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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 8 (search)
ewd, painstaking Yankees. Capt. Cooley was sent out to collect evidence, and even brought back the stone which was said to be the one with which the poor old creature was beaten on the head. There is only negro evidence for all these horrors, and nobody can tell how much of it is false, but that makes no difference with a Yankee court. Father thinks one of the men is sure to hang, and he has very little hope of saving the other. The latter is a man of family, and his poor wife is at Mrs. Fitzpatrick's hotel, almost starving herself to death from grief. She has left her little children at home by themselves, and they say that when the Yankees went there to arrest their father, they were so frightened that two of them went into convulsions; they had heard such dreadful things about what the Yankees had done during the war. The younger of the two accused men is only twenty years old, and his poor old father hangs around the courtroom, putting his head in every time the door is opened
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 26: Gettysburg-First day. (search)
at Chambersburg, left under orders from Headquarters to guard trains; the Second Corps, two divisions near Heidlersburg, one near and north of Chambersburg; the Third Corps at Cashtown and Fayetteville; cavalry not in sight or hearing, except Jenkins's brigade and a small detachment. The Union army: the First Corps on Marsh Run, the Second at Uniontown, the Third at Bridgeport, the Fifth at Union Mills, the Sixth at Manchester, the Eleventh at Emmitsburg, the Twelfth at Littlestown, Fitzpatrick's cavalry at Hanover, Buford's at Gettysburg (except one brigade, detached, guarding his trains). General Meade's Headquarters and reserve artillery were at Taneytown. His army, including cavalry, in hand. General Lee's orders called his troops on converging lines towards Cashtown, but he found that part of his infantry must be left at Chambersburg to await the Imboden cavalry, not up, and one of Hood's brigades must be detached on his right at New Guilford to guard on that side in p
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 2: Charleston Harbor. (search)
possibly do more for us than Mr. Buchanan has done. When therefore, most unexpectedly, South Carolina obtained through Anderson's offer a new chance to propose negotiation, the central cabal at Washington resolved to make it the means of gaining time to set a common provisional government in motion, without on their part furnishing the pretext for any military movement which might threaten or check their plans. They therefore met in a caucus, and appointed a committee consisting of Senators Fitzpatrick, Mallory, and Slidell; this committee began and carried on a dilatory correspondence with Mr. Hayne and with the President, which they managed to prolong into February, all that while keeping open the Anderson truce by the assumption that negotiations were pending. Mr. Buchanan, always indisposed to act, always welcoming any excuse to postpone decision, fell easily into the toils of this side intrigue for delay. Some of his counsellors must have seen through the transparent game wit
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
Douglas, Stephen A., adherents of, 8; his interview with President Lincoln, 76 Dogan Heights, 191 Duke, Captain, 117 Dumont, Colonel, 143, 15 E. Ellsworth, Col. E. E., 110 et seq.; shot at Alexandria, 113; buried from the White House, 114 Ellsworth's Zouaves, 110 Elzey, General, 194 Evans, Colonel, 183 Evarts, Wm. M., 76 Everett, Edward, 76 F. Falling Waters, W. Va., skirmish at, 162 Federal Hill, Baltimore, 108 Field, David Dudley, 76 Fitzpatrick, Senator, 37 Florida, attitude of, with regard to secession, 2, 8; secession of, 14 Floyd, Secretary, 6, 17, 20, 23 et seq., 26, 30; his malfeasance in office, 31; resigns, 32 Follansbee, Captain, 86 et seq. Foster, Captain, 28, 63 Fox, Captain G. V., 51; sails in command of expedition for relief of Fort Sumter, 59 Franklin, General W. B., 174 Fremont, General J. C., 133 Frost, D. M., 117 et seq. G. Gainesville, Va., 181 Gamble, Hamilton R., 125 Garnett, Genera
ed delegates. Telegraphic intelligence of the secession of Mississippi had reached Washington some considerable time before the fact was officially communicated to me. This official knowledge I considered it proper to await before taking formal leave of the Senate. My associates from Alabama and Florida concurred in this view. Accordingly, having received notification of the secession of these three States about the same time, on January 21st, Messrs. Yulee and Mallory, of Florida, Fitzpatrick and Clay, of Alabama, and myself, announced the withdrawal of the States from which we were respectively accredited, and took leave of the Senate at the same time. In the action which she then took, Mississippi certainly had no purpose to levy war against the United States, or any of them. As her senator, I endeavored plainly to state her position in the annexed remarks addressed to the Senate in taking leave of the body: I rise, Mr. President, for the purpose of announcing to
orktown land batteries. Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburgh, Va., was occupied by the forces of the United States. Their progress was disputed by a rebel force of one regiment of infantry, one of cavalry, and a battery of artillery, which attempted to make two distinct stands. They were, however, driven across the Rappahannock, after inflicting upon the Unionists a loss of five killed and sixteen wounded, all of them cavalry, including Lieut. Decker, of the Harris cavalry, killed; Col. Fitzpatrick, wounded, and a valuable scout, named Britten, badly wounded. Col. Bayard's horse was badly wounded under him. Immediately after making their escape across the Rappahannock bridge, opposite Fredericksburgh, the rebels applied the torch to it, and thus temporarily delayed progress into the town.--(Doc. 143.) In the afternoon, Lieut. Wood, of Gen. King's staff, Lieut. Campbell, Fourth artillery, and Major Duffie, of the Harris light cavalry, crossed the Rappahannock under a flag of tr
South-Carolina troops, and the Fifth Virginia. In this splendid counter-charge of our troops we killed a major, an orderly sergeant, and two privates, and wounded fifteen men. On the twenty-ninth we returned to Williamsburgh, and were sent immediately to this point. The national loss was very slight, we having only one killed and two wounded, whose names are as follows: Killed.--John Noetting, Fifth Pennsylvania cavalry, troop A. Wounded.------Riley, Fifth cavalry, troop I; Corporal Fitzpatrick, Fifth cavalry, troop I. The captures were not immense, but important. At New-Kent Court-House a civilian named O. M. Chandler was taken into custody b Colonel Onderdonk, and sent to Fortress Monroe. When the rebel pickets fled before us this man misled our officers, by wilfully stating that they took the road to the left, when he knew that they were on that to the right. By this means the greater portion escaped, and for this falsehood Chandler lost his liberty. Another arrest
nding the Forty-fourth Tennessee regiment, wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel Snowden, commanding the Twenty-fifth Tennessee regiment. Colonel Keeble, commanding Twenty-third Tennessee regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Ready, of Twenty-third Tennessee regiment, wounded. Major Lowe,-------Tennessee regiment, wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel Floyd, commanding Seventeenth Tennessee regiment. Major Davis, of Seventeenth Tennessee regiment, wounded and captured. Adjutants Cross, Gwynn, and Fitzpatrick, and Lieutenant Gregg, who came into action on Sunday morning. Also, Captain Terry, who after he was wounded on Saturday evening, rendered me valuable service on Sunday. Mention may also be made of the following: Private (Ex-Captain) Ridley, of the Twenty-Third Tennessee, who went into the action and fought manfully with a gun, setting a good example to all. Lieutenant Vernon, of Company B, Twenty-third Tennessee, for the manner in which he bore himself. On entering the action this co
rning, which we did in as good order as we could after having so severely engaged them. I would beg leave to mention the names of Lieutenant-Colonel Moore, of the Nineteenth Tennessee; Captain Hughes, of the Twenty-second Mississippi, and Adjutant Fitzpatrick, of the Twenty-second Mississippi, as acting gallantly all through the engagement. Captain Hughes fell in the last charge at the head of his men. The Fifteenth Mississippi was held in reserve with a battery, and was not in the fight. Theand, Seventh Kentucky regiment. Major J. C. Wickliffe, of the Fifth Kentucky. Privates John Thompson, Company H, and J. M. Byrd, Company G, Fourth Alabama battalion. Lieutenant-Colonel Moore, of the Nineteenth Tennessee regiment. Adjutant Fitzpatrick, Twenty-second Mississippi regiment. T. B. Smith, Report of Brigadier-General M. L. Smith. Headquartter Third District, Vioksburg, August--, 1862. Major M. M. Kimmel, A. A. G.: Major: The following report of the attack and defen
martial stood in the relationship of a prosecuting district-attorney, except for the fact that he had to protect the prisoner's interest when the latter was unable to employ counsel. Privates were seldom able to employ counsel, but officers on trial were generally able to do so. The officers composing this court were, from left to right, Captain Elliott, Sixtieth New York; Captain Stegman, One Hundred and Second New York (judge-advocate); Captain Zarracher, Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania; Captain Fitzpatrick, Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania; Captain Pierson, One Hundred and Thirty-seventh New York, and Captain Greenwalt, One Hundred and Eleventh Pennsylvania. quantity of supplies demanded. It was not difficult to procure guards for the prisoners, the number of medical men and the amount of medical supplies were unlimited, and since all of these could be transferred easily from one locality to another, there was no physical reason why a prison in one State or section might not be as good as t
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