportation he could collect on the Mississippi River, with which to effect the junction. These movements of concentration were approved by General Johnston, but had received no encouragement from the War Department or the Chief Executive. They were brought about through the untiring efforts and perseverance of General Beauregard; through the cheerful and patriotic assistance of the governors of Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana; through General Bragg, at Pensacola, and General Lovell, at New Orleans. Without their hearty and powerful aid it would have b
m the battle-field. couriers sent to Corinth to inquire about General Van Dorn. preparations for retreat. guns and colors captured by Confeid to ascertain where they came from, hoping they might be part of Van Dorn's army. They proved to be the 18th Louisiana and the Orleans Guarnderstood, he despatched couriers to Corinth, to hurry forward General Van Dorn's army of about twenty thousand men, daily expected there fromh waters, and want of means of transportation, had greatly delayed Van Dorn's movement. Had he arrived in time on the field, General Beauregad men of that command with himself, as a reserve, and to have sent Van Dorn with the rest to attack Lew. Wallace's extreme right and rear, whiiers were hurrying on their way to Corinth, in search of news from Van Dorn's army, General Beauregard, still biding his time, and unwilling, d just then his couriers arrived from Corinth. They reported that Van Dorn was not there, and that his whereabouts was unknown. The time had
e of some nine thousand occupying the Mississippi River defences, at New Madrid, Island No.10, and Fort Pillow. And General Van Dorn, at General Beauregard's request, was moving rapidly from Van Buren, Arkansas, with an army of nearly twenty thousanphis, when he could not immediately procure sufficient river transportation. Even with these obstacles to overcome, General Van Dorn's troops commenced arriving at Memphis on the 10th of April, only three days after the battle of Shiloh. How differers would have attacked General Grant himself, with all the chances of success in their favor, especially if, meanwhile, Van Dorn could have joined them (as already instructed) with his forces from Arkansas. V. General Beauregard is of opinionarmies; and, finally, despatching most of his staff, with special messages, to the governors of four States, and to Generals Van Dorn, Bragg, and Lovell, in one earnest and almost desperate effort to obtain and concentrate an army of about forty tho
al Beauregard, although he could not well believe that the forces under General Pope amounted to more than twenty or twenty-five thousand men; and he had good reason to know that General Sigel was then operating in southwestern Missouri, against Van Dorn's army. It was clear to him, however, that he could not place much reliance in a subordinate commander who was thus timorous under responsibility, and who apparently gave way to nervous apprehension as to the strength of his adversary. This waff. No official report yet. I am reinforcing garrison of Fort Pillow for a strong and long defence. When will Memphis gunboats be ready? Are much needed. G. T. Beauregard. On the 13th of April, General Rust, of General Price's division of Van Dorn's Trans-Mississippi Department, was sent to Fort Pillow with three regiments and a battalion of infantry, most of them badly armed and equipped. On the following day he informed General Beauregard of his arrival; spoke of the imminence of an at
neral Pope gives no satisfactory answer. General Van Dorn's forces reach Memphis on the 11th. despr General Halleck. With a view to this, Generals Van Dorn and Price were invited to a conference aentucky. On the arrival of the rest of General Van Dorn's forces at Corinth they were located—incphis and Charleston Railroad, in front of General Van Dorn's position, to the left, where it rested troops were to be held ready for battle. General Van Dorn, on the right, was to move before dayligh, and, by a front attack, co-operate with General Van Dorn, but only after the latter should have tawas to guard the partly vacated lines of Generals Van Dorn and Bragg, by extending his command to ts back to their former positions. From General Van Dorn's statement to him after the failure of tgned movement, which was to commence with General Van Dorn, on the right, and end with General Polk, practicable in a military point of view; General Van Dorn's army corps occupied the hills three or [9 more...]
ral Beauregard, he would, with a view to the public weal and to the eminent services of the latter, have simply sent General Van Dorn—as he actually did—to relieve General Lovell at Vicksburg, and would have ordered General Bragg to remain with the fo. Nor was the hurried departure of General Bragg, so much insisted upon by President Davis, at all indispensable. General Van Dorn, when sent to relieve General Lovell, did just as well; and we have yet to learn that he took even a company with hihese purposes I would concentrate rapidly at Grand Junction Price's army, and all that could be spared from Vicksburg of Van Dorn's. From there I would make a forced march to Fort Pillow, which I would take with probably only a very small loss. It irmy, and that he awaited further orders. The President replied, giving Bragg the command of the department, and ordered Van Dorn to Vicksburg through Bragg. The President stated that under these circumstances every military man will say that Beaure
ns as follows: First Division, under command of Major-General Van Dorn: First Brigade, Brigadier-General Clark, to consis flags, first to Longstreet's division, and afterwards to Van Dorn's division, at Fairfax Court-House, and the General Ordertes mentioned. In connection with the letter to Major-General Van Dorn, I beg to submit, that all operations in States bo T. Beauregard. Jackson, March 22d, 9 h. P. M. Major-General E. Van Dorn, Little Rock, Ark.: Despatch received. 'Tis i. G. T. Beauregard. Jackson, Tenn., March 19th. Maj.-Genl. E. Van Dorn, on his way to Pocahontas, care of Captain I. Adam Beauregard. Corinth, May 22d, 1862, 3.15 P. M. Maj.-Genl. E. Van Dorn, Widow Smith's: Have ordered all the troops bacolk, Maj.-Genl. Corinth, Miss., May 28th, 1862. Major-General E. Van Dorn, Danville Road, Miss.: General,—I approve of yCorinth, Miss., May 29th, 1862. General B. Bragg; Major-General E. Van Dorn; Major-General L. Polk; Major-General W. J. Harde