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Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 26 18 Browse Search
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Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 1: organization of the regiment. (search)
Second Lieut., James T. Lurvey, of Lowell. Company C. Captain, Joseph Scott Todd, of Rowley; First Lieut., George W. Batchelder, of Salem; Second Lieut., Samuel S. Prime, of Rowley. Company D. Captain, James D. Russell, of Boston; First Lieut., Moncena Dunn, of Roxbury; Second Lieut., John P. Reynolds, Jr., of Salem. Company E. Captain, Andrew Mahoney, of Boston; First Lieut., David Lee, of Lancaster, Pa.; Second Lieut., George M. Barry, of Boston. Company F. Captain, Edmund Rice, of. Weymouth. 5. Andrew Mahoney. 6. Jonathan F. Plympton. 7. James D. Russell. 8. Elijah P. Rogers. 9. William H. Wilson. 10. J. Scott Todd. First Lieutenants. 1. Charles M. Merritt. 2. George W. Batchelder. 3. John Hodges, Jr. 4. Moncena Dunn. 5. Christopher C. Sampson. 6. Henry A. Hale. 7. Eugene Kelty. 8. James H. Rice. 9. Levi Shaw, Quartermaster. 10. John C. Chadwick, Adjt. 11. David Lee. Second Lieutenants. 1. John P. Reynolds, Jr. 2. Isaac H. Boyd. 3. Ja
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 7: the winter at Muddy Branch. (search)
apt. James D. Russell, of Company D, at Muddy Branch Lock, building the defensive blockhouse between Muddy Branch and Seneca and Second Lieut. Samuel Baxter was with him. Capt. Edmund Rice, of Company F, had charge of the picket line on the Potomac River at Seneca Lock, while Second Lieut. Dudley C. Mumford was at Lock No. 31, Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. Capt. Weymouth, of Company G, was at Whitehouse Lock. A number from the regiment had been sent away on recruiting duty, including First Lieut. Moncena Dunn, of Company D, Sergt. Warner W. Tilton, of Company A, Sergt. Ephraim A. Hall, Jr., Company F, Corp. John N. Thompson, Company B; Privates Edward K. Davis, Company D; Edward Z. Braley, Company D; Michael Sullivan, Company E. First. Lieut. George W. Bachelder, of Company C, was made the Acting Regimental Adjutant while at Muddy Branch, from January 4th, during the absence of First Lieut. John P. Reynolds, on leave. On Feb. 21st, dress parade was had and Col. Hinks presided for
e to resist the inclination to dodge it, and the men could do this with better precision than drill,—all dodging together. They did not think at such times that the sound followed the missile, and if they were to be hit at all, it would be before they could have the opportunity of hearing it. During the stay of the regiment in front of Yorktown, Adjt. John C. Chadwick returned to it, having been relieved of his duties as Acting Assistant Adjutant General of Dana's Brigade, and First Lieut. Moncena Dunn, of Company D, returned from recruiting duty in Massachusetts, together with First Lieut. James H. Rice, of Company F. In Company C, Capt. J. Scott Todd resigned, and First Lieut. George W. Bachelder was made Captain, Second Lieut. J. G. C. Dodge, of Company F being made First Lieutenant and transferred to fill the vacancy. Capt. James D. Russell, of Company D, was detailed for special duty on the fortifications and First Lieut. Edward P. Bishop, of Company K, was detailed as A
1 Officer, 14 Men. Co. C.Sergeant Charles L. Merrill, thigh. Corporal George Danforth, arm. Private Henry E. Palmer, foot. Private Benjamin E. Whitten, thigh, severely. Private John Barry. Private Daniel Pearson. Total 6 Men. Co. D.Captain Moncena Dunn, thigh, severely. First Lieut. James G. C. Dodge, breast, severe. Sergeant Edward Z. Brailey, groin, severe. Corporal John J. Jacques, foot, slightly. Private Richmond Beatty, leg, slightly. Total 2 Officers, 3 Men. Co. E.Captainley, promoted from Sergt. Co. B to be 2nd Lieut. to date Nov. 13, vice Newcomb, promoted. Co. C.Second Lieut. Chas. P. Abbott, on detached service 3d Brig. staff. Promoted from Sergt. Co. B to date Sept. 18, vice Mumford, promoted. Co. D.Capt. Moncena Dunn, absent, wounded Dec. 13. First Lieut. J. G. C. Dodge, absent, wounded Dec. 13. 2nd Lieut. David T. Chubbuck in command of Company. Co. E.Capt. Andrew Mahoney, absent, severely wounded Dec. 13. 1st Lieut. John P. Reynolds, Jr., absent,
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 24: the winter camp at Falmouth. (search)
sville campaign soon followed and in this the division to which the regiment belonged, then commanded by Gen. Gibbon, was assigned to the assistance of Gen. Sedgwick's Sixth Corps at Fredericksburg. Maj. Rice, Adjt. Palmer, Captains Mahoney and Dunn, with Lieutenants Hume, of Co. K, and William Stone, of Co. G, had returned from leave on account of wounds and the roster showed the following changes when the regiment was ready to move again. Co. B.Capt. Henry A. Hale, on detached service, A. A. Insp. Gen. 1st. Brig. 2nd Corps. Second Lieut. Moses Shackley, in command of Company F. Co. C.First Lieut. J. G. C. Dodge, transferred from Co. D, Feb. 28, in command Co. C. Co. D.Capt. Moncena Dunn, returned to duty March 22nd. First Lieut. David B. Chubbuck, promoted from Second Lieut. to date Dec. 21, vice Newcomb died of wounds. On special duty in command Co. E. Second Lieut. John J. Ferris, promoted from 1st Serg. Co. E, to date Jan. 22, vice Adams, promoted. On special duty
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 26: a period of rest in camp at Falmouth. (search)
round—and saw them start for the quarters to take equipments out, I understood and rejoiced. It was a magnificent spectacle of absolute obedience and it enabled me all the more to point out to these Britishers the proof that they had no regiment in their service like that, let alone your splendid drill when we reached your camp, and I made them acknowledge it. Lieut. Col. Devereux was away on ten day's leave of absence soon after this, leaving Maj. Rice in command of the regiment. Capt. Moncena Dunn was on detached service as A. A. Q. M. and A. A. C. S. in the artillery brigade of the Second Corps. Second Lieut. William Stone was in command of Co. B, and Second Lieut. Herman Donath, of Co. I, was at the head of Co. H. Asst. Surg. V. R. Stone had been discharged on May 11 for disability. At this time there were about 230 enlisted men present with the regiment and only 16 commissioned officers. Seven officers were absent on detached service, five were absent sick and wounded and
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 32: in pursuit of Lee. In camp at Morrisville. (search)
sion. Second Lieut. Moses Shackley, in command Co. B, sick. Co. C.Capt. William L. Palmer, absent in Massachusetts, wounded July 3. First Lieutenant Thomas F. Winthrop, on special duty, Acting Quartermaster,—transferred from Co. E. Co. D.Capt. Moncena Dunn, on detached service, A. A. Q. M. reserve artillery brigade, Second Corps. First Lieutenant David T. Chubbuck, absent in Massachusetts on surgeon's certificate until Aug. 16. Wounded July 3. Second Lieutenant William E. Barrows, on d W. Hinks. Second Lieut. Moses Shackley, in command Co. B. Co. C.Capt. William L. Palmer, absent in Massachusetts, wounded July 3, S. C., extended to Sept. 3. First Lieut. Thomas F. Winthrop, on special duty, acting quartermaster. Co. D.Capt. Moncena Dunn, on detached service, A. A.Q. M. artillery brigade, 2nd Corps. First Lieut. David F. Chubbuck, in command Co. D. Second Lieut. William E. Barrows, on detached service, A. A.D. C. 3d Brig. 2nd Div. 2nd Corps. Co. E.First Lieut. John P. Re
ith. John Smith. Hans W. Schults. James Sullivan. James Tyler. John Tuttle. Christopher Trembo. Michael Welsh. John Williams. Patrick Williams. James B. Wiggan. (Jan. 22nd to Co. A.) Total 124. January: Commissioned officers present,11 Enlisted men present,157 Commissioned officers absent,16 Enlisted men absent,151 27308 Recruits required,677. Capt. William L. Palmer, who was commissioned as Major in September, 1863, held this position until Jan. 25, 1864. Capt. Moncena Dunn was commissioned Major during the winter of 1864 but could not be mustered as the regiment had not men enough to allow three field officers to be mustered. After the re-enlistment of the men there was difficulty about their being sent home on furlough from the fact that the orders read that this could not be done unless three-fourths of the volunteers re-enlisted. There were 124 recruits in the ranks and as they could not re-enlist at that time the commanding general claimed that t
Lieut. Col. Wass. Major Edmund Rice. Acting Adjt. William M. Curtis. Quartermaster Thos. F. Winthrop. Surgeon J. F. Dyer. Asst. Surgeon C. P. Pratt. Capt. Moncena Dunn. Capt. Wm. L. Palmer. Capt. D. C. Mumford. Capt. L. J. Hume. Feb. 4, 1864. Started for home at 2.30 o'clock. Arrived at Alexandria, Va., at 9 o'cloct. Elisha A. Hinks in command Co. C. Second Lieut. Joseph W. Snellen, in command Co. B.—First Lieut. Hale and Lieut. Barrows on detached service. Co. D.First Lieut. Moncena Dunn on detached service, recruiting in Massachusetts. Second Lieut. David T. Chubbuck in command of company. Co. E.Capt. Wm. L. Palmer on detached service. York and Seventh Michigan regiments, with the Andrew Sharpshooters. Colonel Devereux having resigned, in regular order, Lieut. Col. Wass, Major Rice and Capt. Moncena Dunn, were promoted, dating from February 2nd. Second Lieut. Wm. A. McGinnis was made First Lieutenant in Company K, vice Hill promoted Captain. The month of
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 38: the North Anna battles. (search)
left hand. Corp. Thomas J. Salisbury, Co. K, head. May 13th.Corp. George Lamb, Co. I. Corp. Cornelius Buckley, Co. A. Corp. George W. Rogers, Co. B. Corp. James Doyle, Co. I. May 18th.Corp. Carl Shock, Co. C. May 24th.Corp. J. H. Brown, Co. A, thigh, severe. Corp. John Cavanaugh, Co. D, left leg. Corp. Henry Hines, Co. D, right foot. Corp. Henry Perry, Co. E, ankle. Corp. Bartholomew Crowley, Co. G, severely, body. Corp. Benjamin F. Blaisdell, Co. G, severe, neck. June 3rd.Maj. Moncena Dunn, concussion, leg. Capt. Elisha A. Hinks, Co. C, leg and shoulder. Capt. Henry A. Hale, Co. B. Capt. William L. Palmer, Co. E. Priv. Peter Stillman, Co. A, thigh. Priv. Henry G. Jennings, Co. G, breast and leg. Priv. Loring Johnson, Co. A, left thigh, died June 5th, 1864. Priv. Patrick Donovan, Co. C. Sergt. Benjamin H. Jellison, Co. I, severe, left knee. Sergt. James Corrigan, Co. I, severe, right side. Priv. Patrick W. Harvey, Co. K, head. Priv. William Hopkinson, Co.