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Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 6 0 Browse Search
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This brigade, here, as at the Poison Spring, charged the enemy with an intrepidity unknown, and bore the brunt of the fight, as it did there. . . . I wish to return my thanks to Captains Belding and Thomas, of General Fagan's staff, and to Lieutenant Field, of my own staff, for their assistance. . . . Lieutenant Field was seriously wounded. Lieut-Col. F. M. Drake, in command of the Federal forces at Marks' mills, reported that his brigade included the Forty-third Indiana infantry, Thirty-sLieutenant Field was seriously wounded. Lieut-Col. F. M. Drake, in command of the Federal forces at Marks' mills, reported that his brigade included the Forty-third Indiana infantry, Thirty-sixth Iowa, Seventy-seventh Ohio, two sections of Battery E, Second Missouri light artillery, and detachments from First Indiana and Seventh Missouri cavalry. Several staff officers, a large number of citizens, cotton speculators, Arkansas refugees, sutlers and other army followers, and some 300 negroes accompanied the brigade. Major Spellman, from Pine Bluff, with 150 cavalry, joined the expedition on the Warren and Camden roads. Colonel Drake estimated that 250 of his brigade were killed and
ansas cavalry. Walter T. Adair, Cherokee Nation, surgeon Cherokee cavalry. George Tebault, Oakville, Tex., surgeon Bass' Texas infantry. Orlando A. Hobson, assistant surgeon Hill's Arkansas infantry. James P. Evans, Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation, chief surgeon Cooper's Indian division. Craven Peyton, Little Rock, chief surgeon Marmaduke's division. Rhesa W. Beard, DeKalb, Tex., surgeon DeMorse's Texas cavalry. Eugene B. Rochelle, Moore's, Tex., assistant surgeon DeMorse's Texas cavalry. Julien C. Field, Little Rock, Ark., assistant surgeon Bass' Texas infantry. Leo M. Alexander, Cambridge, Mo., surgeon Second Creek cavalry. Octavius Alexander, Cambridge, Mo., surgeon First Creek cavalry. Felix N. Littlejohn, Paris, Tex., assistant surgeon Martin's Fifth Texas rangers. July, 1863, the board returned to Little Rock: John R. Pickett, Jacksonport, Ark., assistant surgeon Stand Watie's Cherokees. Thomas A. Lornagin, St. Louis, Mo., surgeon Lewis' Seventh Missouri infantry. Georg