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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McDowell's advance to Bull Run. (search)
's Army of the Potomac at Manassas consisted of the brigades of Holmes, Bonham, Ewell, D. R. Jones, Longstreet, Cocke and Early, and of 3 regiments of infantry, 1 regiment and 3 battalions of cavalry, and 6 batteries of artillery, containing in all t to the north, was covered by D. R. Jones's brigade; Blackburn's Ford was defended by Longstreet's brigade, supported by Early's brigade; Mitchell's Ford was held by Bonham's brigade, with an outpost of two guns and an infantry support east of Bull intrenchments across the stream. The brigades of Bonham and Longstreet, the latter being reenforced for the occasion by Early's brigade, responded at short range to the fire of the Federal reconnoitering force and drove it back in disorder. Tyleration all along their front on the other side of Bull Run, and ordered the reserves, Holmes's brigade with six guns, and Early's brigade, to move swiftly to the left, and he and Johnston set out at full speed for the point of conflict, which they r
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing armies at the first Bull Run. (search)
ins. Loss: k, 13; w, 62 = 75. Fourth Brigade [not actively engaged], Brig.-Gen. James Longstreet: 5th N. C., Lieut.-Col. Jones; 1st Va., Major F. G. Skinner; 11th Va., Col. S. Garland, Jr.; 17th Va., Col. M. D. Corse. Loss: k, 2; w, 12 = 14. Fifth Brigade, Col. P. St. Geo. Cocke: 8th Va., Col. Eppa Hunton; 18th Va., Col. R. E. Withers; 19th Va., Lieut.-Col. J. B. Strange; 28th Va., Col. R. T. Preston; 49th Va. (3 cos.), Col. Wm. Smith. Loss: k, 23; w, 79; mi, 2 =104. Sixth Brigade, Col. Jubal A. Early: 7th La., Col. Harry T. Hays; 13th Miss., Col. Wm. Barksdale; 7th Va., Col. J. L. Kemper; 24th Va., Lieut.-Col. P. Hairston, Jr. Loss: k, 12; w, 67 = 79. Evans's command (temporarily organized), Col. N. G. Evans: 1st La. Battalion, Major C. R. Wheat (w); 4th S. C., Col. J. B. E. Sloan; Cavalry, Capt. W. R. Terry; Artillery, Lieut. G. S. Davidson. Loss: k, 20; w, 118; m, 8 = 146. Reserve Brigade [not actively engaged], Brig.-Gen. T. H. Holmes: 1st Arkansas and 2d Tennessee. Unattached
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Responsibilities of the first Bull Run. (search)
tead of leaving the command in General Beauregard's hands, I assumed it over both armies immediately after my arrival on the 20th, showing General Beauregard as my warrant the President's telegram defining my position. The usual order General J. A. Early, in his narrative of these events, says: During the 20th, General Johnston arrived at Manassas Junction by the railroad, and that day we received the order from him assuming command of the combined armies of General Beauregard and himself.t. About one million pounds of this provision was abandoned, and half as much more was spoiled for want of shelter. This loss is represented ( Rise and fall, I., 468) Not by Mr. Davis, but in a statement quoted at the above page from General J. A. Early, who said, The loss . . . was a very serious one to us, and embarrassed us for the remainder of the war, as it put us at once on a running stock.--editors. as so great as to embarrass us to the end of the war, although it was only a six da