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r any, fresh trial. He also expected the patient to assist in small operations, as he considered them, and to restrain all demonstrations during the process. Here, my man, just hold it this way, while I look into it a bit, he said one day to Fitz G., putting a wounded arm into the keeping of a sound one, and proceeding to poke about among bits of bone and visible muscles, in a red and black chasm made by some infernal machine of the shot or shell description. Poor Fitz held on like grim DFitz held on like grim Death, ashamed to show fear before a woman, till it grew more than he could bear in silence; and, after a few smothered groans, he looked at me imploringly, as if he said, I wouldn't, ma'am, if I could help it, and fainted quietly away. Dr. P. looked up, gave a compassionate sort of cluck, and poked away more busily than ever, with a nod at me and a brief-Never mind; be so good as to hold this till I finish. I obeyed, cherishing the while a strong desire to insinuate a few of his own disag