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Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 4 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Irene E. Jerome., In a fair country 4 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 0 Browse Search
James D. Porter, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, Tennessee (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 26, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Democracy in New Netherland. (search)
hese met in New Amsterdam on Dec. 10, 1653. Of the eight districts represented, four were Dutch and four English. Of the nineteen delegates, ten were of Dutch and nine were of English nativity. This was the first really representative assembly in the great State of New York chosen by the people. The names of the delegates were as follows: From New Amsterdam, Van Hattem, Kregier, and Van de Grist; from Breucklen (Brooklyn), Lubbertsen, Van der Beeck, and Beeckman; from Flushing, Hicks and Flake; from Newtown, Coe and Hazard; from Heemstede (Hempstead), Washburn and Somers; from Amersfoort (Flatlands), Wolfertsen, Strycker, and Swartwout; from Midwont (Flatbush), Elbertsen and Spicer; and from Gravesend, Baxter and Hubbard. Baxter was at that time the English secretary of the colony, and he led the English delegates. The object of this convention was to form and adopt a remonstrance against the tyrannous rule of the governor. It was drawn by Baxter, signed by all the delegates p
ans of thrashing in Japan. It differs in no essential respect from that of other countries. The illustration, from a native painting, shows that both sexes engage in the work. 2. An ancient weapon used in war. It was a club swinging from the end of a long handle, like the morning-stars of the London train-bands, three centuries since. A war-club studded with iron spikes and mounted like a flail was found at Sakkarah, and is in the Abbott Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in New York. Flake. 1. A platform of slats, wands, or hurdles, on which fish or fruit is placed to dry. A fishflake. 2. A stage suspended over the side of a ship for the convenience of the painters or calkers. Flame-bridge. A wall rising from the floor of a furnace to cause the flame to impinge upon the bottom of the boiler. Flame-en′gine. An early name for the gas-engine, in which the piston is moved by the expansion due to the sudden combustion of a body of gas in the cylinder. See gas-eng
anchor.Ice-anchor. Drift-sail.Ice-beam. Driver.Inhaul. Drog.Jack-block. Drum-head.Jack-cross-tree. Dunnage.Jack-ladder. Earing.Jack-staff. Electric buoy.Jack-stay. Electric log.Jaw. Euphroe.Jeer. Eye.Jewel-block. Eye-splice.Jew's-harp. Fair-leader.Jib. Fake.Jib-boom. Fall.Jigger. Fall and tackle.Jury-mast. Fancy-line.Keckling. Fang.Kedge. Fast.Kennet. Fender.Kentledge. Fid.Kevel. Fid-hammer.Kite. Fife-rail.Knights. Filling.Knittle. Fish-davit.Knot. Fish-fall.Lacing. Flake.Ladder. Fleet.Ladder-way. Flemish eye.Lanyard. Flemish horse.Larboard. Floating-anchor.Lashing. Flying-jib.Lasket. Flying-jib boom.Latching. Fog alarm.Lateen-sail. Foot.Lazy-jack. Foot-rope.Lead Fore-and-aft sail.Leading-part. Fore-ganger.Leak-indicator. Forerunner.Leak-signal. Fothering.Lee-board. Fox.Leech. Frapping.Leech-line. Furling.Leech-rope. Gaff.Lee-fang. Gallows-bitt.Lee-faunce. Gammoning.Leeway-indicator. Gang-board.Life-buoy. Gang-cask.Life-car. Gangway.Life
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Irene E. Jerome., In a fair country, The life of birds (search)
st is rarely found; but in Minnesota, Thoreau found it more abundant than any other bird, far more so than the Robin. But his most interesting statement, to my fancy, was, that, during a stay of ten weeks on Monadnock, he found that the Snow-Bird built its nest on the top of the mountain, and probably never came down through the season. That was its Arctic; and it would probably yet be found, he predicted, on Wachusett and other Massachusetts peaks. It is known that the Snow-Bird, or Snow-Flake, as it is called in England, was reported by Audubon as having only once been proved to build in the United States, namely, among the White Mountains, though Wilson found its nests among the Alleghanies; and in New England it used to be the rural belief that the Snow-Bird and the Chipping-Sparrow were the same. After July most of our birds grow silent, and, but for the insects, August would be almost the stillest month in the year,—stiller than the winter, when the woods are often vocal w
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Irene E. Jerome., In a fair country, Snow (search)
e, and by the fire Help waste the sullen day. But our prevalent association with winter, in the Northern United States, is with something white and dazzling and brilliant; and it is time to paint our own pictures, and cease to borrow these gloomy alien tints. One must turn eagerly every season to the few glimpses of American winter aspects: to Emerson's Snow-Storm, every word a sculpture; to the admirable storm in Margaret; to Thoreau's Winter's Walk, in the Dial; and to Lowell's First Snow-Flake. These are fresh and real pictures, and carry us back to the Greek Anthology, where the herds come wandering down from the wooded mountains, covered with snow; and to Homer's aged Ulysses, his wise words falling like the snows of winter. Let me add to this scanty gallery of snow-pictures the quaint lore contained in one of the multitudinous sermons of Increase Mather, printed in 1704, entitled A Brief Discourse concerning the Prayse due to God for His Mercy in giving Snow like Wool. One
ppi, and was accomplished, said General Bragg, in the most brilliant and decisive manner. He was now under orders to recross the Tennessee river. Leaving Middleburg on the 25th, he moved toward McKenzie, Tenn., thence in the direction of Lexington. The Federal commander of the department had in the meantime concentrated large bodies of troops at various points, intending to capture this bold rider who had dared to invade a territory now claimed as their own. On the 31st Forrest moved from Flake's store, sixteen miles north of Lexington, in the direction of that point, and met the advance of the enemy after a march of four miles, at Parker's cross-roads. Here he engaged and fought the brigade commanded by Col. C. L. Dunham, Fiftieth Indiana, composed of two companies of the Eighteenth Illinois infantry, the Fiftieth Indiana, the One Hundred and Twenty-second Illinois, the Thirty-ninth Iowa and three pieces of the Seventh Wisconsin battery, reported by Colonel Dunham at 1,554 rank
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Roster of the Battalion of the Georgia Military Institute Cadets (search)
a. Atlanta, Ga. *Campbell, Jos. F., Mobile, Ala., died in Galveston, Texas, in 1904. Carlton, ——, *Cashin, Ed., Augusta, Ga. Anderson, S. C.. Died Oct. 11, 1897. Clarke,——. Cockerell, ——. Crutchfield, Wm. Ambrose, Macon, Ga. Dabney, ——. *D'Antignac, Frank, Augusta, Ga., died since the war. Dorsey, J., West Point, Ga., Opelika, Ala. Dozier,——. *Edwards, J. Polk, Opelika, Ala. Died there since the war. Elliott,——. Everett, ——. Fitzpatrick, ——., Madison, Ga. Flake, Warren W., DeKalb county, Ga. Jacksonville, Texas. *Foster, A. W., Madison, Ga. Freeman, ——. Gary, J. Gary, W. Gould, ——. Green, John M., Atlanta, Ga. Hamilton, Thomas A., Columbia county, Ga. Birmingham, Alabama. Hardee, J. *Hardee, W. P. Harlee, ——. Harrington, Henry P., West Point, now New York. Harris, John. *Haslem, George, Perry, Houston county, Ga. Hawkins, J. C., Merriwether county, Ga. Head, George M.
in the dead letter office. --The falling notice appears in the Washington of a recent date. Mr. Theophillus be recollected by some of our readers Yankee Universalist preacher, editor. It is possible that he may be slandered in the report, but as he is a Lincoln office holder, his old acquaintances will believe the worst that is said of him: It some time past the meagie returns made O. Kev. I Flake, of the Dead Letter office, has suspections that many of the valuable taken from the letters were pocketed by him. In view of this fact he was transferred few dock, when it was observed that the made by the clerk were far below the amount. On Friday morning last, before the reverend gentleman had commenced a work, a couple of letters containing mark and specie were put into his pile. In the afternoon, as usual, he stated that he had to make, and he was at once arrested by as officer who was present. He was worked and the marked money found on his In the drawer of