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e command, instantly ordered out two divisions, each of one hundred and fifty men; the Augusta troops, under his brother Charles Lewis, the Botetourt troops under Fleming. Just as the sun was rising, the Indians opened a heavy fire on both Chap. XV.} 1774. Oct. parties; wounding Charles Lewis mortally. Fleming was wounded thricFleming was wounded thrice; and the Virginians must have given way, but for successive reinforcements from the camp. Be strong, cried Cornstalk, the chief of the Red Men; and he animated them by his example. Till the hour of noon, the combatants fought from behind trees, never above twenty yards apart, often within six, and sometimes near enough to strik of that day proved themselves worthy to found states. Among them were Isaac Shelby, the first governor of Kentucky; William Campbell; the brave George Matthews; Fleming; Andrew Moore, afterwards a senator of the United States; Evan Shelby, James Robertson, and Valentine Sevier. Their praise resounded not in the backwoods only, b