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Col. J. J. Dickison, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 11.2, Florida (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 23 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 18, 1864., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Col. J. J. Dickison, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 11.2, Florida (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Joseph L. Dunham or search for Joseph L. Dunham in all documents.

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State. Four artillery companies were also formed, nobly officered and well equipped, and under such admirable discipline that when called into service they soon won a proud name by the splendid management of their guns, and their coolness and heroism. In many instances they displayed a dauntless intrepidity on the battlefield, not only in the State, but while in the army of Tennessee. These magnificent batteries are recorded on the muster-roll of Florida's defenders as Abel's, Gamble's, Dunham's, and Martin's. Revolutions develop the high qualities of the good and the great, and Florida's loyal citizens proved their greatness when the alarm of war was given and the clash of arms resounded throughout the land. Never has there been recorded a more prompt and unselfish spirit on the part of any people. Although the State was sparsely settled and the highest vote ever cast was 12,898, yet in proportion to her population she furnished as large a quota to the Confederate army as he
uable service in defense of the middle, western and eastern portions of the State. Prominent among the squadrons operating in west and middle Florida, supporting Dunham's, Abel's and Gamble's artillery, was Col. George W. Scott's battalion. Two companies had been detached and assigned to duty on the west side of the Chattahoocheo call them into any serious conflict with the Federal troops, then in safe possession of Pensacola, the most valuable stronghold on the extreme western coast. Dunham's battery, which had been received into the service in March, 1862, and was at this time stationed near the Chattahoochee river, prevented the enemy from ascendinccessfully accomplished and the enemy repulsed after four hours hard fighting, the Confederates holding for a time possession of the river from that point up. Captain Dunham, by his admirable management of his splendid battery, performed an important part in the engagement. Gen. William A. Owens, who had some years previous mov
d Florida battalion infantry, Col. Theodore Brevard; Sixth Florida battalion infantry, Col. John M. Martin; independent company Florida infantry, Capt. J. C. Eichelberger; independent company Florida infantry, Capt. B. L. Reynolds; independent company Florida infantry, Capt. John McNeill; five companies Second Florida cavalry, Lieut.-Col. A. McCormick; company independent cavalry, Capt. James D. Starke; company independent cavalry, Capt. W. H. Cone; Milton light artillery, Company A, Capt. Joseph L. Dunham; Milton light artillery, Company B, Capt. H. F. Abell. District of Middle Florida, Brig.-Gen. W. M. Gardner: five companies Second Florida cavalry, Col. Caraway Smith; Fifth battalion Florida cavalry, Col. G. W. Scott; Fourth battalion Florida infantry, Maj. James F. Mc-Clellan; Florida partisan rangers, Capt. W. J. Robinson; Florida light artillery, Capt. Robert H. Gamble. Having satisfactorily arranged matters in Florida and instructed the major-general in command as to the m
with the section of Gamble's battery under his command, and Lieut. Mortimer Bates, with one section of artillery from Captain Dunham's battery, was ordered to report to Captain Dickison. Our forces at this crisis were scarcely sufficient for a vigoreutenant-Colonel McCormick, Second Florida cavalry, in the neighborhood of Cedar creek and Front creek, with sections of Dunham's and Gamble's artillery near Baldwin. Company H, Captain Dickison, and Company B, Captain Gray, were on the outposts between Green Cove Spring, Palatka and Welaka, and other exposed points along the river, with one section of Dunham's artillery. The Sixth battalion of infantry, with detachments of the First, Second and Fourth, were at and near Waldo, commanded by Coday, the distance being very short from the line of the road to Broward's neck to Callahan. On the night of the 17th Captain Dunham arrived at Baldwin with 84 effective men. I also received instructions from you to attack the enemy next morning at d
victory at Natural Bridge was a signal one, and again were the invaders foiled in their long cherished design to get possession of Tallahassee. Many instances of individual gallantry could be recorded, but where all fought with such dauntless intrepidity, not once wavering in their steady advance upon the enemy, repulsing them at every charge, they are all entitled to the highest commendation. The Kilcrease artillery, Gamble's battery commanded by Capt. Patrick Houston, and a section of Dunham's battery under Captain Raube, acted in the most gallant manner, dealing death and destruction to the invaders and contributing largely to the result of the battle. This battle and the operations closely preceding it were officially reported by Gen. Sam Jones on March 20, 1865, from Tallahassee, as follows: Since I have been in command in this military district several raids have been made on it, and one demonstration of a more formidable nature, designed to get possession of St. Ma
t inst. The major-general commanding is informed that this takes all the infantry force out of this district, leaving the Second Florida cavalry, Fifth battalion of cavalry, Campbell's siege artillery, Villepigue's light battery, and a section of Dunham's light battery, as the whole effective force at my command. Abell's light battery is complete except about forty horses. Dunham's lacks about thirty horses. Under these circumstances I have deemed it proper to remove district headquarters, atDunham's lacks about thirty horses. Under these circumstances I have deemed it proper to remove district headquarters, at least temporarily, to Lake City, and will eventually remove farther west to Madison or Tallahassee for the purpose of being more accessible to all portions of the district and for greater convenience in organizing the reserve forces, upon which we will have to depend in great measure for the defense of important localities. It will not be practicable to carry on offensive operations, either against the regular organized force of the enemy within the district, or the deserters and disloyals wh