Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 4, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for George Elam or search for George Elam in all documents.

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her parties now suspected will be in custody. After Hoyer & Lodwig's lithographies establishment had been broken open last week, and a number of the Treasury notes struck off by the rogues, it came to the knowledge of the authorities that one George Elam, formerly employed by H & L, had been a party to the transaction, having been seen with notes in his possession similar to the ones surreptitiously printed. The detective went to Petersburg in hopes of apprehending Elam; but obtaining a clue Elam; but obtaining a clue to the operations of one of his "pals" in Pritchett, who had succeeded in "shoving off" several of the bogus "flimsies," he took him in custody and brought him to Richmond, resolving to look for the principal operator at another time. The haunts of the criminal cave been pretty well ascertained from two loose females, who were on intimate terms with him. On the person of Pritchett was found about $170 worth of C. S. Treasury notes, in tens and twenties, all signed and ready for passing.