Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 12, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for George Elam or search for George Elam in all documents.

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l spy.--Philip Helfrick, of Richmond, for selling liquor.--Henry L. Pelouse, Richmond. [Mr. P. is a native of Philadelphia, and was in business here as a type maker. He was among the first to take the oath of allegiance to the C. S. A. The grounds of arrest we are not advised of.]--Wm Read, a citizen of Prince George county, was arrested on suspicion of disloyalty.--Officer Goodrich succeeded yesterday, in Petersburg, Va., at the Bolingbrook Hotel, in getting possession of the baggage of George Elam, heretofore arrested for counterfeiting Confederate States Treasury notes, and on searching found $696 worth of ten-dollar notes already signed, and a $1,080 not signed; also, the ink and other articles and implements used in perpetrating the fraud.--Five men are now under arrest for robbing the Treasury Department.--Wm. A. Monoure, Second Auditor of the State of Virginia, is confined at his home in Carolina county, with a severe attack of pneumonia.--A splendid artillery company (B) has