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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 94 2 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 72 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 26 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 22 0 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 5 1 Browse Search
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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 15 (search)
ord Lyons, has embarked for England, to report to his government that the rebellion is on its last legs, and must speedily succumb. He is no prophet, or the son of a prophet. May 22 There is lightning in the Northwest, and the deep thunder of avenging guns is heard at Washington! Gen. Jackson, sent thither by Gen. Lee, is sweeping everything before him, defeating Shields, Banks, Fremont, and one or two other Yankee major. generals, with his little corps d'armee! And his coadjutor, Ewell, is worthy of his companionship. He has swept them out of the valley, scattering their hosts like quails before the fowler! They fly in every direction; and the powers at Washington are trembling for the safety of their own capital. Glorious Jackson! and he gives, as is justly due, the glory to God. May 23 Oh, the extortioners! Meats of all kinds are selling at 50 cts. per pound; butter, 75 cts.; coffee, $1.50; tea, $10; boots, $30 per pair; shoes, $18; ladies' shoes, $15; shirts,
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 17 (search)
announces his purpose to subsist his army in our country, and moreover, he intends to shoot or hang our non-combating citizens that may fall into his hands, in retaliation for the killing of any of his thieving and murdering soldiers by our avenging guerrillas. He says his headquarters will be on his horse, and that he will make no provision for retreat. That he has been accustomed to see the backs of his enemies! Well, we shall see how he will face a Stonewall! July 14 Jackson and Ewell and Stuart are after Pope, but I learn they are not allowed to attempt any enterprise for some weeks yet. Fatal error, I fear. For we have advices at the department that Pope has not now exceeding 20,000 men, but that all the rolling stock of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad is ordered West to bring reinforcements. Besides, the United States Government is calling for 600,000 additional men. Then again, Mc-Clellan and Burnside will form a junction with Pope, and we will be outnumbered. But
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 18 (search)
the enemy, during the next two months. Now's the day, and now's the hour! August 6 Jackson is making preparations to fight. I know the symptoms. He has made Pope believe he's afraid of him. August 7 Much incomprehensible manceuvring is going on in Orange County. August 8 We hear of skirmishing in Orange County, and the enemy seem as familiar with the paths and fords as our own people; hence some surprises, attempted by our cavalry, have failed. August 9 Jackson and Ewell are waiting and watching. Pope will expose himself soon. August 10 Jackson struck Pope yesterday It was a terrible blow, for the numbers engaged. Several thousand of the enemy were killed, wounded, and taken prisoners. Among the latter is Gen. Prince, who arrived in this city this morning. He affected to be ignorant of Pope's brutal orders, and of the President's retaliatory order concerning the commissioned officers of Pope's army taken in battle. When Prince was informed that he
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 27 (search)
dead. Hooker's raiders hooked a great many horses. enemy demand 500,000 more men. Beauregard complains that so many of his troops are taken to Mississippi. enemy at Jackson, Miss. strawberries. R. Tyler. my cherries are coming on finely. Ewell and Hill appointed lieutenant-generals. President seems to doubt Beauregard's veracity.- Hon. D. M. Lewis cuts his wheat to morrow, may 28th. Johnston says our troops are in fine spirits around Vicksburg. Grant thunders on. plan of servile inattempts to carry the city of Vicksburg by assault have been repulsed with heavy loss. Johnston is on the enemy's flank and rear, engendering a new army with rapidity, and if the garrison can hold out a little while, the city may be safe. Gens. Ewell and A. P. Hill have been made lieutenant-generals, and will command Jackson's corps. It appears that the Senate has not yet confirmed Hardee, Holmes, and Pemberton. The Washington correspondent of the New York Commercial Advertiser says H
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXVII. June, 1863 (search)
and probably retiring toward Alexandria, or else they have taken to their transports, and intend making another effort to capture Richmond. It is rumored that Gen. Ewell has taken Winchester; but this, I think, is at least premature. Certainly the government is taking steps to guard against a blow at Richmond. All the civil where another (and the third) battle may be fought. Lee's army is certainly on the march, and a collision of arms cannot be averted many days. It is believed Gen. Ewell, successor of Jackson, has beaten Milroy at Winchester. But, while terrible events are daily anticipated in the field, all the civilians seem to have gone wfications was only 100 killed and wounded! Milroy, they say, escaped by flight — but may not have gotten off very far, as it seems certain that our onelegged Lieut.-Gen. Ewell (fit successor of Jackson) pushed on to the Potomac and surrounded, if he has not taken, Harper's Ferry, where there is another large depot of supplies. The
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 29 (search)
now raining furiously. This would have prostrated the tender boys with illness. July 7 It appears that the fighting near Gettysburg began on Wednesday, July 1st, continued until Sunday, the 5th, and perhaps longer. Up to Friday the Northern papers claim the advantage. This morning at 1 P. M. another dispatch was received from the same (unofficial) source, stating that on Sunday the enemy made a stand, and A. P. Hill's corps fell back, followed by the enemy, when Longstreet's and Ewell's corps closed in their rear and captured 40,000 prisoners — who are now guarded by Pickett's division. It states that the prisoners refused to be paroled. This might possibly be true. This account is credited. Col. Custis Lee, from the President's office, was in my office at half-past 2 P. M. to-day, and said nothing had been received from his father yet-but he did not deny that such accounts might be substantially true. The President still keeps his eye on Gen. Beauregard. A pa
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXIX. August, 1863 (search)
or Culpepper C. H. They were followed on the 4th and 5th by Ewell's corps, A. P. Hill's still occupying our lines at Fredericss the Rappahannock, but this did not arrest Longstreet and Ewell, who reached Culpepper C. H. on the 8th, where they found Gmovement against Winchester, and both were in position when Ewell left Culpepper C. H. on the 16th. Gen. Early stormed thengagements, took 400 more prisoners, etc. Meantime, Gen. Ewell, with Gen. Jenkins's cavalry, etc., penetrated Maryland,nsylvania, and encamping near Chambersburg on the 27th. Ewell's corps advanced as far as York and Carlisle, to keep the eged with a superior force of the enemy on the 1st July, but Ewell, coming up by the Harrisburg road, participated in the engange of hills, south and east of the town. On the 2d, Gen. Ewell occupied the left, Gen. Hill the center, and Gen. Longsty's position in front of his corps after a severe struggle; Ewell also carried some strong positions. The battle ceased at d
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 32 (search)
t him have no meat for the 13,000 prisoners; and he will not be answerable for their safe keeping without it. The Quartermaster-General writes that the duty of providing for them is in dispute between the two bureaus, and he wants the Secretary to decide between them. If the Secretary should be very slow, the prisoners will suffer. Yesterday a set (six) of cups and saucers, white, and not china, sold at auction for $50. Mr. Henry, Senator from Tennessee, writes the Secretary that if Ewell were sent into East Tennessee with a corps, and Gen. Johnston were to penetrate into Middle Tennessee, forming a junction north of Chattanooga, it would end the war in three months. October 30 We have nothing new to-day, except the continued bombardment of Charleston. That city has been besieged over one hundred days. October 31 Letters came to-day from the President (or rather copies in his own handwriting), relieving Lieut.-Gen. Hardee, in Mississippi, and assigning him to a c
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 39 (search)
apidan at Ely's and Germania fords. Two corps of this army moved to oppose him-Ewell by the old turnpike, and Hill by the plank-road. They arrived this morning in close proximity to the enemy's line of march. A strong attack was made upon Ewell, who repulsed it, capturing many prisoners and four pieces of artillery. The enemy subsequently concentrated upon Gen. Hill, who. with Heth's and Wilcox's divisions, successfully resisted repeated and desperate assaults. A large force of The enemy's cavalry were at Milford yesterday, but did no mischief, as our stores had been moved back to Chesterfield depot, and a raid on Hanover C. H. was repulsed. Lee was also attacked yesterday evening, and repulsed the enemy. It is said Ewell is now engaged in a flank movement, and the great final battle may be looked for immediately. Breckinridge is at Hanover Junction, with other troops. So the war rolls on toward this capital, and yet Lee's headquarters remain in Spottsylvania
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 40 (search)
he attack, it was supposed, was made to check a flanking movement made yesterday afternoon, by Gen. Ewell, on the enemy's left, to cut his communications with the White House, his base of supplies. Ntial than ever. Cannonading was heard far down the Chickahominy this morning. And yet Lieut.-Gen. Ewell marched his corps to-day out the Brooke Road, just in the opposite direction! It is rumornot fordable anywhere above for forty miles. There is a rumor on the street that the head of Ewell's corps (commanded by Gen. Early) crossed the Rappahannock, yesterday, at United States Ford. Iattle of Waterloo. If we gain the day, it will end the war. It is now said Gen. Early (with Ewell's corps) has reached Lynchburg, where a battle must occur. Gen. Ewell has been assigned to tGen. Ewell has been assigned to the command of this department, Gen. Ransom going West. We have advices (4 P. M.) of a terrific battle at Petersburg last evening, Which raged until 11 o'clock at night. The slaughter of the enemy
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